Chapter 522: Ruthless with words

Something had definitely changed in Xixue. Until now, she had acted tough and distant. Most likely, this had been engraved in her by City Lord Sihe. Because she had lived in some nomad tribe, she was hardened to some degree. However, she was still very young and she had suffered a traumatic experience. The fact that she had been able to rein in her emotions until now was impressive, especially considering that she had no mind cultivation and that demons had stronger emotions than humans. It somehow reminded Cao Yun what had happened to him.

Immediately after the slaughter of his family, he had not felt that devastated. In fact, he had even met Feng Yingyue and his mind had been focused on other matters. But when finally it hit him that everything had really happened, he had needed some time to recover. Xixue would probably be a bit different in the following days. And she would probably want to find her sister even more than before.

For the time being though, Cao Yun needed her to stay calm. Thankfully her mask was hiding most of her emotions and his 'Ashen Feather Seal' was taking care of the rest. Despite those precautions, Cao Yun sent a few commands directly into her mind. Then, he focused on Sister Lisha. Since the beginning, he was able to sense disturbing things from the woman. If someone could see through his stealth art, it was this woman. Luckily, she had been attracted by the young woman on stage when Xixue's emotions escaped her control. Besides, the young woman quickly regained control of herself as she knew what was in play right now.

On the stage, a beautiful woman presented Meiyue. The poor girl had empty eyes. Despite her clothes and make-up, Cao Yun found her terrible. Although her physique and her appearance were top-notch, he couldn't ignore the feelings shown by her eyes and her demeanor. There was little doubt as to what had happened to her. Furthermore, the beautiful woman made sure that no doubt was possible.

"This is a slave girl from the Lotus Tribe. She's been captured around two years ago. From her history and from our own assessment, she is perfect for dual cultivation with a male partner. Of course, her cultivation is quite weak but her bloodline is impressive. For any male under the Golden Blood Child realm, dual cultivating with her will double their result with half the effort. Besides, she is extremely beautiful and has been taught the best ways to please her master.

"Even if dual cultivation is of no interest to you, she would also be a good mate to produce some powerful offspring. As I said, her bloodline is exceptional for such a girl. This is truly a rare find. And the bid will begin at 12 Heidai coins."

That was the equivalent of around one Yuanbao. Learning the price of slaves had not been a very pleasant part of Cao Yun's plan. However, it was essential since he was going to deal with Boss Gui. All things considered, this was indeed an expensive price for a Blood Child slave.

Xixue's tears had been replaced with seething rage. Thankfully, her mask was hiding her face. In fact, it was because she had this mask that she allowed her emotions to be so blatant on her face. Just like Cao Yun, she could imagine what had happened to her cousin for those two years. But more than that, Xixue was also imagining what had happened and was still happening to her sister. She had to know where she was! Cao Yun knew that she wouldn't accept any more delay.

Until now, she had submitted to his schedule because she knew that she couldn't simply rush forward and get her answers. But now that they were so close to Boss Gui and to the auction hall that had probably sold his sister, she had to know as soon as possible. One way or another, she had to know about her sister's fate.

Although Cao Yun intended to bid, he first waited for other bidders to reveal themselves. Of course, he was worried about Miss Wo and Sister Lisha. The first one was Boss Gui's representative. Even if Boss Gui dealt mostly with slave warriors, getting a weaker slave who could help her other male slaves cultivate faster might be interesting. When it came to Sister Lisha, she was representing the Sisters of the Abyss. From what he knew, they were always looking for girls and young women for their order. No one really knew what they wanted with them precisely. Some served the order with their life, others with their death. This was the only thing that was known.

While his attention was on those two women, this was another woman who surprised him. From another balcony, he heard Weiji Nian's voice.

"15 Heidai coins! This girl will be perfect for my son. He's getting very close to a breakthrough to the Golden Blood Child realm. There is no doubt his great-uncle will be very proud of him when he sees him next and he's finally stepped into this new realm. So, I plead you all to indulge me in this."

