Chapter 434: Closing trap

Cao Yun met with Cang Yin who took her real form once more to talk with him.

"I've found out where Gu Song is. If you want to get to him, I can even help you make your way toward him. I know exactly how the guards do their rounds and I've figured out a few weaknesses within the array formations. If that is your wish, I can take you to Gu Song without anyone suspecting anything."

"Good, just give me all the details. I still have a few things to deal with and I'll be on my way. As for your payment, you will wait for my return to get it. Thanks to the Myriad Cherry Blossom Hall, I've uncovered almost everything you wanted to know."

"Thank you. I'll be waiting for your return then."

Then, they both left. Cao Yun bade farewell to his friend and went back to the Myriad Cherry Blossom Hall. Once there, he got ready. The trap had been set and everything was in place. Just to be safe, he sent word to General Yun. Just like Cao Yun, he had kept himself prepared for the occasion. Unless there was some problem, he wasn't supposed to intervene until the very end, after Gu Song was taken care of.

"Are you sure about all this? This man could kill you with a thought. No matter how powerful you are compared to your own generation, you'll face a real Spirit Warrior? And if you die, I'll dissipate too."

Despite what he was saying, Dian Mo seemed genuinely worried for Cao Yun, not just his own preservation.

"I know exactly what I'm doing. You've seen how well I've prepared myself. Do you think there is no chance my plan can work?"

"Indeed it can work. But it can fail just as well. Isn't that just the frustration and resentment that are making you act rashly?"

"Of course, I'm frustrated and resentful! But that doesn't mean those emotions are controlling me. Unfortunately, I have no other means to confront him while ensuring that I get a look at his memories. And I need them to piece things together about my family. If I wait to become a Spirit Warrior, it'll take decades during which I will have no answer at all. Dian Mo, if I had no chance or little chance of success, I wouldn't sacrifice my life for that. But you must know, just as well as I, that my chances are real. In fact, as long as he doesn't attack me straight away, I should be able to deal with him. And if he does, I can still escape. If that moron is stupid enough to follow me then, General Yun will take care of the rest. So I may lose my leads if I can't get into his memories, but I don't think that my life is really at risk."

"Most dead people thought that too. But I can't do anything to stop you. If you don't value your self-preservation, at least value mine. It would be such a loss for everyone if such an old spirit were to disappear because of your little feud..."

"Why don't you try to take over Gu Song's body if I die then?"

"You're kidding right? He's a demonic cultivator! If he kills you, the entire Hongchen Kingdom will go after him. I wouldn't survive long against Sect Leader Xuan with only a 4th-grade Spirit Warrior's body..."

"Anyway, get ready because we're venturing into the tiger's den!"


Cao Yun would have preferred to wait for Yong Ke's return, but things had happened in a different manner once he had understood who Cang Yin really was. Thankfully though, Yong Ke had done what was necessary. Cao Yun's array formations just needed a slight adjustment near the cave of the Soul Obsidian Nian Fish and she had taken care of things. Besides, he needed to approach Gu Song alone for him no to have his guard up.

At night, Cao Yun didn't use his full 'Ashen Feather Seal'. Instead, he decided to use an inferior stealth technique he had read about. Although he had not mastered it completely, that technique was very similar to 'Locking the Seven and Stopping the Waves'. Besides, his stealth technique came from Huang Liyue and it was better than any other stealth technique currently practiced in the Hongchen Kingdom. As such, it was easy for Cao Yun to look as though he had mastered another lesser stealth art. However, penetrating the Xue residence would take a bit longer.

For the same reason he wasn't using 'Ashen Feather Seal', he couldn't use his full knowledge of array formations. As such, he was forced to follow Cang Yin's written instructions to go through several of the gates. Some of those gates were overlapping. There were even palaces and gates from different array formations working together to complement each other's weaknesses. As he was crossing over those protections, Cao Yun could clearly see that someone had made it so that those array formations were easier to bypass. Even if he hadn't noticed, Dian Mo would have made several remarks about that.

It was obvious that someone was letting him enter along a very specific road so that no one else could know of his presence. At that moment, if he hadn't known about the situation beforehand, he would have thought that someone was trying to entrap him. But then again, it could have been Cang Yin's handiwork.

As he was progressing toward the building where Gu Song was supposed to stay, Cao Yun felt a great presence not too far away. With his perception of Evil Qi and Death Energy, he immediately recognized Xue Rui. Right now, he had not been fully overtaken by an inner demon, but he was very close to it. Moreover, Cao Yun felt that his Heart Locking Fire Heart had evolved once more. Now, he was certain that he had used his Autumn and Springs Reviving pill. However, he was also sure that he had at least devoured another soul. After tonight though, Xue Rui would become history.

Focusing his mind and intention on Gu Song, Cao Yun disregarded the tragedy he knew so little about. Before long, he reached the building and was able to enter through a small window. Then, it didn't take him long to find Gu Song's laboratory and he entered directly through the main door, without trying to hide himself.

As soon as he entered, he felt the array formations close themselves behind him. For all intents and purposes, he was completely trapped. Immediately, he started to look panic. His eyes darted everywhere and he took out a strange compass to try and deduce what kind of array formation was behind, and in fact, all around him. Unfortunately, he had no time to do so.

In an instant, he felt a powerful force blocking his movements. Even by focusing on his Wei Qi, this force penetrated his entire body as if he was defenseless. And in fact, he was defenseless.

"So you're the little boy I've been hearing about for quite some time? I must say that I am rather disappointed... I hoped for you to be smart enough to recognize a trap when you saw one. Or maybe, did you truly think that your traitorous spy would work for you when she could work for me?"

