Chapter 412: Xue Rui's face slapped

After a few days spent in the Governor's residence, Cao Yun finally met with Jiahe Lan once more. He received the news that he would be officially recognized as an alchemist of the Subei Province for the competition to come. However, he wasn't yet accepted as an alchemist of the Governor. Indeed, Governor Jiahe didn't want to burn all bridges with the Xue family. Unless Cao Yun showed great talent in the competition, he wouldn't risk that.

In the following days, Governor Jiahe would visit both the Xue family and the Yun family to try and smooth things over. He would claim to Patriarch Xue that he was doing them a favor by allowing Guai Mo's participation. Otherwise, he would have joined the Yun family. And then he tried to convince General Yun Po that they shouldn't worry about the alchemy competition. The situation with the demons was just too important right now. And that he would reward them for their services.

Cao Yun could tell that Governor Jiahe was a timid politician. He was mainly worried about his own fate. Obviously, this wasn't to his liking but he put up with it. His main goal was to be recognized as a rival to the Xue family. Right now, he was almost certain that Gu Song was somehow related to them and probably hiding within their midst. Unfortunately, he needed to be way more accurate than that. In fact, it was possible that he was hiding elsewhere and had just gone to the Xue family for some time. Anyway, for his plans, he needed to catch Gu Song's attention, but in a certain manner.

Since Cao Yun was not the Governor's alchemist, he couldn't stay too long in the Governor's residence. Before leaving, he gave a clear meeting location to Ming Huo and asked the servant to meet with him under the guise of Di Xihe. Then, he left.


Cao Yun ended his day in the most expensive restaurant of Qingyun City, the Red Realm's Banquet Hall. When they saw him, the servers were very pleased as rumors about a new alchemist in town had spread. Surely, he would have a lot of money to spend there. And if they did a good enough job, they could increase their salary by quite a lot. Cao Yun asked for a quiet table where he could wait for Di Xihe. Since she could alter her appearance, being seen with her would not be a problem at all.

He had given her instructions so she wouldn't arrive right away. Thus, he began to eat first. Despite the price, he had to admit that this restaurant was very good. As he had literally known hunger and had been forced to eat dried rations on some of his journeys, Cao Yun was grateful about eating delicious food. However, his mood was spoiled when he heard a voice call out for him.

"Fellow alchemist!"

A man shouted through the restaurant and even disturbed other customers but no one complained because they knew him. And as it turned out, Cao Yun also knew him. Just after hearing his voice, he had remembered the man. Coming toward their table were a few young people. One of them was wearing a red robe with golden embroideries. Among those was one that was similar to Cao Yun's, a 4-star Human alchemist insignia. Just by his voice, Cao Yun had remembered this man he had however barely met. He was Xue Rui.

In fact, Cao Yun had really met him once at the alchemy pavilion in the Wubei Sect. He had been annoying Zhong Ling. From what he had heard, Xue Rui was indeed talented but he had joined the Red Cliff Faction. Instead of being a good alchemist in the Dragon's Fire Faction, he had preferred to be an excellent alchemist in the Red Cliff Faction. Indeed, there were fewer alchemists there so even less talented ones shined brighter. This mere fact told Cao Yun enough about his character and he had never wanted to cross paths with him.

Technically, Xue Rui was still a disciple of the Wubei Sect but this was his fifth year. He had been absent during the attack of Mo Tian though. And now he had left the Wubei Sect to go back home for the Alchemy Conference. Although he was a fifth-year, he would probably not return to the Wubei Sect since he would be too busy with this Alchemy Conference. Maybe because he had stayed in the Governor's residence, Cao Yun had not heard about Xue Rui's return, but he knew he was on his way.

Of course, Cao Yun had suspected him of having connections with Gu Song since he was an alchemist. But there was no proof at all until now. One way or another, he would have to deal with him. Even if he had not prepared this encounter right now, Cao Yun intended to use it.

"Fellow alchemist, I am sorry, I did not get your name."

