Chapter 360: Dao and Domain

"Until then, you should hide your identity. Thankfully, not that many people could recognize you. Besides you've grown quite a lot since you've joined our Wubei Sect. We will announce that you have entered seclusion in order to absorb the teachings I've given you. As the new Young Sect Master, that is not weird at all. In fact, it's exactly what I would suggest you do if we were not pressed for time. With Spirit Master Xiao's connection inside the Myriad Cherry Blossom Hall, we can make sure that everyone believes that you are indeed still within our Wubei Sect, especially if we make a huge spectacle out of your nomination. I'm rather certain that part is already a success..."

Cao Yun was in perfect agreement with Sect Leader Xuan. As Chen Guo, he would probably be in as much danger as if he took back his real name. Since Spirit Master Xiao had been able to create a fake identity for him, she could do it again.

"Sect Leader, I do think that this is a good idea. I still have a few things to learn before I depart though. But after I'm done, I'll bid farewell to my friends since they all have their own venues to pursue. After that, I'll set toward Baziyun City, visit the ruins of the Wolf Head Sect on the way. And once I'm done, I will consider participating in the Alchemy Conference."

"Good. Hiding your identity is essential. Thus, Spirit Master Xiao created a fake persona for you yet again."

Documents appeared in mid-air. Cao Yun took them and saw the biography of an alchemist. He was almost five years older than Cao Yun and was named Guai Mo. His past was a bit dark as he had dabbled with poison and had even killed a few people who had threatened him. But he had been able to stay free thanks to his status as a 5-star Earth alchemist. Since then, he had broken through and was a 1-star Human alchemist. He had been stuck at this grade for at least two years despite his cultivation which had been going nicely as he was a 3rd-grade Mortal Warrior.

Everything seemed absolutely legit. There were many names, locations and dates to remember. If he had not known better, Cao Yun might have thought that this Guai Mo had truly existed. He wasn't a vicious character, but he could be deadly if threatened.

"This Guai Mo will be you for the foreseeable future. But we still have a lot to discuss. Namely, I'd like to talk about the Sage realm. There is little known about the realms beyond the first three. Although the 'Universal Law of Immortality' talks about them all, only the light version of this manual is now known throughout the Hongchen Kingdom. After all, it has been fourteen thousand years since anyone has been able to cross over the Greater Tribulation and break through to the Sage realm."

As he spoke, a manuscript appeared from Sect Leader Xuan's spatial ring. At first glance, Cao Yun recognized the 'Universal Law of Immortality'. It was probably the most renown literary work in the Hongchen Kingdom. This was one of the sacred treasures left behind by Emperor Nuwa before she ascended. Thanks to this manual, mankind had been able to cultivate immortality once more.

This was thanks to this manual that mankind had been able to revolt against their oppressors and topple Demon God Da Mo. In the manual, the human cultivation system was divided into nine realms. According to the legends, Emperor Nuwa had studied the Dao and derived how mankind could achieve true immortality from it. But nowadays, only the first three realms were talked about.

With time, even the new copies of the 'Universal Law of Immortality' manual only had the first three realms. Apart from very old versions of the manual, the last six realms were not discussed at all. Of course, the Wubei Sect had copies of the original manual. Although the other realms were now unreachable, mankind would have never forsaken the original work of Emperor Nuwa. Often, full copies were still made to ensure that the original content was not lost. However, no one taught it anymore because it was useless except for someone who had become a late Spirit Warrior.

The manuscript that was now flying toward Cao Yun was thicker than the one he knew about. He could imagine that it was the full copy of the 'Universal Law of Immortality'.

"According to Emperor Nuwa, the nine realms of cultivation can be grouped in three separate categories. Mortal, Mortal Warrior and Spirit Warrior are only the initial stages of cultivation during which a cultivator can't even study the Dao. Those three realms are just the prerequisite to then learn the mysteries of the Dao during the Sage, Monarch and Immortal realms. And only after breaking through those six first realms, one would reach the transcendental stages, God, God-Monarch and Dao.

"Even my achievement which is seen as absolutely supreme by some cultivators is only considered the last step in the initial stages. Back in the Founding Era, I would have only been a very advanced beginner. Indeed, even as a 9th-grade Spirit Warrior, I cannot study the Dao. I've only been able to get a glimpse of a tiny part of it thanks to the accumulated efforts of all the past sect leaders. Without them, I would have no idea what the Dao of Space even was.

"You see, the Greater Tribulation at the end of the Spirit Warrior realm consists in finally seeing the world through the Third Eye of the Spirit Embryo. Even now, my Spirit Embryo sees the world through my physical body and as such, its vision is blurred. Only after crossing over this tribulation one can see the Dao. The Dao is the fundamental principle behind and before everything else. It is from the Dao that everything exists and operates.

"Of course, even a Sage can't directly understand the Dao, that is why they study fragments of it. For example, the Dao of Space is a very important Dao that needs to be studied at some point by any cultivator. What I know of it is just the most fundamental aspect of it. Even with all the knowledge from the past and all the experiences of my predecessors, I barely grasp what this Dao is truly about. Indeed, it's impossible to teach a Dao to someone else. To understand it, you have to feel it yourself. The only thing you can do is describe your sensations and explain your understandings. It can help to a certain extent..."

This reminded Cao Yun of 'Death Verses'. From Sect Leader Xuan's explanations, Cao Yun slowly realized that this text was not a real method, it was more of a journal in which Cleansed Asura had explained how he had felt while manipulating Death Energy. He had written it in several verses, but those were not the same chapters as a martial art manual. Maybe he had thought about it wrong. This wasn't a technique at all, this was the perception of a Dao Cleansed Asura had been pursuing, the Dao of Death.

