Chapter 528: Feeding a new sword

Although he was growing a bit impatient, Cao Yun adhered to the protocol to the letter. Several minutes later, he could finally get his gift. Several servants had brought it tied up in some niece piece of clothe. There was no doubt as to what the gift was as soon as he saw it. That was a sword, a demon sword. Unlike humans, demon swords were meant to draw blood more than to kill. Of course, they could kill very well too. But in fights between powerful demons, spilling the enemy's blood was sometimes a better strategy. Besides, blood was considered as something extremely precious and important. Depriving one's enemy of his blood was thus both symbolic and practical.

In fact, in some duels, what was important was the amount of blood drawn, thus avoiding death duels. Losing too much blood to someone was seen as a defeat. Besides, the demon weapons could absorb blood instead of Qi. Unlike humans, demons didn't control their Qi outside of their blood after all. So a blade would often be plunged in blood in order to fill it with Qi. Cao Yun could use both methods though. In his hands, such a weapon would become even more powerful. In fact, it would probably become his best sword for a long time.

Thankfully, the sword presented to Cao Yun didn't look too ridiculous. He had seen serrated blades that looked absolutely stupid in his eyes. To be fair, some were just for show as ceremonial weapons. Fortunately, the one presented to him was aesthetically pleasing. Besides, it was clearly a very powerful blade. Most likely, it had reached the Heaven grade at the very least. Since demons weren't using the same ranking system, it was a bit more difficult to be sure, but if he had to give it a rank, it would be a 4 or even a 5-star Heaven sword. Considering the worth of his pill, this gift was a bit too much. But considering the needs of Boss Gui and himself, it seemed appropriate. After all, as an alchemist, a sword didn't seem too useful to Cao Yun.

Boss Gui explained her gift.

"This blade is simply called 'Scarlet Ruin'. It was forged from the finest ores of our region. Master Panzao worked on the blade for seventy-two days and seventy-two nights with more than a hundred blacksmiths. Only an Accomplished Demon can showcase the full strength of this sword. Although Lord Mo Yun is an alchemist, I am sure that this sword will prove to be a great ally. The metal sucked in great amount of blood. According to Master Panzao, it is a thirsty sword that will devour your enemies' blood essence each time you unsheathe it. We hope that such a weapon is to your liking."

Each and every word was true. With his own senses, Cao Yun could tell that this was a great sword. And the fact that Boss Gui was gifting him a sword meant that she knew he had been using one. Although a spear was his weapon of choice, he wanted to work on his swordsmanship as well, in order to preserve the martial art of his great-grandfather. Thus, he had to admit that he was very pleased with the gift. Just by touching the sword, he could tell that it was a great receptacle of Qi.

With great sincerity, Cao Yun bowed toward Boss Gui while accepting her gift. However, her next words showed him she had another idea besides simply responding to his own gift. Giving and receiving gifts was a normal part of the ritual between business partners. But often, the gifts themselves were also messages that one had to decode.

"Lord Mo, before putting such a fine piece of art back in its scabbard, it must drink. Mister Dai!"

Snapping her fingers, a young man answered his mistress's call and walked toward Cao Yun. He was a late Golden Blood Child, probably close to becoming an Accomplished Demon. Just like Miss Wo, he had traces of the same poison on his flesh. Since he had been training, he was only wearing some pants and his chest was glistening with sweat as well as many bruises that had not been able to cut through his skin. In front of Cao Yun, he looked like a bronze statue with red eyes and completely shaven. All around him, there was a powerful killing intent. There was no doubt that he was a powerful warrior who had killed many.

"Mister Dai is probably the best trainee I have under the Accomplished Demon realm. Please, Lord Mo, be lenient with him. I wouldn't want him to be too much injured."

In Cao Yun's mind, there was absolutely no doubt that she was trying to test him. However, he couldn't come up with an excuse not to fight. In fact, it was indeed a custom for someone who had received a weapon to test it out by drawing someone's blood in a duel. It was a way of baptizing the weapon as demons believed they fed on the blood they were drawing.