Obviously, Cao Yun had recognized Xue Rui but he still asked his name. Clearly, Xue Rui was a bit annoyed by this answer. But he remembered that Guai Mo had arrived in Qingyun City not long ago. Maybe he simply hadn't heard of his return yet. Although it rubbed him the wrong way, Xue Rui had decided to be civil with Guai Mo. After all, he had a very clear purpose in mind. Even if Xue Rui had crossed into the Mortal Warrior realm, his senses were not good enough to perceive anything wrong with Cao Yun's identity. For him he was Guai Mo, not Chen Guo.

"Friend, my name is Xue Rui. I am the Young Master of the Xue family."

As he spoke, Xue Rui stuck out his chest to show his insignia. Not only was there an embroidery of his 4-star Human alchemist status but also of his Xue family. There was no way this Guai Mo would not recognize them, right?

"Oh?! Of course, sorry about that. I didn't see your family crest right away. What brings you here to my table?"

Xue Rui did not catch the derision in Cao Yun's remark. Of course he had seen his family crest and had known who he was. Xue Rui raised his hand and a servant brought a chair for him. Without asking Cao Yun, he sat at his table.

"Friend, I heard that a like-minded alchemist had come in town. Naturally I wanted to meet you. The rumors I heard told that you wanted to participate in the upcoming competition. But you are probably just unaware of their circumstances. So I came to prevent my fellow alchemist from committing a serious mistake. With your talent, my family could use your services."

"And I imagine that you have a good proposition for me..."

Seeing ambition in Guai Mo's eyes, Xue Rui was pleased. He even chuckled and shot a quick glance toward his servant.

"Of course, friend. I knew you would be smart when I heard about you. My Xue family can give you unimaginable wealth, and more than that."

Xue Rui snapped his fingers and two women servants walked forward. Both of them were dressed quite provocatively without being obscene. Xue Rui was still aware of the place he was in after all. The two of them were all smiles but Cao Yun could see something else in their eyes.

"Xue Rui, I have to admit that your servants are absolutely gorgeous."

"Good, good! Then we can settle it quickly."

Xue Rui almost leapt from his chair as he was overjoyed. This Guai Mo was really a sucker. Xue Rui was ready to offer a lot but he had taken the bait just after seeing those two servants. They weren't even the most beautiful of his servants...


Hearing Guai Mo's tone, Xue Rui's smile froze. That bastard had been playing with him. Of course he was going to try and negotiate. But this was still within his expectations.

"Unlike you, I do not like to force my women. I prefer them entirely willing. And I certainly don't need anyone to 'gift' me with any woman, no matter how gorgeous she might be."

Now, there was contempt in Guai Mo's tone and eyes. No, he wasn't going to negotiate!

"Brother, be careful. I came to see you in good faith! You don't want to have me as an enemy. Learn to take the extended arm that is given to you."

"An enemy?! You overestimate yourself... But fine, let's talk about your extended arm. The only reason you came to me was to get me to withdraw from the upcoming competition. And that tells me enough. You're just afraid that I will beat you. I imagine that you intend to pay the other candidates that you think may best you. With such a pathetic attitude, you won't achieve anything in the Alchemy Conference even if you get a spot, which you won't!"


This time, Xue Rui was seething with rage. All of a sudden, he stood up from his chair and it almost broke down. Guai Mo had just declared that he wanted to steal his spot in public.

"Guai Mo, this spot will be mine! No matter who stands in my way, I will win this!"

"Then, you have nothing to offer. But I'll be magnanimous. If you change your mind and are sincere enough, I will deign listen to you again."

"You... !" Xue Rui calmed himself before speaking again. "You forget that I am a 4-star Human alchemist. I simply tried to help you out because you're overreaching by trying to steal my spot. But no, you had to act all proud. I will make you regret this insult!"

"Xue Rui, it seems like our ambitions clash with each other. I will get this spot no matter what happens. There is no way such a boy like you can ever defeat me in alchemy."

"Guai Mo, do not push me! You don't want to make an enemy out of my family!"

"Are you threatening me?"

