Chapter 364: Farewell to the bronze cauldron

When Cao Yun went to the reception desk, the man behind it recognized him immediately. On his chest, he still had the colors of his Heavenly Swallow Faction as well as his 5-star Earth alchemist emblem. The Young Sect Master had decided to wait after his duel to take his 1-star Human alchemist test. Just like any other alchemy test, he had to forge a pill of the corresponding rank with a Pure quality at least. This was the highest quality one could achieve without luck.

Indeed, unless the alchemist was forging a pill way beneath his own level, producing a True Essence pill was up to fate. Of course, it wasn't the case with Cao Yun thanks to his mind cultivation. But even he could not guarantee a True Essence pill even when making low level pills. For a 1-star Human pill, he had no confidence in refining a True Essence pill yet. However, he was certain he could pass the test. In fact, he had already chosen his pill, the Burning Gate Flood pill.

During his time outside of the sect, he had used one to help Huang'er survive her wounds. Unfortunately, it had not saved her from Can Mouye in the end. However, after seeing its effects, he was absolutely certain he could refine it without any problem. The main ingredients for the Burning Gate Flood pill were Golden Thread Rhizome, Blood Clot Enoki and Phoenix Tear Resin. Each one was considered a 1-star Human ingredient.

Golden Thread Rhizome was a root that was extremely rich in Earth element and in Yin. Blood Clot Enoki was a tiny mushroom that was mostly found in extreme Yang environments. Most of the times, it could be found in extremely arid forests hidden beneath the bark of dying trees. Finally, Phoenix Tear Resin was a coagulation of various fluids from several plants. It was very difficult to find it in nature but it could be produced in gardens by placing the right plants close to one another. While Blood Clot Enoki was rich in Wood element, Phoenix Tear Resin was almost entirely Water element.

Phoenix Tear Resin could only be used at very high temperatures when it became liquid. And it was the main ingredient to replenish the blood in a human body. On the other hand, Golden Thread Rhizome was full of vitality and was used to prevent the person taking the pill from dying of exhaustion. Indeed, the Phoenix Tear Resin would promote blood production by literally using the vitality of the body. Thus, it could be fatal to take it alone. And finally, Blood Clot Enoki was used to prevent hemorrhage during the process as it was known to promote coagulation.

The main difficulty with this pill was to harmonize three different elements. Indeed, Water could nourish and promote Wood but also weaken Earth. Earth could regulate or block Water while destroying Wood. And finally Wood could consume Water, deplete Earth or be nourished by Water and rotten by Earth. The dynamic between those three elements was very subtle and had to be balanced out. Besides, the refinement process had to be done under very high temperature so that the Phoenix Tear Resin stayed liquid at all times. That meant that Fire element would also enter in the mix to destabilize everything.

The goal was to enhance the Phoenix Tear Resin's properties with Golden Thread Rhizome while keeping them in check with Blood Clot Enoki. In other words, Earth had to absorb Water and Wood had to make it stable. The image Cao Yun had in mind was the rain absorbed in the ground and the roots of trees keeping the soil firm, preventing any erosion. And all that had to happen at high temperature.

This pill would mainly test Flame Control and Five Elements Wheel from the Five Golden Elixir Principles. Of course, Cauldron Maintenance and Ingredients Preservation would also intervene but Cao Yun had trained on those. He had prepared his ingredients several times without any problem at all. However, he was precisely there to get a new cauldron before he could take, and pass, the test.

The receptionist lead Cao Yun into a corridor. He opened several doors before finding where Meng Jia had hidden. Right now, he was laying behind a bookshelf in a completely dark room. Just like Zhong Ling, the receptionist had no patience for Meng Jia. Most likely, Zhong Ling had briefed him on how to act with this alchemist. As soon as he heard Meng Jia snore, he entered the room without any sound. From the shelf, he took a dozen of heavy books. Then, he quickly opened the curtains while dropping all the books beside Meng Jia's head.