Although she had not spoken his name, Weiji Nian had just used her uncle's reputation in the Nalupu Army to pressure almost anyone into not bidding. Even in the other balconies, no one dared fight with her in this bid. The only ones who could were thus Miss Wo and Sister Lisha.

Everyone had been surprised by her speed. Most likely, Weiji Nian had already known about this slave girl. Since she was bidding on her, it meant that her bloodline really was perfect for her son's cultivation. Thus, it would be very unwise to fight her on this. Even Miss Wo and Sister Lisha refrained from doing so.

"Going once..."

As the woman on stage was about to close the bid very fast, she was surprised by another voice. As soon as this voice rose in the auction hall, everyone looked at its origin. Obviously, it had come from Cao Yun's balcony.

"18 Heidai coins."

"Mister Mo, I do not think that this young girl will be of any help in your laboratory. And if you're looking for some companionship, I could point you toward a few brothels where you will find better suited girls."

There was obviously a bit of derision in her words, especially at the end of her sentence. However, it was also mixed with genuine surprise and a bit of anger as well. Clearly, apart from a very few people, Weiji Nian wasn't used to being challenged. The woman on stage was also a bit embarrassed. She had received some coins in order to help Weiji Nian get the girl. That was why she had spoken so fast earlier. Against Mo Yun though, she couldn't do much. As a matter of fact, the auction hall couldn't do much.

"Miss Weiji, my reasons are my own. Unlike you, I don't really want to reveal anything about my personal life. If your son can't get a girl by himself, then try to buy her from me!"

Cao Yun's tone shocked everyone. Although he was furious against this entire deal, he had not let his emotions take the better of him. His attitude was precisely calculated. He could feel in the crowd that it was producing exactly the effects he had desired. Miss Wo's interest in him had increased a bit. However, so had Sister Lisha's.

On the other hand, his direct rival Weiji Nian was speechless for a few seconds. A few people controlled themselves as they wanted to laugh at the woman's dumbfounded face. It was clear that she wasn't loved by anyone here. Indeed, she was always using her uncle's name to behave higher than her real status. For demons who valued bloodline and strength, this wasn't very pleasant to submit to this woman who had neither. Her uncle had strength and influence, and she was shamelessly borrowing them. But this was the corruption of this Nalupu Kingdom at works. And to be fair, others were also sometimes borrowing someone else's prestige for themselves. Maybe some were simply jealous that she could do so all the time.

Since Weiji Nian didn't know how to answer, there was a long silence. But it was quickly broken by Cao Yun's irritated voice.

"I placed my bid! Why aren't you calling it?!"

Even without using his spiritual senses, Cao Yun's tone was harsh enough that it produced an effect on the beautiful woman on stage. Right now, she was in a difficult situation. If Weiji Nian didn't get what she wanted, her wrath would surely befall her. However, she simply couldn't do anything against this alchemist. Besides, he had sold several pills and clearly had the necessary funds to outbid Weiji Nian.

Quickly, the woman tried to remember Cao Yun's deposit. Maybe if Weiji Nian could bid enough, he wouldn't be able to buy the girl. Pressuring him would be difficult but she had to try to save her own neck. However, while the auction attendant was thinking about her survival, she was met with Weiji Nian's dumbfounded face.

"Miss Weiji, the current bid is at 18 Heidai coins."

"Why do you add such useless words?! She knows the bid since I called it myself! Are you trying to play favorites?!"

Cold shivers went down the woman's spine. She had indeed misspoken. Between two bidders with such a background, she had to stay perfectly neutral. As much as Weiji Nian could have her killed, so could Cao Yun.

"This impolite one is deeply sorry, Lord Mo. Please, excuse my unseemly attitude."

"Stop stalling and call it!"

"20 Heidai coins!"

