Chapter 451: A frozen man

Just like in the Subei Province, flying was strictly supervised. Even as a 5-star Human alchemist or as the Wubei Sect's Young Sect Master, Cao Yun couldn't fly everywhere. Thus, he would need to walk most of the way to the Imperial City. Thus, he registered himself to the first outpost of Xiaowu City, a small town near the border. From there, there was obviously a tiny hall of the Myriad Cherry Blossom Hall.

Cao Yun showed his 5-petal card and asked to send a message to Xiao Xuefeng who would most likely reach the Imperial City before him. Once again, he asked about the Universe Spanning Frost. Unfortunately, they had no information on it. Apparently, Xiao Xuefeng had used all of it during her refinement of a Spirit pill. Of course, there had to be some left in the storage of several noble families.

The Universe Spanning Frost was not easy to produce. Indeed, it was a kind of ice that had come from the skies. From time to time, small meteorites hit the Piaolu planet. Most of them were burned away by the atmosphere itself and others were shattered by the array formations protecting the Hongchen Kingdom. In some of those were precious ores so the sky was always carefully watched. Unfortunately, this specific type of ice was extremely rare. And sadly for Cao Yun, he had found no combination of any ingredient to replace it in the pill he had in mind.

By using the Eternal Frostfire Fir, Cao Yun could bond together the Hellish Dragon Fruit and the Universe Spanning Frost. In fact, it would be quite similar to what he was doing in his cultivation to temper his body. The Eternal Frostfire Fir was rich in Wood element but it also contained a strange mixture of heat and cold. It was the perfect ingredient to work with both extremes. The Universe Spanning Frost could only be liquefied at high temperatures that could usually only be produced by blacksmiths. Cao Yun's plan was to produce a pill rich in Fire Qi but that wouldn't burn the person using it. Such a pill was simply called the Frozen Fire pill.

By using it, the Fire Qi would slowly be released in one's body so it could absorb it for several weeks or eve months depending on the quantity and quality. Since his Hellish Dragon Fruit had literally harbored a Rune of Fire, its Fire element was of great quality. Besides, because Cao Yun had the Rune of Fire in him now, this fruit would be more easily absorbed.

From the hall master, he also learned that he had become even richer than before his departure thanks to his True Essence pills. But he had sold all of them already. Instead of producing more of them, he decided to sell something else, Heaven pills.

For now, even with his weak spiritual senses, he couldn't refine any Perfect 1-star Heaven pill. It was simply a bit too difficult as he was still adjusting himself with those strange senses. Besides, they were not directly his, he was feeling things through either the Flying Poison or the Black Heart Flame. However, he had a great idea for his alchemy. He would directly inject this black flame in the cauldron. Of course, he couldn't do so in public just yet. Any Spirit Warrior would sense what this horrid thing was.

Anyway, in private, he tried several refinements and realized that the results were really good. Once he had reached the capital, he would have the time to refine a bit more. In fact, this would be useful as a way of training himself. But for now, he was in a hurry to get to the Imperial City since he didn't want to miss the Alchemy Conference.

Cao Yun decided to take some time to rest however. In fact, he was worried about Hongyu's health although she seemed to be doing great. He couldn't stop himself from seeing her weak self when he had first met her. But she was now extremely healthy and full of vitality. Her fifth core was on the verge of being fully formed. And Cao Yun's presence for several months had filled her blood with the intent of the Drop of Wrath. Soon, she would be able to balance out the evil core without even using her blood essence.


As he was waiting, Cao Yun went in town to grab something to eat. In fact, after his stay in the Red Realm's Banquet Hall, Cao Yun was now quite fond of food. During most of his travels, he couldn't eat very well. Maybe he would need to learn to cook at some point. But he simply had no time to spare. Even practicing everything he was currently doing, Cao Yun had almost no time. Since he was in another province, the food should be quite different.