Gu Song left just enough freedom to Cao Yun so he could speak. Otherwise, he was forced into a kneeling position on the ground.

"Oh, I knew that she had betrayed me almost as soon as she contacted me again after entering the Xue residence. I had hoped at first that I might be able to use her some more in the future, but some things are not meant to be."

"Then, why did you still walk into a trap?"

"Because of Xue Rui! Such an incompetent alchemist was able to rise so fast to the rank of 5-star Human alchemist thanks to you. I want that too! Unlike your pathetic disciple, I would make your proud. That idiot is probably already being devoured by an inner demon. I imagine that you chose him to experiment on some theory, but he could never have become the disciple of a 4-star Heaven alchemist such as you!"

As he was speaking, Cao Yun could see the interest in Gu Song's eyes.

"So that was your idea?! You tried to enter my laboratory in the middle of the night to become my disciple? You shouldn't lie to me little boy!"

Suddenly, a jolt of pain coursed through Cao Yun's entire body. Despite all the spiritual senses around him, Gu Song had still not felt his Drop of Wrath. In fact, he had even failed to notice his true face. Right now, Cao Yun was using 'Ashen Feather Seal' as little as he could, just enough so his face was hard to place. After all, he wasn't sure whether Gu Song had seen Chen Guo's face. Worse, he might have seen him when he was still only Cao Yun...

For now though, he had not realized a thing. As much as Cao Yun was confident about his Drop of Wrath, he wasn't so sure about his stealth technique. However, he was absolutely certain when it came to his acting ability. With his mind cultivation, he had a perfect control on the emotions he was showing. As such, he had voluntarily shown Gu Song that he was lying. A demonic cultivator wouldn't believe that someone could be fully honest from the get-go. If he wanted Gu Song to lower his guard, he had to play it right. Thankfully, he had played it thousands of times in his mind. Now, he just had to follow Gu Song's cues.

"No... I... I wanted to steal your research... My control of the flame is great, but sadly, it's reached a plateau. Since I won't become a Spirit Warrior before a few decades, I thought that whatever had helped Xue Rui rise so fast could be found in your laboratory..."

"But you knew what I was, right? You knew both Xue Rui and I are demonic cultivators."

"Of course! As I said, your disciple is a moron. Through his inability to control his temper, it was obvious what he was. But then, if he wasn't worthy of your attention, maybe I could be."

"You intended to kill him after stealing from me... all in the hope that I would take you in in his stead... You certainly are interesting. Besides, I have to admit that your alchemist is impressive. In particular, I was quite surprised by your Merging Minerals and Seas pill. Have you been working on blood for some time?"

He had him, he had sunk the hook. The only thing he needed was for Gu Song not to kill him straight away. That was done. Now, it was only a matter of time before Gu Song acted as Cao Yun wanted him to.

"Yes, that's why I've been able to detect that spy you turned against me. I always thought that blood could get me the piece I was missing to improve my cultivation. I refuse to stay confined in the three lesser realms. But the orthodox cultivators are just too tame to try and resort to the real means that could give us that knowledge. One day, I've discovered some library left behind by the demons. There were many books on blood cultivation and even soul cultivation. However, I couldn't understand most of it. I swear that if you keep me alive and accept me as your disciple, I will tell you everything I know. I can even give you the books I found."

Gu Song's eyes turned into the eyes of a predator. Less than a century ago, the demonic cultivators had found a small collection of texts left behind by Demon God Da Mo himself. With those texts, their power had soared. Most demonic cultivators until then had never been able to even reach the Spirit Warrior realm as they were found out, hunted down and executed. But thanks to those texts, their power had risen high enough that even the Emperor had felt threatened. If that boy had somehow found a similar library, this knowledge alone could make him more powerful than the Demon King.

Furthermore, he was able to see some deception in Guai Mo's words. He had not just found some books. No, he had found much more. Most likely, he had found an entire heritage, maybe not from Demon God Da Mo but from a powerful demon of the past nonetheless. The blood aspect was interesting but the soul aspect was just too good for him to pass on.

"You talked about soul cultivation?"

"Indeed, it wasn't much, but there were a few incomplete manuals. With your expertise, you might be able to do something with those..."

"You shouldn't have lied to me little boy. I was ready to keep you as a breathing crucible like that stupid Xue Rui. Like that you would have lived a bit longer. But it seems like I'll have to get the information I need directly to the source. Do not worry too much though, I will try to save as much of your soul as I can. After all, it might be used to fuel another Heart Locking Fire Heart. That stupid Xue Rui has already killed the woman I had prepared to stabilize his black flame. And it still needs some time for it to be ripe for the picking."

Hearing Gu Song's words, Cao Yun's eyes were filled with terror. Although he was still paralyzed, he tried to plead as much as he could. If he could have moved freely, he would have kowtowed until his forehead bled.

"No, wait! I'll tell you everything! Please... I can..."

"Silence! At least, die with some dignity!"

Gu Song's spiritual senses became denser around Cao Yun's glabella. Then, the 4th-grade Spirit Warrior made several hand gestures, a few mudras were used and part of his Soul Embryo left his own Upper Dantian. Considering his current cultivation, all of his Soul Embryo wasn't in his Upper Dantian, but most of it was. As such, he wasn't too far from becoming a 5th-grade Spirit Warrior. Paradoxically, Cao Yun would have preferred him to be one already, but he would do with what he had.

Now it was clear that he had succeeded. Suddenly, Gu Song's Soul Embryo entered into Cao Yun's head through his Bai Hui. Thankfully, he had tempered it enough so it could resist such a violation. If he had not been able to resolve his trauma, it would have been difficult. But now, the easiest part of his plan was over. Gu Song had entered his sea of consciousness with a large part of his own Soul Embryo.