The attendant's stalling had worked. Weiji Nian was back to reality. Her eyes were full of blood and fire. If she could, she would probably leap forward to strangulate Cao Yun right away. Not only had he insulted her, he had insulted her son. There was no way she would let him live. Right now, she was thinking of all the horrible tortures she would have her uncle inflict upon him. Even if he was an alchemist, this wouldn't save him. Hell, she would have him roasted alive!

Blatantly ignoring Weiji Nian's glare, Cao Yun kept looking at the attendant.

"You see. She had heard!"

"Of course, Lord Mo. Once again..."

"Why don't you call it?!"

This time, Weiji Nian had lost all decorum. Because the insult had come as such a surprise, she had lost her composure completely. Right now, she was barking at the attendant as though she were her personal servant.

"Miss Weiji, from the rumors I heard you were supposed to be an elegant and dignified woman. Please, control yourself, lest you bring shame to your esteemed uncle."

Everyone in the crowd wondered the same thing. "Elegant?!", "Dignified?!". Before Weiji Nian could add another word, Cao Yun raised his bid.

"30 Heidai coins."


Once more, Cao Yun ignored her completely. After this performance, Cao Yun's name and his company's reputation would spread even faster. If he was so disrespectful toward the niece of a general in the Nalupu Army, that proved that he had powerful backers. After all, he had escaped City Lord Sihe's influence... By using Weiji Nian's face as a stepping stone, Cao Yun was raising his own profile. To be honest, he was also unhappy about her comments concerning the slave, treating her as a mere commodity, a present for her son to abuse.

In that moment, Cao Yun could still see his own sister's face on the stage. Besides, he was feeling Xixue's raw emotion by his side. He had to admit that he was enjoying humiliating that disgusting woman. And although it was her job, he was also glad that the attendant was in such a bad situation. He had absolutely no respect for anyone who would treat others like mere objects.

Each time he saw Meiyue's chains and revealing clothes, he was becoming angrier and angrier.

"50 Heidai coins!"

"51 Heidai coins."

"55 Heidai coins!"

"56 Heidai coins."

No matter how much Weiji Nian raised her bid, Cao Yun simply added one Heidai coin more.


"74 Heidai coins!"

"Oh?! Isn't that the amount you've already paid for buying my pills?! 80 Heidai coins! Instead of wasting more money, you should just admit your defeat. I'll even be nice with you. If your son needs a dual cultivation partner, I'm certain I can use some pill to alter the bloodline of a demonic beast. Wouldn't that be a fitting replacement for your son's desires?"

"You...! I'll... I swear...!"

"Attendant, while that woman keeps babbling, shouldn't you call my bid? I am certain that her bids have exceeded her deposit. But you should also know that I didn't even use all the money I've earned in this very auction until now. Thus my bid should be considered as not exceeding my deposit at all."

"I... I mean..."

While the poor attendant didn't know how to act, someone else got on stage. It was a very well-dressed man. Many recognized him right away. He was this auction hall's leader. And he had some small influence in the Xinian Confederation.

"Please, Lord Mo, you're making things difficult for us... Miss Weiji is an honorable customer of our auction hall. We will never ask you to renounce your bid of course, but let's stay civil, shall we?"

"Humph! Is it civil to flaunt her uncle around as if he's her own strength?! But I will be lenient toward you since you've been respectful. Is that girl mine yet?"

The leader's face turned toward Weiji Nian. Her skin had gone completely red. In that moment, she truly looked like Axiu Qian in Cao Yun's memory. Demons had skins that were usually a bit darker than humans from the Hongchen Kingdom. In fact, Weiji Nian's skin was rather pale. But because of her rage, she had turned dark red. Seeing that she was unable to say anything more, the leader called it. Besides, he wanted this bid to be over as soon as possible.

"Going once... Going twice... Gone! That slave girl is Lord Mo's for 80 Heidai coins. Thank you for you purchase."

He knew that he would have to apologize to Miss Weiji. But the leader had absolutely no reason to offend Lord Mo Yun either.