Mister Dai saluted Cao Yun. Although he was fighting an Accomplished Demon, he had no fear in him. That was when the solution came to Cao Yun. It was so obvious that he had not thought about it at first. He saluted him back. Then, he let out both of his Flying Poison and Unclean Evil. Then, he simply looked at the slave who had challenged him. Before the fight even began, Cao Yun launched a mental attack against the living bronze statue. His 'Weeping Demon' had become an important part of his arsenal. And as his mind cultivation would improve, it would grow stronger and stronger.

Against someone who had seen a lot of fights and violence, this wasn't too powerful of course. However, Cao Yun's mind cultivation was enough to freeze him for an instant. In an actual fight, this would mean his death. That being said, this wasn't his point. After showcasing the effects of his spiritual senses, he retracted them.

"I will restrict my cultivation for this duel. I truly want to appreciate this fine weapon you've gifted me. Besides, I truly wish to sample the famous training of Boss Gui. All over the Nalupu Kingdom, I heard that you nurtured the best warriors so I would like to see that for myself."

"Lord Mo, I would advise you against it. Mister Dai is the strongest Golden Blood Child among my servants. In fact, he can boast to be the strongest in the entire Nalupu Kingdom now that Miss Wo is an Accomplished Demon. I wouldn't want you to be injured before we could conduct any business."

Boss Gui's words were full of arrogance. but faced with this Mister Dai, Cao Yun could tell she wasn't wrong at all. He was indeed extremely impressive. In fact, even Cao Yun wasn't sure he could win in a fair fight against him. But that also meant that if he didn't pretend to lower his cultivation, his real strength would be exposed. At least, with his earlier show, Boss Gui and Miss Wo had felt his spiritual senses. No one would actually believe that a Golden Blood Child could have spiritual senses. Now, he simply had to fight well enough and he could blame is poor performance for an Accomplished Demon on this self-imposed restriction.

Cao Yun reined in his spiritual senses, making a great show of it. Apart from Accomplished Demons, no one could tell the difference as they simply couldn't see or feel his soul outside of his body. Thus, this was clearly for Miss Wo and Boss Gui who were watching him closely. Then, Cao Yun circulated his Golden Blood to the utmost. A powerful vitality erupted all around him and spread along with thick killing intent. Even Mister Dai was a bit shaken by it. On the stairs, Miss Wo and Boss Gui were also pleasantly surprised. His cultivation was firm and stable. That was often the downfall of alchemists. The fact that he had not fallen for it made Boss Gui quite glad.

Mister Dai wasn't fighting with a sword but with a club with sharp spikes on it. Without any hesitation, he charged toward Cao Yun and tried to crush his skull.

'Falling Star'!

With the speed and the aura surrounding the club, it almost turned into a small sun. In fact, the very light of the day seemed to converge on the weapon as it turned red with heat. Mister Dai's body also became more and more bronze-like to the point that it was almost reflecting all the light of the sun while his skin was turning hot and making the air around it shimmer.

With his knowledge of array formations, Cao Yun could tell that all his escape routes had been cut off. There was an intense heat swirling around him. No matter what he did, the weapon would fall on his head. And meeting it with raw strength wasn't an option for him without exposing his Qi cultivation. However, that technique was still not perfect. And as an array formation master, he was able to see several flaws he could exploit. Any other Golden Blood Child would have been in a very difficult position though. Boss Gui's pride was absolutely justified.

Cao Yun didn't use his new sword yet. Instead, he used 'Axiu Qian's Blood Wrath'. This was the martial art he had created from Axiu Qian's memories and 'Dance of Slaughter'. First of all, he evaded the strike without any problem, also adding his knowledge of 'Azure Dragon's Seven Piercing Stars' to his movement. Putting some vibration in his palm strike, Cao Yun hit Mister Dai on his exposed flank. Also, he sent a few strands of pure Qi into the fighter. Because he had no reason to believe otherwise, the slave was convinced he was fighting a demon. Thus, this attack would clearly surprise him a lot. In fact, he wouldn't even understand what had happened since he had no experience with fighting humans. He would only think it was due to the vibrations.

