Chapter 510: Contract under duress

That bald man with the huge pimple on his forehead was Tu Jianhe. He was probably the richest man in Ruohe as well as a cunning character. Apart from Lady Gu Xue, he was also the strongest demon in Ruohe as he was also a 9th-grade Golden Blood Child. In fact, considering all the bodyguards hidden in this room, even if Cao Yun had been a 2nd-grade Accomplished Demon, he would not be able to cause too much trouble. Besides, there were array formations around the place as well as a few blood runes he could feel.

Although Cao Yun was familiar with seals thanks to Dian Mo, blood runes were still a novelty to him. Even without knowing the array formations, he could rather easily deduce their functions, but he couldn't do the same for blood runes. Clearly, he needed to work on that if he were to spend some time in demon kingdoms. Anyway, they weren't looking too dangerous and while the young alchemist was acting as though he was in a bind, his Flying Poison and his almost complete Unclean Evil were analyzing those blood runes. Even though his Unclean Evil was not complete yet, the mere fact that it had begun to be reformed within the Drop of Wrath improved his spiritual senses which he could expand further now.

Moreover, his Drop of Wrath was instinctively trying to reform itself. As a consequence, Cao Yun realized that imbuing his own Unclean Evil inside of it was easier than he had predicted.

When it came to the array formations, they were so easy to deal with, Cao Yun felt bad for the demons. It was apparent that they had not pushed this art as far as the humans had done. Cao Yun surmised that it was due to the fact that they were living isolated on this island. Some aspects of their art was indeed impressive, especially when it came to blood. But everything else had lagged behind. If the Empyrean Asura Theocracy had been so behind the Hongchen Kingdom, the demons would be no threat at all. Raw strength was not that effective against a powerful array formations after all.

And from Tu Jianhe's acts, the demons in Ruohe were not prepared to deal with aggressive competitions. They were convinced that they were dealing with a demon just like us, a demon who would obey the same logic and the same unspoken rules. They were sorely mistaken. But it was too late for them.

With an air of triumph, Tu Jianhe got closer to Cao Yun. He even brought forth his blood cultivation as though he was competing with him, just like a mortal man puffing his chest as a show of strength. To be honest, it was quite ridiculous and Cao Yun almost wanted to laugh at the man. But he also had in mind everything this ludicrous man had done. Indeed, Tu Jianhe's main activity was finance, in simple terms, he was a loan shark. And thanks to his activities, he had enslaved many people. In fact, he had probably produced more slaves than many slavers in this town, playing on their desperation.

Even the hunters despised him, but they were forced to go through him. Cao Yun's deal with the Jie couple had the potential to hurt him the most. So obviously, Cao Yun had gathered as much information on that man as possible. In that very room, he had seven of his slaves protecting him. They had been trained by Boss Gui herself and were all late Golden Blood Children. Boss Gui wasn't just selling to the Empyrean Asura Theocracy. She was know to have the strongest slaves below Accomplished Demon. Of course, not that many Accomplished Demon could be enslaved and few slavers were willing to risk their slaves becoming too powerful. After all, an Accomplished Demon had access to some form of control over their soul and mind, just like Spirit Warriors. Thus, there was a risk they could get free on their own if they became too strong. This was a risk many were unwilling to take.

Anyway, that ridiculous man was grinning so much, Cao Yun thought his muscles were hurting.

"My friend, doing business without involving the locals is just bad etiquette. But I will help you, we will help you, mend your ways. I imagine how distressful 'working' from City Lord Sihe must have been. But my friend, you'll find that working with us will be quite pleasant. Should we discuss our terms?"

Although his words were never actually going there, Cao Yun was certain he 'knew'. At least, Tu Jianhe thought he knew. He was convinced that Cao Yun had developed some grudge with City Lord Sihe and had been forced to escape his city. Ruohe was very far from City Lord Sihe's territory. That was precisely the reason why he had tried to have Xixue infiltrate Duma, Boss Gui's city. Indeed, Ruohe and Duma were literally across the desert. The shortest way was to go through the dangerous Desolate Dune Desert. That was why Cao Yun had chosen this story. Yes, everything Tu Jianhe and his partners thought they knew had been crafted by him.