Immediately, the newly appointed elder jumped. As soon as he opened his eyes, he closed them and put his arm before his face while moaning in pain.

"Elder Meng, the Young Sect Master is here to see you. I'll get your personal study ready for the 1-star Human alchemy test."

Without waiting for an answer, the receptionist left. Cao Yun was still at the door when Meng Jia turned around. Only one of his eyes opened. Apparently breaking through had made him even more sleepy as his eye was barely open at all. In fact, without his senses, Cao Yun would have not even seen it beneath his eyelids.

"Ah, Chen Guo! I heard about your exploits against Zhi Yin. Who would have thought that even Sect Leader Xuan would take such an interest in you?! However, you've neglected your alchemy recently. I guess that you want to participate in the Alchemy Conference. But the Human rank is way more complicated than you think. Even Mei Hua who's a true genius has studied all her life to be ready for this level. No matter how talented you are, I don't think you've exceeded the 2-star Human rank despite your current cultivation."

Meng Jia stretched a bit as Cao Yun could hear his bones crack. Then he dusted off his robe. The elder had literally been sleeping behind a bookshelf and was covered in dust. But with his spiritual senses and his Wei Qi, he completely got rid of it all. No one would be able to guess where he had been just an instant ago. However, his demeanor had not changed that much. Although his looks were dignified, his posture wasn't, as both his eyes were closed.

Yes, a Spirit Warrior did not need his eyes to see, but it looked like Meng Jia was sleeping while standing up. The truth was that he was probably still partially asleep indeed. But Cao Yun was used to his antics by now. And he knew that his teacher was attentive when it counted. He fully trusted him and not just when it came to alchemy.

"Have you gotten a real cauldron by now?"

"No, Elder. I'm still using the basic bronze cauldron I received from Zhong Ling."

Hearing Zhong Ling's name, Meng Jia's expression changed for an instant. It was brief but long enough for Cao Yun to notice both sadness and disappointment.

"It's truly a shame that this girl left our Wubei Sect. She wasn't very talented but she truly loved alchemy and it was showing..."

Zhong Ling had probably been the woman who had spent the most time with Meng Jia apart from Cao Yun. In fact, she seemed to always know where he was hiding for his naps and often scolded him about neglecting his work. When Meng Jia was forced to take care of the alchemy pavilion during Xiao Xuefeng's absence, he had chosen Zhong Ling as his assistant.

"Teacher, what happened to her? I just heard that there was some family matters..."

"I'm not too sure either. She left when I was still in seclusion. Since there has been so much chaos, I haven't had a lot of time but I still tried to contact her. I've reached her family but I haven't received an answer from them or her yet. Anyway, let's not talk about this right now. If you wish to take the 1-star Human test, your mind must be clear and composed. Your bronze cauldron won't cut it as a Human alchemist. Well, it was probably not good enough to be a real 5-star Earth alchemist either anyway. Thankfully, I knew you would not have a real cauldron on hands so I had one made just for you. I asked a favor from Chief Elder Tingyu and I gave him very specific instructions after witnessing your way of alchemy."

From Elder Meng Jia's spatial ring, a new cauldron appeared. It was twice the size of Cao Yun's bronze cauldron. At first glance, it looked like several tree trunks intertwined with each other in the shape of a semi-sphere. But those trunks were coated in metal as well. Although the metal was clearly visible, the trees seemed to still be alive. At least, they had kept their full vitality. That wasn't necessarily a good thing as it would push the cauldron toward the Wood element. Cao Yun would have to be very careful what he was making with such a cauldron.

There were ways to modify the elements within a cauldron though. This was the whole point of Cauldron Maintenance. Not only was it referring to keeping the cauldron clean and make sure that there was no damage on it, it was also about preparing it. Just like powders were used to change the nature of flames, powder or ingredients could be used to nourish a cauldron and slowly change its properties.

