Chapter 280: Homage to the dead

Cao Yun was bowing in front of Family Head Huang Yi right in the middle of the garden in Huang Cixi's chambers. He had asked permission to pay homage to the memorial tablets of Huang Mingze and his sons. And now, here he was, faced with their grandfather.

The old man, who still looked rather young, had a fierce glare in his eyes as he looked upon the young man. Even if no one had told him, he would have known right away that this young man was Cao Yun. After all, he was the boy who had killed his two grandsons. And under other circumstances, he would have killed him as soon as he would have felt his presence.

The orders from the matriarch had been crystal clear though. In fact, more than these, those were his granddaughter's words that had really stayed his hand. After her stay in the Wubei Sect, she had asked him not to try and kill 'Chen Guo'. Besides, he had also saved her life. That wouldn't tip the balance in his favor in Huang Yi's eyes, but that still counted for something. Without those words of the girl he loved the most, Huang Yi would have forsaken reason. Indeed, killing the brilliant disciple of the Wubei Sect was a terrible move to make. Besides, Huang Liyue was probably watching over him and he would not have been able to injure him. But he would have probably tried anyway if not for his granddaughter's words.

"What do you want? Why did you come here? To seek forgiveness?"

Cao Yun raised his head. And Huang Yi saw that his eyes were also very fierce. But they were not full of anger like his. No, they were just determined. This boy had really thought before coming here. Moreover, Huang Yi could tell that he wasn't here to seek forgiveness. He wasn't a hypocrite.

"Family Head Huang, I never meant for any of this to happen. I never meant to hurt Sir Huang Mingze, Miss Huang Cixi or you. However, I do not think that my actions were wrong either."

Rage was starting to bubble up inside Huang Yi because he was starting to get where this was going.

"Indeed, there may have been better ways for me to handle the situation... But Family Head, if an innocent girl was being chased and threatened by several men who calmly discussed her death, wouldn't you do anything to help her?"

Yes, this was exactly what Huang Yi thought he would say. And he hated it, because he was right. In fact, if he had been in Yinmen City at the time, and if he had caught his grandson doing that, he would have probably broken some of his bones as a lesson. After all, the bones of a cultivator could heal fast. But of course, in his eyes, all the blame was on Huang Mingze, the bastard who had corrupted his daughter and doomed his grandchildren.

"Family Head, although I do not think my actions wrong, I cannot say that they were right either. As such, I pondered over it a lot... And I came to a conclusion. If I had to do it all over again, I would do it in the same fashion!"

After a hint of hesitation, Cao Yun's eyes became even more resolute.

"However, I have no hatred toward those I killed that day. And I know that I have hurt you who are innocent in the matter. Thus, I am here to apologize for that."

"You think this is that easy?! That I'm just going to pat you on the back and say 'no bad blood'?!"

"Family Head, please instruct me. What could I have done differently? What would you have done in my stead?"


All around Huang Yi, some flames were dancing in the air. While he was yelling, his breath was also becoming erratic.

"What I would have done...? What I would have done...? I would have..."

Every traits on Huang Yi was screaming in rage and agony. All the emotions he had bottled up inside him were getting out right now.

"I would have done the exact same thing!"

As those words finally got out of his mouth, he swung his arms in the air and caused two whips of flames to hit the ground in order to vent his anger.

"Hell, I would have completely wiped out all the criminals from the beginning! But those were my grandchildren! Do you think I'm happy with what they did?! No matter how much I blame others, they made their choice! They were old enough to know what it meant and yet they went with it! Do you think I like the fact that they died like common criminals?! Hell, like petty and pathetic would-be assassins!

"I know all of that. But it doesn't mean I can accept it either! They were my grandchildren! My flesh and my blood! And now they're gone!"

A few tears welled up in Huang Yi's eyes and got instantly vaporized by the heat his own skin was emitting.

Seeing no more rage but pain and sadness in the grandfather's eyes, Cao Yun kowtowed on the ground.

"Family Head, I do not regret my actions that day. But I sincerely regret the pain it has caused you. I know that you have served the Baziyun Province and mankind for centuries now. For such a man as you, I have nothing but respect. However, I cannot give you my life for something that I do not think was wrong. But if you truly believe me to have been in the wrong, I await your judgment on the matter."

Cao Yun had absolutely no intention of being killed. That being said, he was absolutely sincere. Because, after reading about Huang Yi, he knew him to be an honorable man. He was certain that he would make the right choice.

"Damn you! I see why she couldn't blame you any longer..." Those last words were barely audible, but Cao Yun picked up on them. "If you want my forgiveness, you won't get it! However, I won't hold you responsible for the actions of my own grandchildren any longer. That being said, I ask one thing in return. I want you to make an oath!"

As he spoke, Huang Yi's screams slowly faded away and he began to speak normally again. Hearing his last sentence, Cao Yun looked up. Right now, he had many important things to do and couldn't be bound by just any oath.

"Family Head, it will depend on the content of the oath."

"I see... What a pity that we met under such circumstances... You will surely be a great hero of mankind, and my grandchildren were your stepping stones. My oath is not something that you will refuse. If my granddaughter Huang Cixi is ever in a dire situation, I want you to help her as though she were your sister."

Immediately, Cao Yun stood up in shock. In other words, Huang Yi wanted Cao Yun to accept Huang Cixi as his sworn sister of sorts. This wasn't an oath he was prepared to bind himself with so easily, even if it could help soothe the situation with the Huang family. If he were to accept, he would almost become a distant member of the family in fact.

"Do not misunderstand me! I do not ask you to accept her as your sworn sister. I only ask that you help her as one if need be. Hell, I'll even settle for a one-time deal. One time, if Huang Cixi is in danger, I want you to help her as you would help your true sister. Can you make such an oath or not?"

