Chapter 337: A lifelong pact

As Chief Elder Suxian had just taken the decision to leave for the Palace of Supreme Wisdom, a terrible noise echoed throughout the Wubei Sect. The sound reverberated through the bones and flesh of everyone present under the dome created by both the golden chains and the manifestation of 'The Shell Encompasses the World' from Sect Leader Xuan. This sound wasn't spread through air alone. In fact, it was spread through space itself. The cultivators with good senses, like Cao Yun, were even able to see the very fluctuations of space. For an instant, it was as though all the proportions changed, just as if a wave had passed through everything deforming space as it moved.

For Cao Yun, Mei Hua and Sun Liao, it was very faint. Ren Chao did not even sense anything unusual apart from the abominable noise. On the other hand, Chief Elders Suxian and Qinghe, as well as Elder Meng, felt everything clearly. They did not know enough about Sect Leader Xuan to fully realize what had happened, but they still had a fairly good idea of the situation.

Besides, after the initial noise, another one erupted. The battle between the chief elders and Mo Tian had resumed. Then, another tremor shook the Wubei Sect. The physician pavilion was a bit too close to the fight, but this allowed everyone to see what was going on. Da Mo's arm had risen even more. Almost all of its shoulder was now above ground. In fact, it was even possible to catch a glimpse of his neck. The skin of Da Mo's body was crimson red with bulging muscles and pulsating veins. All over his red flesh, there were also faint golden lines.

As soon as he saw that part of Da Mo's body, Cao Yun recognized Axiu Qian's kind. He had had his doubts for a long time, but now they were confirmed. Axiu Qian was of the same species as Da Mo. Demon God Da Mo had come from another world when he had invaded the Piaolu planet. According to the dates Cao Yun had in mind, Cleansed Asura's dying body had crashed on the planet before Da Mo arrived. Hence, Cao Yun wondered whether there was a connection of some kind. Maybe Da Mo had somewhat perceived something. But Cleansed Asura had tried to conceal everything about him so hard that no one ever noticed him. After all, he had been a God-Monarch.

Cleansed Asura came from another universe though. And the Drop of Wrath had belonged to Axiu Qian who was from yet another universe. If Axiu Qian and Demon God were from the same universe, that would be a bit far-fetched. Besides, Demon God Da Mo had no way to cross over to another universe. Maybe someone had helped him. But the most likely explanation was that Da Mo came from this very universe. After all, Cleansed Asura was perfectly identical to a human even though he was from another universe. Maybe Axiu Qian and Da Mo were just two members of the same species from two different universes.

Anyway, it wasn't really important right now. But Cao Yun was interested in the origin of Da Mo because he wanted to know more about the Drop of Wrath, Axiu Qian and Cleansed Asura. However, to learn more, he would first need to survive. And the fight didn't seem to be in favor of the orthodox cultivators.

Mo Tian was covered with perspiration and he had even used some of his blood essence to break some array formations holding Da Mo's body captive under the Devil's Jail. But no matter how weak he was, as long as his mind was clear, he could control Da Mo's body. Thanks to the blood retrieved in the Palace of Supreme Wisdom, Mo Tian had full authority on the regrown body of the Demon God.

'The Breeze Takes Away the Shell'!

From the thirteen scutes all over the sky, new scutes appeared and dived toward Mo Tian. However, the bloody chains were even faster than before. Mo Tian was now perfectly immobile in the air. All his focus was on the giant arm. Thanks to that, his control over its powers had grown. More bloody chains appeared and went for the other chief elders. Blood also spurted from the demon's body. Turning into various weapons, the blood flew toward the orthodox cultivators as well.

Thanks to Chief Elder Baishen and Spirit Master Xiao, they were perfectly coordinated. They had assumed a battle formation. Each of their movements were meant to increase the power of the entire group. All around them, Spirit Master Xiao had used the Seal of Authority to gather all the characters from Ancestor Wu that had been engraved in the disciplinary pavilion. They were now forming a small legions of golden soldiers. Each one was clad in complete armor. And they all had a different weapon, but none were part of the Eighteen Classical Weapons. In fact, they looked more like ritualistic or ceremonial weapons.