This time, Guai Mo's eyes went from amused to furious. Before Xue Rui could add anything else, he suddenly fell backward. His entire face was twitching and his lips quivering. For an instant, he even believed he was about to wet himself. Thankfully, he controlled his bladder but he could feel wet all over. Indeed, he was sweating profusely from every pore of his skin.

Cao Yun had only used it for a brief instant. But he had unleashed 'Bleeding Eyes'. Even Xue Rui had not been able to detect it. For him and everyone else, Xue Rui had just been terrified by Guai Mo's glaring eyes. Of course, Cao Yun had struck his very soul even if only for a split second. As he was not expecting that at all, it got a huge impact on him.

"Boy, you can't even stand on your own two legs and you think you can best me?! Do that during the competition and your spot will be mine straight away."

"Young Master?"

One of the two ladies bent down to try and help Xue Rui up. Instead of taking her hand, Xue Rui felt humiliated so he slapped it away. Surprised, the poor servant jumped backward, afraid of being hit again. With his cultivation, Xue Rui had almost broken her hand just now.

"And you're taking out your anger on your poor servant... Truly pathetic. Maybe I'll buy your women after we're done. I'm sure they'll prefer serving me than you anyway. Unlike you, I won't have to threaten them to have my way with them."


Xue Rui was almost about to take out his weapon. But shreds of rationality stopped his hand. No matter who he was, attacking an alchemist was a serious crime punishable by death. The Hongchen Kingdom was protecting its alchemists as much as it could. Even death matches between alchemists were forbidden. There were some exceptions but they were extremely rare. Usually, a duel between alchemists could have very serious stakes but not life or death.

That being said, Xue Rui had no reason to challenge Guai Mo because they were going to face one another in a few months. Although his rank was inferior, Guai Mo seemed absolutely certain of himself. And now, Xue Rui believed him. After all, he had heard rumors claiming that he was as good as a 5-star Human alchemist. Hopefully he thought he could buy him but it seemed like he couldn't. What he had seen in his eyes had completely shaken him.

"Guai Mo, I gave you my hand and you spat in it. Do not be surprised when you get struck down! No one in this city will ever help you. You put yourself against my Xue family, that was a very stupid mistake. Not a single shop will ever do business with you throughout the entire Subei Province. When you get tired of this, come crawling back to me."

At this moment, Cao Yun burst out in laughter.

"It seems like you know nothing about me..."

From his spatial ring, Cao Yun took out the 4-petal cherry card. Xue Rui only had a 2-petal cherry card. Even the Xue family's Family Head only had a 3-petal cherry card. He had just threatened Cao Yun's business as an alchemist. In itself, it was a very serious act. But he had done so against someone who could literally shut him down.

The Myriad Cherry Blossom Hall would probably not do anything against the Xue family because the Governor wouldn't approve of that as it would disturb the balance of power in his province. However, they could impede Xue Rui's personal business. And between him and Guai Mo, they would obviously choose Guai Mo.

"Go ahead, try and impede me. Let's see who those shops fear more, your Xue family or the Myriad Cherry Blossom Hall. But, Xue Rui, I must say that you truly amused me today. If you ever want me to slap your face again, feel free to come to me in the future."

Now that he had no way of intimidating Guai Mo, Xue Rui shut his mouth. He knew that if he kept spewing nonsense, things would end up badly for him. After all, he couldn't start a feud with the Myriad Cherry Blossom Hall and he couldn't publicly attack an alchemist. Besides, Guai Mo was certainly stronger than he was. Unless he had a late Mortal Warrior or even an early Spirit Warrior with him, Xue Rui would do nothing. Unfortunately, he knew that the Family Head would never allow him to assault an alchemist with such a powerhouse, especially not in the Qingyun City.

Then, Xue Rui would have to champ at the bit while waiting for the competition. After humiliating Guai Mo, he would campaign against him. The Myriad Cherry Blossom Hall would recognize him as better. In fact, Xue Rui might gain many benefits from his victory. Maybe it was a fortuitous encounter in disguise.

Anyway, he couldn't stay in this restaurant any longer.

"Guai Mo, we'll take care of this like fellow alchemists. We'll see if your craft is as astute as your tongue. Don't blame me for being ruthless with you then!"