"For now, I'd like to talk to you about Domains. Domains can, in theory, only been achieved by a Monarch. What you've seen me use can be called a pseudo-Domain, but only during our Forsaken Dao Era. A real Domain is something way beyond that. During the Sage realm, the cultivator's sea of consciousness would evolve into an entire world called an inner world. Then, after becoming a Monarch, one would be able to manifest parts of this inner world in the physical world around him. That is what is called a Domain. Within a Domain, the one who manifested it is absolute.

"Contrary to my meager pseudo-Domain, there is no way to break a Domain except through the use of another Domain. A Monarch is absolutely more powerful than any cultivator beneath that realm. Indeed, even the weakest of Domains cannot be broken by anything else than another Domain. And within a Domain, the one who manifested it is invincible. When facing a Monarch, even a Sage cannot put up a fight. The only real strategy is to stay far enough so as to not enter their Domain.

"The reason why I tell you all that is because I truly believe that you have what it takes to finally break the curse of our Forsaken Dao Era. There are many things around you that are intriguing. And I know Matriarch Huang well enough to see through her lies and half-truths. I know you obtained a legacy from a cultivator way beyond the Sage realm, maybe even a God or higher. Do not worry, I won't ask you to reveal it to me. I imagine that you won't stay bound to our Wubei Sect for more than a few centuries.

"That being said, I hope that you will always remember our Wubei Sect and the Hongchen Kingdom. I do not know how far you'll be able to go, but you are the only hope I see of breaking through the Sage realm in the foreseeable future."

After hearing all that from Sect Leader Xuan, Cao Yun finally responded.

"Sect Leader, I am not ingrate. Even if you had not taken me in as the Young Sect Master, I would have repaid the Wubei Sect for what it gave me. As the Young Sect Master, I do not know whether I will fulfill your aspirations. But I can swear that I will always cherish the Wubei Sect. Besides, the first rule of Ancestor Wu will always be dear to me as well. No matter what caused my family's death, I will not forsake the entire Hongchen Kingdom. Even if the Emperor in person is behind it, I will protect the legacy of Emperor Nuwa."

"Good. Then, you should study the real 'Universal Law of Immortality'. Unfortunately, the text becomes too cryptic for us to understand beyond the Sage realm. But you should also visit Chief Elder Lümian. I am sure she can help you concerning your interest in seals. And here is my personal library, read it as much as you want."

From Sect Leader Xuan's spatial ring, entire bookshelves appeared. There were thousands of books and manuals. After he was done, Sect Leader Xuan kept the array formations active but he disappeared behind a curtain, leaving Cao Yun to study.

Without waiting, Cao Yun read the title of every manual and book. They were all very interesting although they did not cover Cao Yun's interests. There was no specialized book on alchemy or array formations. Of course, many would talk about it but it was not their main topic. In terms of martial arts, there was nothing about spearmanship. However, there were general books on Martial Aura, Martial Intent and Martial Heart. There were also various books discussing philosophy, poetry, politics and history.

Using his mind cultivation, Cao Yun proceeded to memorizing the contents of all the books he found somewhat interesting. Memorizing was not the same thing as understanding though. But with his powerful mind cultivation, Cao Yun was able to get a good grasp on what he was reading. And he was also reading extremely fast. It would be way easier to study it further later on.

One of the manuals reminded him of 'Death Verses'. It was very vague but he felt as though they were closely related. This was called 'Daydreams on the Heidai Peak'. At first, it looked like a poetry anthology. When he saw the names of the authors, Cao Yun understood that every single sect leader of the Wubei sect since Ancestor Wu had written in it. This wasn't just poetry, this was their understanding of the Dao of Space.

Some passages were very clear while others felt like fever dreams. They had written what they had experienced when they tried to cross over the Greater Tribulation. Each one had tried to see through the Dao, the Dao of Space in particular. Not every passage was as inspired and useful as the others but they all had pieces of the puzzle that was the Dao of Space.

Anyway, for now, Cao Yun had almost no way of understanding what those poems were referring to. As Sect Leader Xuan had just told him, it was necessary to feel a certain Dao, to experience it, in order to understand even a tiny fraction of it. Those poems might help him, but for now they were just strange aphorisms. However, it opened his eyes as to how to practice 'Death Verses'.

Right now, Cao Yun had no real way of feeling the Dao of Space. However, he had Death Energy within himself. Maybe he could find a way to work on the Dao of Death somehow. He would not reach a high level of proficiency. But as everything else, having a bit of experience in sensing any form of Dao would help him while trying to explore other Daos. Besides, 'Death Verses' was the only text apart from 'Cultivation of Wrath' he could read from Cleansed Asura's memories.

Cao Yun could not be sure whether he had only helped him decipher it to save Huang Liyue's life or if there was something deeper. Anyway, he would try to develop it if only to improve his understanding of the Antique Sixian. He was still convinced that it was his best bet to understand this language.

While he was reading, Cao Yun felt Dian Mo who was avidly reading as well. At any moment, he could have forbidden him to see through his physical senses, but he did not. After talking with him a bit more, the young man had realized that Dian Mo was extremely curious and talkative. After being imprisoned for several millenniums, this wasn't surprising at all. But Cao Yun was certain he could use it against him.

Although he had been created by Demon God Da Mo, Dian Mo was not a demon, he was a spirit. And he had helped Cao Yun to get rid of Mo Tian and Da Mo's body. Of course, he had acted out of self-interest as well, but this wasn't necessarily a bad thing. For some time, their lives would be linked. If Cao Yun were to die, Dian Mo would die as well. As such, Dian Mo had a huge incentive to keep Cao Yun alive and well.

Coupled with his curiosity and his loose tongue, Cao Yun was convinced that having him in his sea of consciousness was not such a bad thing after all...