Walking through the streets, Cao Yun was able to hear and feel almost everything. This was also a form of training as he tried to focus on everything even though he could hear dozens of conversations at the same time. Understanding what everything was said was difficult. While he was doing so, he was also working on his 'Ashen Feather Seal'. Most people were either Mortals or early Mortal Warriors. The most powerful cultivators tried to get closer to the capital.

In fact, Cao Yun was probably the strongest man in Xiaowu City right now. By using his stealth technique, almost no one was able to notice his presence but they were all strangely walking by avoiding him. It was as though he was walking through a crowd and everyone would step to the side without seeing him though.

Then, he felt something peculiar that attracted his attention. Focusing in that direction, he heard a man pleading and another one reprimanding him.

"Master, please, do not forsake me!"

"You useless worm! You can't even open your Du Mai. What do you want me to do with you?! Wasn't I patient enough already?! Twelve years I tried to help you and you made no progress at all! Hell, I wasted a damn Lava Gathering Lotus pill on you parasite! My patience reached its limit! Abandon that way and live as a mortal!"

Cao Yun saw a large man throw another man who seemed to be in his forties. That flying man was wearing cheap clothes that were already in tatters. He had nothing special about him, at all. In fact, he was a bit plump without it being too noticeable. And he was clearly a 4th-grade Mortal. Considering that he was more than forty years old, his cultivation was incredibly weak.

It could happen a lot for various reasons. But Cao Yun had a good idea on the reason why this man could not progress.

As the door of the small martial sect closed on him, the middle-aged man crawled back to it. He kowtowed and literally struck his head on the pavement to show his resolve.

"Master, please, take me back! Master! This insignificant one pleads you!"

From everyone around, Cao Yun heard the derision and scorn with which this spectacle was seeing. And he also heard the name of that man, Jie Yuan. He had worked almost all his youth. When finally he had a struck of luck. Somehow, he made a lot of money by selling ores he had found by chance. Since then, he was able to enter into a martial sect. His cultivation rose quickly at first, in less than two years he had reached his current cultivation. He had even started as a lowly 1st-grade Mortal.

Such a speed was indeed impressive and he surprised even his master who had only taken him in for the money. Unfortunately, his progress stopped abruptly. For twelve years he got stuck at his current level. From that moment, he had squandered all the money he had made just to stay in this tiny sect. But in the end, his master had lost his patience, after receiving all of his money of course...

Usually, Cao Yun wouldn't care too much about such a scene. After all, he couldn't help every single individual or he would be submerged by misery on a daily basis. Hopefully he might be able to overturn the fate of mankind. If more alchemists could produce Spirit pills, more people would get a chance at cultivation. By raising the sea, he would also rise all the ships.

That being said, this Jie Yuan's condition was peculiar enough that Cao Yun got interested in him. He even spoke with Dian Mo about the man.

"What do you think? Am I right?"

"Without sending your Qi or your spiritual senses in him, it's hard to tell. But you might just be that lucky indeed."

Thus, Cao Yun walked toward the middle-aged man. His forehead was literally bleeding from him striking the pavement with his head. No matter how much he plead though, his former master had abandoned him alright.

"Jie Yuan, is it?"

"Silence, I have to show my sincerity to my master. Go bother someone else, you..."

In the middle of his sentence, he became quiet as Cao Yun revealed his cultivation to him by enveloping him in Wei Qi. ALl of a sudden, he felt an incredible pressure and Jie Yun understood that he had kicked an iron pot. Just as suddenly, he changed his behavior.

"High Lord, forgive this insignificant vermin. I had eyes and yet I failed to see Mount Tai. Ask me to strike me as an apology and I will."

What was this man babbling about?

Jie Yuan's attitude was simply too subservient to Cao Yun's taste. However, he had something that could help him a lot. So he disregarded that appalling personality and kept on talking.

"I heard about your plight. As an alchemist I got interested. Maybe I could help you. What about walking with me?"

"Of course, venerable alchemist!"