'Stepping in the Sun'!

Quickly, Mister Dai put some distance between the two of them. For an instant, he almost disappeared in the light of the day. Then, he stood far from Cao Yun. As much as he was trying to conceal it, he was hurting and there was even a bit of blood at his mouth.

"Good, very good, indeed. Your technique is excellent. Boss Gui can be proud of your training."

As he spoke, Cao Yun brandished his newly acquired 'Scarlet Ruin'. Although he had not developed his Sword Aura, he circulated his Spear Aura a little. Around the young swordsman, it added a layer of intimidation. Miss Wo and Boss Gui saw through it. They could tell that he knew how to use a sword very well. Of course, he had no Sword Aura, but he was talented for an alchemist.

'The Wind rises in the East.'

'Blazing Aegis'!

A powerful gust of wind assaulted Mister Dai. Reacting quickly, he used his club in order to protect himself. As though it were a shield, he stabbed it in the ground as an aura of light and heat engulfed him. A lot of sand was also sent toward him and bruised his skin without drawing blood. Several cuts appeared on the club though as Cao Yun was wielding his sword. Even he was getting excited with his new weapon.

Before Mister Dai could break free as he was trying to orientate his club in a specific direction, Cao Yun suddenly changed his form. His movements went from slashing with speed and elegance toward stabbing and violent. With more pinpoint attacks directed toward Mister Dai, his club couldn't be used a shield as easily. Indeed, Cao Yun's sword was moving faster than his heavy club despite Mister Dai's impressive muscles.

'The Thunder rumbles in the West.'

Lost in his own excitement, Cao Yun went to the next move of his 'Three Storms' just as Mister Dai was adapting to it. The sword he had in hands was just too good for him to waste such an opportunity. Thunder bolts spread through the heavy club and assaulted Mister Dai's flesh but he didn't react at all and simply pushed through the pain. It was obvious that Boss Gui's training had been hellish.

'Scorpion Stabs the Sun'!

Mister Dai's club met Cao Yun's blade head-on, ready to push it back with raw strength. But he was surprised that the form had changed once more.

'The Ice hails in the South.'

With a powerful move, Cao Yun deflected the club and pierced through Mister Dai's defenses. Then, his sword touched his skin for the first time since the beginning of the duel. Through his arm, Cao Yun felt as though he had struck a metal wall. Thankfully, he had trained his muscles as well and was physically stronger than any typical Golden Blood Child. However, his weakness would have been exposed here and now. His sword was able to pierce Mister Dai's skin. Finally, he drew some blood from the slave warrior.

Still level-headed, Mister Dai moved away while recovering his weapon. However, Cao Yun didn't let him do as he pleased.

'The Three Storms unite in the North.'

All of a sudden, his sword had all the attributes of the three first verses. Each of his move contained traces of those attribute, swift slashes, precise stabs and powerful strikes. The art was to balance those attributes in each move in order to produce the precise effect he desired. For a few more minutes, Mister Dai and Cao Yun kept fighting. Mister Dai had clearly been training beforehand and he exhausted himself first. But the young swordsman could tell he was a great fighter.

In fact, Cao Yun surprised himself really enjoying their little duel. Both of their weapons clashed with each other again and again. Miss Wo and Boss Gui were quite impressed as Cao Yun was supposed to only be an alchemist. Undoubtedly, there was more to Lord Mo Yun. And this proved many of the rumors they had heard about him.

Although he wasn't using any Qi Manifestation, Cao Yun's blood while using 'Three Storms' had summoned dark clouds above Boss Gui's residence. His strikes could unleash wind, thunder and even ice. On the other hand, Mister Dai looked like a blazing bronze statue emitting a lot of hot light. On his perfect body though, there were already a few slashes while Cao Yun had only received one strike in his shoulder that had not injured him. The time to end this duel had come.

'All is gone in the world.'