Chapter 228: Huang Liyue's unacceptable mission

After beating Gui Bei and before visiting Matriarch Huang Yufeng, Huang Cixi had asked for her bodyguard. Although Huang Liyue still had an intimidating aura, partly because of her scar, she showed tiny signs of warming up to Huang Cixi. As she had always been very perceptive of other people's emotions, and also thanks to her powerful mind cultivation, Huang Cixi was now able to read her bodyguard as though she had spent her entire life by her sides.

Moreover, she had finally discovered many secrets Huang Liyue had been able to hide thanks to the matriarch. With just a few pieces of information, she was now aware of almost all of Huang Liyue's life, including how she had gotten that scar and why she would probably never try to heal it. That also explained why she got interested in Huang Cixi so quickly and why she was so protective of others to the point of becoming a bodyguard despite her status. With her cultivation and her degree of blood purity, she could have had a much more prestigious role within the Huang family. After all, in less than a millennium, she had formed more than half of the True Fiery Drops from 'Nine Chambers of Life Fire'. Maybe she had a real chance of breaking through to 9th-grade Spirit Warrior in the next millennium. In other words, she was as talented as Matriarch Huang Yufeng, and now, it made sense to Huang Cixi.

But she had asked for her for a completely different matter.

"Senior Huang Liyue, I will go into the Gate of Heaven and Hell."

Immediately, Huang Liyue got shocked. It wasn't completely out of her expectations, but it seemed to be way too soon. This was the ultimate test to finally become the next matriarch. Although the benefits were great, death was also a possibility. Strangely though, Huang Liyue could not imagine that young woman failing.

"I do not know how long it will take me at all. But I have several things to ask of you."

"You can ask me anything, Young Mistress."

In Huang Liyue's mind, Huang Cixi was almost certainly going to be the next matriarch. And after seeing her those last few months, she was convinced that this would be for the best. She was very smart and shrewd. But maybe she was a bit too soft. After all, she had spared Gui Bei's life. It was probably due to the deaths of her direct family. Clearly it had affected her. Leaving such a heinous and dangerous boy alive was a mistake. Hopefully, Matriarch Huang Yufeng would have him killed.

But after he had challenged the Huang family, making him disappear could bring dishonor and shame on the family. Some may start rumors, even if they were true, that they had silenced a mere boy. On the other hand, Gui Bei was known to have committed disgusting crimes. Not too many people would try to stir up trouble because of his death. However, they could still try to affect the Huang family through such an incident. Thinking some more, Huang Liyue wasn't sure whether they should kill him right away or not. The longer they waited, the more dangerous he could get. After all, he had broken through to Mortal Warrior in almost a year...

"I need you to kill Gui Bei."

Just as she was thinking about it, she received the order.

"I let him live to showcase the dignity and virtue of our family. But this brat is a thorn in our side. Considering what he's already been capable of, both in terms of cruelty and of cultivation speed, we have to get rid of him fast. Apparently, he seems to be able to feel spiritual senses. That is why I chose you for this mission."

Huang Cixi stood up and walked toward her bodyguard.

"But if I just wanted to kill him, I could ask a favor from Fang Shaolong. I'm pretty sure his Major Hall has enough contacts with assassins. What I want is more than that. Gui Bei has been able to develop his strength way faster than any human cultivator ever known. Although he showed no sign of being a demonic cultivator, I have a hard time believing that he got this strength through any orthodox means. Both the Major Hall and Governor Leng will probably tail him to find out how he got this power.

"And this is precisely what I want you to do. Since you've been a bodyguard for so long, your physical senses must be as developed as your spiritual ones. You must follow him and find out how he got those powers. Then, kill him and report back to the Huang residence. Unfortunately, I'll still be in the Gate of Heaven and Hell but Matriarch Huang Yufeng should be able to handle it properly.

"I know that this is not the kind of mission that you are used to undertake. But take this as an extension of your duties as bodyguard. Not only will you protect me, you'll protect the entire Huang family."