For long minutes, both men stayed completely still. This was a difficult decision for Cao Yun. On one hand, he had come to try and make amends with Huang Yi because he had never wished to inflict any pain on him. On the other hand, he knew almost nothing of this Huang Cixi and any oath of his was very serious. If he made the oath, he would go through with it.

"Family Head, one time I agree to help Miss Huang Cixi. But depending on the circumstances, I may just save her life and nothing more."

"Fine. I am sure you will change your mind once you actually know her."

Huang Yi had wanted to tell Cao Yun that this granddaughter of his was his former servant. But he knew that she wanted to do so herself, and this was important for her.

"From this day onward, I will not hold any grudge against you. However, do not expect me to forget what happened."

As soon as he was done, Huang Yi disappeared. Even with his senses and his full focus, Cao Yun was unable to follow him. After that, he still payed his homage to the memorial tablets for some time and then left the Huang residence. He had asked some servants for some specific directions and he went there.


In the outskirts of the city, there was a rather big cemetery. Sadly, many people were currently working, digging new tombs for recently deceased cultivators and mortals. The stampede had caused a lot of damage. Some were just destroyed buildings, some were wounds, and others were deaths.

With all the activity, Cao Yun was completely unseen. And he went to an area where there was mostly nobody. There, he found a stone monument with many names on it. Each and every last one of these names was a stabbing knife to the heart for him, especially a few of them. Cao Beiwen. Cao Shui. Cao Guang. Cao Sheng. Cao Huiying...

As emotions were swirling inside his chest, the young man hesitated to use his mind cultivation to control all of it. But it didn't feel right. He didn't want to control those emotions. No, he wanted to fully express them, even though it could be painful. Otherwise, it would be as though he were a stranger to them. He had already almost forsaken the Cao name. He had neglected the Cao sword art. He could not go all the way to ease the pain. Right now, he wanted that pain!

Then he heard a voice in his head. This was Huang Liyue talking to him. Of course, she had been following him all this time. After all, she had sworn to protect him in the Yellow Death World. Yet, since they had gotten out, she had still kept protecting him.

"Do not worry. With me here, no one will even be able to see or hear you. Express yourself to your heart's content."

Those were the last words he needed to completely let go of any form of control. Suddenly, Cao Yun fell to the grounds in tears.

Huang Liyue did not try to eavesdrop, but she still heard a few words. However, nothing was intelligible with his tears. Mostly, he was saying sorry to all of his family.

"Father, Mother, Brother, I failed you. I could not protect Little Huiying... I could not do anything at all. Even now... But I swear that the Cao family will be avenged. I swear that our name won't disappear! Those who tried to eradicate us will taste your wrath through me. No matter how long or how painful it will be, I will eradicate those who are responsible, whether they be demonic cultivators or corrupt officials. But I also swear that I will make your name a source of pride and glory for all of mankind.

"And Father, I will always listen to your last words. I will find my way. I will not live for others, but for myself. I won't waste the life for which your sacrificed yours. When all of this is settled, I will explore the world and find what it is I truly want. By following the Way and the great path of cultivation, I will create my own goal in life."

After several hours of howling and crying, Cao Yun ended with clear words. Finally, he wiped his face and stood up.

"I'm sorry to have shown you such an ugly face. Whether you have reincarnated already or not, whether there is such a thing or not, I hope that I will make your proud. That's my only wish..."

Then, Cao Yun still stayed some time to clean the monuments. He also adhered to the rituals more closely, by burning some incense for example.


Some time after Cao Yun's departure, another man came to visit this particular monument, Fang Shaolong. Immediately, he saw that the monument had been attended to and that incense had been burned. Moreover, this wasn't just any kind of incense. He was able to recognize the smell of Blue Cedarwood. This smell was particular to him because his sister had always loved that one. And in his hands right now, he had such an incense stick as well.

Without attending to the monument, Fang Shaolong ran toward the nearest group. Although they were busy with their own mourning, they recognized the Hall Master of the Major Hall and did not dare send him away. No matter how many people he asked, no one knew who had attended to this monument. The best reply he got was that there had indeed been a lone boy who had walked through this place, but no one had paid much attention to him.


For a long time, Cao Yun had been indecisive and this had started to become a problem. But through the Yellow Death World and this farewell to his family, he was finally past it. Maybe he had needed some kind of closure. After all, he was not going to get justice for his family in a matter of months. But this visit, as painful as it had been, had been very good for Cao Yun. Now, he felt lighter and he had an even clearer goal in mind. Besides, this goal was not self-destructive.

And now, he had more clues and more leads, thanks to Can Mouye and Matriarch Huang Yufeng. Speaking of her, he had to meet with the matriarch in order to get as much information as he could. What she had already told him had made him think but this wasn't all, he was sure of it. However, would she tell him absolutely everything? No matter how much she claimed to have been friends with the Cao family, there was politic involved. That would especially be the case if either the Imperial City or the Emperor himself were involved somehow.

That being said, he was ready to accept any piece of information. He knew that she would probably not tell him everything, but that was fine as well. Right now, he had almost nothing to go forward with. His only clue was the Wolf Head Sect and it was certainly a red herring.

Thus, Cao Yun asked Huang Liyue for an audience with the matriarch. After her last conversation with her, the woman was not too keen to be faced with her again, but she was very professional. Even with his mind cultivation, Cao Yun was unable to detect anything wrong in her voice. Since the matriarch was waiting for Cao Yun, there was no need to delay their meeting. So Huang Liyue brought him to her immediately, before other duties could take her time.