Indeed, each soldier was in fact one of the rules engraved by Ancestor Wu. And the general was the very first rule "Mankind is the treasure of the Hongchen Kingdom!". With every movement from the chief elders, those golden soldiers were attacking the blood weapons and bloody chains. But the chief elders were also attacking in person. Stallions made of water were trying to stampede on the ground. A giant bell appeared above the arm. With each ringing of the bell, shockwaves caved in the ground. The arm even flinched as a few meters of it went back underground at some point.

Then, the arm extended through blood and grabbed the bell, completely crushing it. Chief Elder Xiaoci spurted a mouthful of blood and Chief Elder Mingren supported him before he could fall to the ground.

From Xiao Xuefeng's melody, myriads of white cranes also appeared. Combined with hundreds of other Qi Manifestations, it looked as though an entire army was fighting against Mo Tian and the arm.

And the greatest attack had not even begun yet. After his failure, Sect Leader Xuan was gathering his strength. Right now, he was deemed as the most powerful cultivator in the entire Hongchen Kingdom. Rumors about his old age had been spread. But now that Cao Yun could see him, despite his old age and his gentle traits, he looked incredibly fierce. This was a man who had been hardened on many battlefields. There was no way he would lose so easily, especially against a traitor. Besides, Cao Yun could feel something being slowly awaken within him. He was biding his time to unleash an attack even more powerful than before.

Something strange was also happening with Mo Tian. It felt as though his soul was slowly leaving his body.

In his sea of consciousness, Cao Yun heard a hissing sound. This was Dian Mo.

"Despicable vermin!"

"What is it?"

"Oh? Are you interested in what's going on with the pathetic human and Demon God Da Mo's body? Let me tell you a secret, all your friends are soon going to die. I have to admit that that geezer seems powerful. And for a Spirit Warrior, he truly is. My master would have needed two or three seconds to crush him. That's very impressive indeed. But he's going to die very soon."

"If you spoke, it's because you want something. You know of a way to prevent that, don't you?"

"I'm not too sure about that, but it would improve your chances, yes! However, why should I help you at all?"

"It's simple. If I die, you will surely die with me. You should have noticed. Your spirit has been tied by my Drop of Wrath and my mind cultivation. Those Nine Soul Peaks are a representation of my Upper Dantian. If it's destroyed, you will be killed as well."

"But if I help you, I will be killed too. For now, you've agreed to keep me a secret to help your friend's master. But after this giant crisis, you'll give me to one of your elders to be searched, tortured and killed. We both know that my days are counted. So, why shouldn't I let my former master's body kill you all? Dying by his hands wouldn't be so bad for me..."

"I know that you're lying! A human is controlling your master's body. I guess that you hate it beyond measure. If Emperor Nuwa's body was defiled in such a way by a demon, all of mankind would gladly sacrifice their life to stop it. So stop trying to play with me, what do you want in exchange for your help?"

"It's easy. What I want has not changed. I want your body! If you surrender your body to me, I'll help you out."

"And you should know that I'll never agree to such terms. If I do that, in time, you will become a threat as great as Mo Tian is right now, even greater maybe. We both know that this is not something that I can accept. But I have other terms for you. I can guarantee that you will not be harmed if you give me information that allows me to help vanquish Mo Tian."

"Humph! What guarantees can you give me? Even if you swear, you can't make a promise for your elders..."

Cao Yun knew where Dian Mo was trying to bring the conversation. This negotiation had been a fool's game since the beginning. Both knew what the other wanted and what he could not give. But Dian Mo was trying to pressure Cao Yun to get as much as he could. None knew exactly where the red line was. What would Cao Yun be ready to give? What would Dian Mo accept in exchange for his help?