Huang Liyue was pensive. Killing Gui Bei was not a problem. But she would also have to lose the experts sent by both the Major Hall and Governor Leng. That was easier said than done. As though she could read her mind, Huang Cixi kept talking.

"Do not worry about the other pursuers. I'll ask Fang Shaolong to distract the men from Governor Leng. I have many things I know he will want in exchange, namely some information he's lacking concerning both the demonic cultivators and the Cao family. With Ye Zhiyun's connections in the Imperial City, I am sure I can find pieces of news about the investigation. I know for a fact that he will take the bait."

"I accept, Young Mistress."

Considering that Huang Cixi would be in the Gate of Heaven and Hell for a few years at least, Huang Liyue had no one to protect. With the return of Matriarch Huang Yufeng who had almost reached the Sage realm, no threat could endanger the Huang family. Even the upcoming stampede did not seem that dangerous. Besides, following and killing Gui Bei would not take too long either. In a month or two, this would be a done deal.


Huang Cixi went back to her seat. But she was not done at all.

"I still have some things to ask of you that you may not quite like... During my time in the Gate of Heaven and Hell, I want you to be someone else's bodyguard in the shadows."

This time, Huang Liyue was not so inclined to accept. Many names came to her mind. But if she had to protect someone outside of the Huang family, it wasn't something she really wanted to do. Maybe Huang Cixi just wanted her to protect her father, then that would be fine. But since she had said she wouldn't like it... Could she be talking about Ye Zhiyun? Well, she could accept it somewhat, considering his ties with Huang Cixi. But he was in the Major Hall, so he was protected.

"The person I want you to protect has already a powerful backer. But I also want you to spy on him in some manner, and gather as much information as possible." Huang Cixi knew that her demand would not be well received so she insisted on this aspect even though it wasn't her main concern. Maybe if Huang Liyue saw this as gathering information, she would accept it with less resistance. "I want you to protect Chen Guo."

"Chen Guo?!"

For once, this was completely outside of her expectations. Obviously, she knew about him. He was the one who had killed Huang Cixi's two brothers. Even though she knew that he had acted to protect his life and the life of another girl, the fact remained that he had killed members of the Huang family. For Huang Liyue, this was not something she could either forget or forgive. The best thing she could do was to not seek retribution. But protecting him... She was no fool, clearly Huang Cixi's intentions were not to spy on him, because she had done so in the Wubei Sect herself. Knowing her, she already knew everything about him. Could she have grown too close to the boy?

After she had asked to kill Gui Bei, Huang Liyue was sure that the young woman had recovered her calm and composure. She did not let random emotions and past attachments to her deceased brothers dictate her actions. But now she was doubting it. Thankfully, she was sure that Huang Cixi had no romantic affection toward the boy. But she still had affection nonetheless.

"I understand your reticence. But if I am not mistaken Chen Guo will come in Yinmen City very soon." Just evoking the name brought back some memories that the young woman pushed aside. "After all, not much help will go to protect them from the stampede. And I don't see him leaving the hometown his Dao companion unprotected.

"Please listen to me. At least for this period of time, observe him from afar and judge by yourself whether or not he is worthy of protection. The Wubei Sect, and even Xiao Xuefeng, will not be able to divert any personnel to guard him because of all their problems with demonic cultivators. Besides, they could even send a demonic cultivator or someone loyal to them without realizing it. Instead of a bodyguard, they would have sent an assassin. Thus, they probably won't trust anyone enough for that mission.

"You should know that next year, he will remain in the Wubei Sect all year long. Besides I'll be in the Gate of Heaven and Hell for some time. According to the records, it should take somewhere between four to seven years. I'm only asking you to protect Cao Yun while he is himself protecting Yinmen City.