"Do not worry, I've personally treated this cauldron. You'll need to watch it of course, but it is perfectly balanced in all Five Elements right now. However, the vitality of the trees will help you create more stable pills while giving you even more control over the heat distribution. This cauldron is called the 'Aureate Grove Crucible'. And to go with it, I've also commanded a furnace. Here it is."

The 'Aureate Grove Crucible' rose in the air as a furnace appeared above it. Under the cauldron, the trees formed what looked like hundreds of roots. They were very stylized as many tendrils forming a complex maze and finally created half a dozen of legs for the 'Aureate Grove Crucible'. Beneath this cauldron, the furnace was also extremely stylized. The theme of the woods and the trees was maintained here as well. As soon as he saw it, Cao Yun even thought that it was made of wood but it wasn't at all. There were many compartments to store ingredients, tools and powders. On the furnace itself, there was of course the place to start a fire under the cauldron, but there was also enough space to prepare ingredients and to place powders close-by during a refinement.

Both of these had to be at least 2-star Heaven artifacts.

"This furnace is named 'Aureate Grove Blaze'. This set has been thought together and they will perfectly complement one another. With those, your control over the flame should be improved vastly. Although it might seem as if the Wood element would take over, I can assure you that it won't. Chief Elder Tingyu made sure of it by using an alloy of Celestial Inborn Bronze and Divine Ice Steel. Of course, both metals are rare so they're not very present, but enough to be useful. You'll just have to inject the right type of Qi within to change the balance of the entire set, harmonizing cauldron and furnace."

Cao Yun had to admit that those were impressive and he couldn't wait to work on them.

"Let's not delay your test any further!"


Both men went to Meng Jia's personal study. Everything was ready for the test as the receptionist had cleared a part of the room for Cao Yun's furnace.

Without waiting any longer, Cao Yun took out the 'Aureate Grove', the set of the cauldron and the furnace. In front, of Meng Jia, he prepared his ingredients expertly. Then, he began to use his 'Shen Visualization' to imagine the entire process in his mind. Soon, he was ready. Without moving, he activated the fire by using his Qi.

As a Mortal Warrior, he now could use his Qi to move around light objects as long as they were close enough to him. For example, martial artists could use their Qi to control light flying swords but they were limited in their range. And alchemists could control most of their ingredients, powders and even tools without touching them. Since preparing the ingredients was very delicate, many alchemists still used their body even after reaching the Spirit Warrior realm.

For the same reason, many alchemists handled the ingredients and the powders with their hands instead of their Qi because they didn't want to disturb the balance within them. In fact, some alchemists even went to the extent of lessening their Wei Qi to the minimum so that it wouldn't disturb their refinement process.

That being said, Cao Yun was very confident in his ability. He wasn't trying to boast in front of Meng Jia. No, he was taking it very seriously. And he was so focused on his mind that he had simply forgotten to use his body. His Qi and his intent were completely enveloping the cauldron and the furnace. Whatever he was feeling was feeding his 'Shen Visualization'. And whatever he was visualizing was becoming reality through his Qi manipulation.

The cauldron was indeed perfectly neutral. Cao Yun could separate the flames into several tendrils. Each one had slightly different properties and even different temperatures. Right now, he was making sure that the Phoenix Tear Resin was completely molten and perfectly homogeneous. Then, he began to introduce the other ingredients piece by piece. Both the Blood Clot Enoki and the Golden Thread Rhizome had been minced beforehand.

During the process Cao Yun realized that he could indeed insinuate his Qi within the cauldron. That way he would be able to control the elements and the Yin-Yang balance more minutely. But for now, he had not time to test it out. He was focused on his refinement.

Before two hours had passed, Cao Yun was done. The lid opened by itself as the flames were extinguished. The pill went to Meng Jia. He examined it briefly. Because he had been focused the entire time, Cao Yun knew the result, this pill had kept 98% of the medicinal essence and only 3% of toxins. This was very good.

Without any more ceremony, the 1-star Human alchemist emblem flew from Meng Jia's hands and replaced Cao Yun's emblem on his chest.