"Fine, I will listen to your proposition."

Then, with a lowered head and dark face, Cao Yun followed Tu Jianhe and two of his main associates. The other members of his little association stayed in the main room of the restaurant. The four men found themselves in a private booth of the Silver Conch. There, the protections were even stronger and Cao Yun could clearly feel the seven slaves' senses on him.

"Sir Mo, I am truly sorry about this display of strength. I personally find it distasteful. However, we really took umbrage with the way you were handling things in our city. We don't want anything too excessive from you. Your alchemy shop is welcome to operate in our Ruohe city."

The first man to talk was the actual owner of the Silver Conch. Obviously, he had other activities. But he was the public figure of this restaurant and this had allowed him to form a large network of influence all over the city.

"Indeed, we can't lose that much profit. That being said, we'll have to share it with more fairness. What about..."

That second man was very tall and so thin that he seemed either famished or sick. His head was also rather long and quite strange, without wanting to insult him. Besides, Cao Yun truly didn't like the way he was looking at him, as though he were a piece of meat on a hook. And his words, unlike the Silver Conch's owner, were full of ridicule. Although Cao Yun didn't intend to kill anyone today, he was slowly starting to reconsider things. Maybe killing one of them would be a good thing. But then, it wasn't his goal. Maybe it was his Flying Poison talking...

"Gentlemen, gentlemen, please. We have to discuss it like civilized men. I do think your contract with Miss and Mister Jie was ingenious, if I say so myself. I draft contracts all the time, and this one was truly unique. However, it was a bit too generous in my opinion. You certainly could have squeezed more out of those fools. But since you were so generous, I decided to repay you in kind. Here, take a look."

Without any ceremonial, Tu Jianhe gave a contract to Cao Yun. What he didn't know was that Cao Yun had already seen this contract. Thus, he didn't even look at it.

"You want me to pay you all a weekly rent for the very existence of my shop. Furthermore, I will have to pay a small tax on all of my product. I will have to refine a certain amount of pill every year to your benefit. And if I try to leave the city, some nasty documents will make their way to City Lord Sihe. Is that the gist of it?"

Sensing Cao Yun's attitude shift so suddenly now that they were alone, cold sweat dripped down Tu Jianhe's bald head. The Silver Conch's owner was also rather stunned. Only the third man didn't seem to realize the shift.

"Sir Mo, you read my thoughts, it would seem..."

Tu Jianhe had acted in a ridiculous manner when he had been convinced that he had the upper hand. But now, his tone changed as well. Obviously, he didn't actually think that Cao Yun had read his thoughts. Even a late Accomplished Demon could not do such a thing. The most likely explanation was that he had read this contract before. But that meant that he had access to Tu Jianhe's close entourage. So he probably knew about this aggressive move beforehand. In fact, Tu Jianhe wondered whether Lady Gu Xue had maybe intervened. It was possible that she had tried to form a good relationship with this alchemy by warning him. But then, what was Mo Yun's plan by coming in here? Tu Jianhe wasn't feeling well at all.

"Gentlemen, I didn't think that you would be so easily duped by the rumors surrounding my person. I can assure you that they are absolutely unfounded. However, there is one matter on which you are absolutely correct. It was foolish of me to do business without involving you all. And this is a mistake that needs correcting no later than tonight."

As he spoke, Cao Yun's aura spread all around the room. There was a thick killing intent assaulting the three of them. However, none of the seven bodyguards of Tu Jianhe seemed to act at all. That was when he truly started to panic as a foreboding was overwhelming him. His bald head was almost shining with his sweat. As he couldn't stand this doubt, he made a test. Tu Jianhe activated one of his bodyguards' Slavery Brand. This should have caused him intense pain. No matter how long he was trying to use this Slavery Brand, nothing happened apart from a smirk by Cao Yun.