"And I wasn't lying when I said that I wanted you to spy on him. But I don't want you to discover information on him, I already took care of this. I want you to gather information on his enemies. Demonic cultivators will surely try and get to him." Huang Cixi then thought about the Cao family. If the wrong person were to learn that Cao Yun had survived, even the Imperial City would potentially become a problem for him. Although she trusted Huang Liyue, she still didn't tell her. "By protecting him, you will also protect both me and our Huang family. Indeed, despite our... conflict, we both need the demonic cultivators taken care of.

"What do you say?"

For a very long while, Huang Liyue stayed hesitant.

"I am sorry, Young Mistress. I will not protect someone who killed my family members. Besides, I can't abandon our residence in this our of need." Huang Liyue looked the young woman directly in her eyes. "I'm certain you know about my past..."

Caressing her scar, Huang Liyue broke eye contact and kowtowed.

"Pardon my impertinence, Young Mistress."

Strangely, Huang Cixi was rather pleased by what had happened. For the very first time, she had seen the real Huang Liyue, not her bodyguard.

"Huang Liyue, I just ask you to watch over Chen Guo from afar when he is in Yinmen City. There is no reason for the stampede to be particularly brutal there. Besides, our residence should be one of the most protected places in the Hongchen Kingdom. Don't you trust our matriarch?"

Huang Cixi didn't want to let an outsider observe Cao Yun because she didn't want his identity to be revealed. If ever Huang Liyue came to know of it, Huang Cixi trusted her enough to keep it secret. If she really refused, she could maybe rely on Ye Zhiyun to find someone they could entrust with this mission. Still, the best thing would be for Huang Liyue to do it.

Once more, Huang Liyue was conflicted.

"I'm not asking you to protect him forever. Instead of seeing it as protecting Chen Guo, see it as protecting Yinmen City, my hometown."

Sighing heavily, Huang Liyue ended up letting it go.

"Fine, Young Mistress. Until the current stampede crisis is resolved, I will observe this boy. But if I have to choose being helping the city and saving his life, my choice is already made. I won't be presumptuous so I won't tell you what to do, but you shouldn't be attached to this boy."

"I do not mind when you speak your mind. It's quite the opposite in fact. Thank you for your time, you may go now."

Despite Huang Liyue's reaction, the young woman had a strange smile on her face. She was absolutely convinced that Cao Yun would win her bodyguard over. After all, he had won her over without even trying to. And now that she was aware of Huang Liyue's early life, she knew for a fact that she would accept the mission in the end.

Obviously, Huang Cixi sincerely wanted to protect Cao Yun, partly because he reminded her of her second brother, but also because he reminded her of herself. Just like her, his family had been killed. But of course, this had been way more brutal and for reasons way more nefarious and obscure. Despite this genuine desire, she had been truthful to her bodyguard. She also wanted to have someone close enough to learn more about the demonic cultivators who would try to kill Cao Yun. Even if they did not learn who he really was, they would still try to kill him nonetheless because he had opposed them several times already.

She was so certain of Huang Liyue's ultimate decision that Huang Cixi had already written a letter to Xiao Xuefeng to tell her that she would send a secret bodyguard to protect the young man while he was in Yinmen City.


Huang Liyue was not feeling well after her discussion. For the first time ever, she was a bit angry at Huang Cixi. She was certain that Huang Cixi knew about her past. Yet, she had asked her to protect someone who had killed her own family members...

Anyway, for now, she would take care of Gui Bei. Thus, she had to calm her mind.

After a few hours in her chambers, Huang Liyue packed some daily necessities just in case. Given her status, she had a spatial ring of course. Thus she took some supplies just in case. But she would not be gone for more than a few months at most. She just had to follow Gui Bei, find out where he had gotten his power, kill him and report back.

Furthermore, if the men from the Major Hall really distracted Governor Leng's men, the mission would be even faster. In a month or two, this would be done. Then, she would observe Cao Yun because her mistress had really insisted. But there was no way she would ever accept protecting someone who had harmed her own family. Never!