"Fine. I will swear that if you help us and we survive, I will hide your existence to everyone else. That way, no one will be able to harm you. You should know that no one, not even you, is able to detect the Drop of Wrath. As long as I will it, your existence will stay a secret. I can swear to that. What say you?"

"But I will always be your prisoner... I also want you to promise that you will never hurt me. More than that, you will swear to risk your own life to save mine if need be. And you will swear to find me a body before ten years."

"You're insane! I will never risk my life for you. However, I can swear to never willingly harm you. And if ever I find a body for you to inhabit, I swear to give it to you in one hundred years."

"Even the body of Demon God Da Mo?"

"If I don't find another body before one hundred years, yes."

Because Cao Yun was an orthodox cultivator, a promise made with his Dao Heart was as good as gold. Indeed, breaking such a promise could create a powerful inner demon and kill him. Unless the promise was too unacceptable, he would never break it.

Dian Mo reflected a long time on those terms. They were not perfect. But as long as he assured his survival, he would get new opportunities to negotiate with the young human. Unfortunately, he had not all the time he would have wished for. He could sense that Da Mo's body was growing stronger. And he knew what the demonic cultivator was trying to do. He had to prevent it even more than what Cao Yun thought. If Mo Tian succeeded, demons would become slaves to humans. Although he wasn't a demon himself, Dian Mo had been created by the Demon God. And he could not bear to see his body defiled and his successors enslaved. That was ironic considering what they had done to mankind for millenniums.

"I only have one other condition. You will do nothing to stop me from sensing what is going on outside. I have been a prisoner of darkness for a long time. I want to see the outside world, now."

Indeed, Cao Yun had discovered that Dian Mo could see through his physical senses. And with his mind cultivation, it was only a matter of time for him to find a way to block him.

"Everyday, I can block your senses for two full double hours. You will get way more freedom than what you had when you were in the Demon Palace."

Dian Mo thought about it. The main reason he had made this request was because he had almost gone insane in the Demon Palace. And he was forced to admit that he had grown accustomed to his prison. Right now, he was strangely feeling safe. He hated that feeling but he had to admit that it was true. For now, he didn't really want to leave. Seeing the world through the eyes of this human would be a good way for him to slowly taste freedom once more. Hopefully, it would vanquish his anxiety and he would be ready to leave his sea of consciousness. One hundred years was a short span of time for Dian Mo who had been captive several millenniums.

He had guaranteed himself safety, entertainment and even the possibility of release, although it wasn't certain considering the phrasing of Cao Yun. He could work with that. Pressuring Cao Yun right now was not the right move. He could wait a hundred years or even more before making other requests. He wasn't too hopeful about finding another body for himself. Besides, he knew that Da Mo's body would not be a good option, because it was sealed under the Wubei Sect. Since there was no way for the current humans to destroy it, it would stay sealed. Dian Mo didn't want to be trapped in yet another seal.

"Fine, I'll help you out. Swear on your Dao Heart and I will explain what's going on and how to stop it."

Cao Yun repeated the terms and swore. He would not willingly harm Dian Mo. He would keep his existence an absolute secret to prevent others from harming him. He would allow him twenty hours per day to see the world through his senses freely. And if he could find him a suitable body, he would let him take it in one hundred years. Of course, he added that those conditions were only valid if Dian Mo truly helped.

"Great. Then, I'll tell you what's going on. This Mo Tian used the blood essence to awaken Da Mo's body. But that's not his main goal. Right now, he's trying to relocate his own soul into Da Mo's body. My guess is that he wants to transcend the Spirit Warrior realm by taking over a body that has already exceeded it by a large margin. He used a bit of his own blood essence to mix it with Da Mo's blood. If he's successful, he might even be able to grow meridians and Dantian in Da Mo's body.

"In other words, if you don't stop him now, he will be way beyond your reach."