"Sir Tu, this is not an appropriate behavior during a business meeting. Do not worry though, your bodyguards are absolutely safe."

Obviously, Tu Jianhe was not worried about their safety, he was worried about his. He remembered how Cao Yun had offered his own slaves a way out. And if he truly had connections with City Lord Sihe, it wasn't out of the question that he could somehow interfere with Slavery Brands. But then, that meant that any of his slaves could be on Cao Yun's payroll. The implications were just disastrous.

Seeing the sheer panic in Tu Jianhe, the Silver Conch's owner knew he had chosen poorly. Opposing Cao Yun had been a terrible mistake. They were now trapped in this room with him. And all the bodyguards directly around them were useless. Worse, they might even be enemies now. Even if their defenses were good, they would not be able to escape unscathed were Cao Yun to decide to attack them. Besides, considering their veiled threats, he would have a case to make it all legal. Hell, Lady Gu Xue might even defend him just to keep him in the city. Their only edge was the fact that he truly seemed to be running from City Lord Sihe. However, killing them would also silence this fact...

The only one in the room who hadn't understood what was going on was the tall and thin man. And he spoke again.

"Mo Yun, you'll give us what we want or we'll make sure that you're skinned alive. I never actually saw an Accomplished Demon be subjected to the Seven Punishments of the Weaver of Souls. But I am sure that City Lord Sihe will make you go through them himself. That would be such a sight."

His two comrades wanted to dig a hole and hide. Why did they have sided with such a moron? How could he have become so rich with such a rotten brain? Living in a small city where everyone was subservient to him had weakened him too much, or had he always been so stupid?

"Oh? You're curious about tortures of the soul? You should have said it sooner."

Just as he was done speaking, Cao Yun's eyes turned red. There was a radiant circle of gold around his iris as everything else in his eye turned as red as blood. This was 'Sea of Blood', the strongest technique of 'Weeping Demon' Cao Yun currently mastered. In his pupils, an attentive observer could have seen tiny green spots that looked almost like hair. And within that tall man's sea of consciousness, there was now chaos. Cao Yun's Flying Poison had invaded his very soul. Some of the former bodyguards' killing intents converged on the man and he found that his muscles were completely paralyzed. He couldn't even scream. It was as though he was imprisoned in his own body.

The pain and torment in his soul were unimaginable. Although he could not move, his two comrades were able to see the excruciating pain in his eyes.

"Gentlemen, you were absolutely correct, it is time for us to talk about a contract. I will leave you your lives and you will give me everything else. But do not worry too much. My shop itself brings me enough profit that I don't need yours. However, from this day forward, all of your operations are under my direct supervision. Speaking of which, I intend to have a long talk with you, Sir Tu, about the way you handle your customers. As you can see, enslaving people is not all that reliable. I will show you just how much of a bad business strategy it is, if you allow me."

From his spatial ring, Cao Yun took a metallic cylinder. Immediately, Tu Jianhe recognized it as a Slavery Brand. Since forming such a complex seal in someone's soul was difficult, City Lord Sihe was manufacturing what was very similar to array formation plates. Just by activating this cylinder, one could put a Slavery Brand in a willing demon. Against an unwilling demon, it would be way more difficult though. Of course, the demons Tu Jianhe enslaved had no real other alternatives to pay their debts. To force a demon to subject himself to the Slavery Brand, threats or even tortures could be used.

In Cao Yun's hands though, none of that was necessary as he could put a seal in Tu Jianhe's soul with no problem at all. Even the cylinder was there just for show. After all, Cao Yun didn't intend to use a real Slavery Brand. He had a much more sophisticated seal in mind. But he found it pleasant to put a slaver through what all his slaves had suffered.