Jie Yuan's face was deformed by a huge smile showing all of his teeth. This didn't improve his banal face at all though. Somehow, Cao Yun had the urge to slap him around. Strangely, he could now understand his former master. That Jie Yuan had not an ounce of sincerity in him. However, he seemed to be able to take a beating to try and show it anyway.

Cao Yun took Jie Yuan to the restaurant he had wanted to visit already. On the way, Jie Yuan kept being the worst sycophant Cao Yun had ever met. Although he warned him several times to stop acting in such a manner, this had become Jie Yuan's second nature. He simply couldn't help himself.

But it became worse as now he apologized each time for the way he had spoken. Then, he apologized for his apology. Cao Yun's head was hurting already...

As he was close to the pathetic man, Cao Yun could feel that he had been right. Jie Yuan's meridians were completely frozen. Most likely his master had felt it as well. This frost was vibrant. As such, it was probably the reason why his body had first improved fast. But then, it was almost impossible for him to cultivate his meridians. The mere fact that he had been able to tempered his Lower Dantian was impressive in itself.

No matter how irritating Jie Yuan was, he was tenacious for sure. Unfortunately, he was tenacious in everything, including his subservience.

Now that he was sure of it, Cao Yun also knew that his master had been rather cruel with him. Although he knew that Jie Yuan would never reach the 5th-grade Mortal stage, he had kept it in order to slowly take all of his money. But if Cao Yun was right about everything, he would reward this Jie Yuan enough to compensate even that.

Before long, they reached the restaurant. Seeing Jie Yuan, the head waiter tried to stop them. However, he also quickly saw the emblems on Cao Yun's robe. Thus, he immediately changed his attitude and even his posture changed. With a very solemn tone, he welcomed the two men inside and showed them to the best table they had. He even sent them the most beautiful waiters he had. Then, he heaved a sigh. Thankfully, he had seen Cao Yun's emblems before speaking. Otherwise, he would surely have been at least fired considering how he would have treated Jie Yuan.

For the life of him, the head waited couldn't understand what such a character was doing alongside Jie Yuan.

In fact, Jie Yuan was starting to wonder the same thing. He was even worried that he had done something wrong and that this great alchemist was there to punish him. Or maybe he wanted to use him as a test subject. Although he had nothing left to steal, he still had a body that could be used...

Many strange thoughts went through Jie Yuan's head. However, they quickly disappeared when the food reached the table. For a few years now he had eaten rice and roots every single day with a few vegetables and some pieces of fruits here and there. Thus he devoured as much as he could without even tasting he food.

On the other hand, Cao Yun was acting as a gourmet, enjoying every single dish in front of him. His appetite was almost cut short by Jie Yuan's spectacle. But he could understand his pathetic friend's attitude. After all, he had also spent several months without being able to it tasty food. This could be a lot...

After some time, Cao Yun used his full cultivation to conceal their conversation as he didn't want anyone else to hear about what he had discovered.

"Jie Yuan, if I am not mistaken, you found your treasure in some cave, right?"

"Huh?! ... yes, indeed.. But I..."

"Oh? Are you going to say that you forgot where it was? Because this would be a lie... Lying to me isn't such a good idea."

"I'm sorry, venerable one. But this cave is a lowly place. This isn't fit for someone of your standing."

"I will be the judge of that. However, I have something to confide in you. The reason why you can't progress at all is because of this very cave."


"If I'm correct, you went to train there quite a lot at first and you've progressed so fast it impressed you. However, that speed had been at the cost of your future. What helped you has also doomed you."

Suddenly, Jie Yuan threw himself to the ground. Despite Cao Yun's concealment, everyone was attracted to that sight.

"Please, venerable, save this stupid one. I will give everything to my savior! Please!"

For several minutes, Jie Yuan kept howling and weeping. Without Cao Yun, the head waiter would have thrown him out.

"Fine, fine. Just tell me everything and I'll help you."

"Thank you, venerable. I know that a man such as you would never renege on a promise."

Jie Yuan's bright smile made Cao Yun want to slap him until he had no teeth left.