Chapter 548: Plan of battle

After getting everything he could from his prisoner, Cao Yun hesitated. From that point forward, he had many options he could try out. Running away with a few tribesmen and Xixue seemed like a sensible option. However, he was convinced he could somehow do something. After all, he had already killed an even stronger cultivator. And from what he had observed himself, that Xin Zhe had a powerful mind cultivation but it was still inferior to his even without Dian Mo's help. Besides, running away from this fight would delay his plans. Hell, if City Lord Sihe became too influential, all of his plans would fail and he would have to wait even longer to go back to the main continent.

Moreover, fighting would also improve his martial arts and help his cultivation. On the other hand, he couldn't fight in front of the tribesmen without exposing that he wasn't as strong as he had claimed. That being said, there were other ways to deal with that particular problem.

"Boy, no matter what you think, it's not worth it. Cut your losses right now! That Xin Zhe is a real 2nd-grade Accomplished Demon. In a fight, she'll reduce you to dust, boy. You're not even a half-step Accomplished Demon after all."

"You underestimate me a bit too much. There's no way I would ever fight her head-on. And since you've become useless, I formed my own plans. I do think I can kill that woman. Losing an Accomplished Demon will be a huge blow to City Lord Sihe. In fact the problem is her small army. There are almost two thousand cultivators marching toward the Sand Wolves Tribe. Even if we gathered absolutely everyone from the settlement, I think we could only get a quarter of that number, roughly."

"Once again, boy, I tell you to escape. Take that Xixue girl and whoever you think is worth saving and run away! You don't owe those people anything. Why would you risk your life for them? Is it still about your dead family?"

Hearing Dian Mo, Cao Yun truly became enraged. He was trying to use his family in that argument. But, honestly, that was partly true. After seeing those people of the Sand Wolves Tribe, he didn't have the heart to abandon them to death, desolation and slavery. Even though he hated it, Cao Yun had to admit that it clouded his judgment. But then again, he was certain that he could do something. Although he was no saint, and he wasn't even sure what the right thing to do always was, he knew for sure that he couldn't abandon those people to their fate. In fact, it might even cause him to develop an inner demon. Furthermore, he couldn't run all the time, especially on an isolated continent.

He had a handful of years to get as strong as possible in order to rescue his own sister. And to get the strength he needed, he would have to take some risks. In fact, he had already taken a few with his mind cultivation, despite his past failed breakthrough in the Palace of Supreme Wisdom that had made him wary of going too fast.

"I'm not sure all my plans could work, but if I get the cooperation of the entire Sand Wolves Tribe, they just might."


Going back to the settlement, Cao Yun brought the three rescued slaves of course, but also the prisoner. Upon his return on Hongyu's back, Cao Yun was acclaimed as Tie Po. The clamor was so loud that the council left their tent. Chieftain Sha Chai Ren was being helped by his daughter Sha Chai Gan. Apparently, Sha Chai Gan had lost most of the animosity she had had for Cao Yun. Most likely, he had simply come at a bad time when he had first entered the tent of the council. It was obvious that Sha Chai Gan cared deeply for her old father. However, he was now very weak and, to be frank, he didn't seem to be long for this world. Cao Yun could understand her frustration and anxiety. Besides, their very tribe was on the verge of being wiped out as well. There was enough tension that he could forgive Sha Chai Gan's outburst.

Several tribesmen rushed to meet the two young men and the old woman. Among them were familiar faces. They burst into tears as they were finally reunited. A middle-aged man and his wife hugged the young man who had lost an arm. They were both sad and happy at the same time as they could imagine what those three had gone through. Then, they looked up at Cao Yun. His reputation as Tie Po had already spread, but now they were seeing first hand that he could indeed break the Curse of Blood and Sorrow. There was no doubt!

After this warm reunion, the villagers turned their gaze on the prisoner. His eyes were empty and he was covered in injuries that had been roughly treated just so he wouldn't die. In their own eyes, there was only hatred and murder. However, as long as Cao Yun was holding the prisoner, they wouldn't dare to do anything against him. If Cao Yun hadn't been there to keep him alive though, they would have torn him apart like wild beasts. 

"Lord Tie Po! This humble one congratulates that man on his success! The moon will be soaked in blood tonight. Our cubs are avenged and their Blood may flow toward the ocean of their ancestors."

"Chieftain Sha Chai Ren, there is no need to thank this incompetent one. This one was only able to rescue three of yours while many more have fallen. That vermin here has also given this one much information that Chieftain Sha Chai Ren should hear about. As such, this humble one requests a meeting of the council in secrecy."

"Of course, of course!"

Although he was trying to hide it to the rest of the village, Cao Yun's words caused some alarm in the Chieftain's heart. Hearing the concealed urgency in Cao Yun's voice, he could guess what he wanted to talk about. And unfortunately, it turned out that he was right.

Once they were all in the tent of the council, Cao Yun revealed everything he had learned from the prisoner. The man was kneeling beside Cao Yun, his eyes staring in the void as though he wasn't there. Even when they talked about him, he didn't react at all. To be honest, the council was a bit afraid of his behavior as it suggested that Cao Yun could break the mind and spirit of everyone in the settlement. Of course, he wouldn't do so, but that Xin Zhe could. Being enslaved was one thing, but losing one's mind seemed to be an even worse fate. This City Lord Sihe already seemed evil, but apparently he could debase himself even more.

On a table surrounded by all the members of the council, Sha Chai Gan had spread out a map of the Desolate Dune Desert. Several settlements had been marked using small pieces of wood. According to the information gotten from the prisoner, they had also placed the forces of Xin Zhe. There were also two other vanguard groups apparently. The one Cao Yun had eradicated had been looking for the main settlement of the Sand Wolves Tribe while others had been sent out to raid smaller ones. By now, they had probably attacked more than two thirds of the settlements. The Sand Wolves Tribe could very well disappear in this campaign. Without Cao Yun's assistance, their tribe would be entirely enslaved or killed.

Among the slaves working under Xin Zhe, there were many different slaves. Thankfully, only a handful of those slaves had been trained by Boss Gui. City Lord Sihe had probably bought them through indirect means in order to understand how she was able to form such powerful warriors. However, Cao Yun didn't believe he would ever find out the secret behind it. Poison was almost unknown as a discipline, because of all the taboo surrounding it. And this was a very good thing for Boss Gui, but especially so for Cao Yun.

On the map, they had also placed small rocks to indicate the most likely trajectory of that army. Considering their size, they would probably be left along by most demonic beasts. Although some were stronger than even Xin Zhe, they would have a hard time killing that many demons. And being injured in the desert would make them prey to other demonic beasts. There was indeed strength in number.

The council discussed various ways to defend the village. Cao Yun's knowledge of array formations really came in handy. They would also bury a few soldiers at specific points to launch surprise attacks. Although they wouldn't survive, they might be able to at least delay the army and maybe cause a large number of casualties. Hearing all those plans, Cao Yun wasn't satisfied at all. They had already accepted defeat and were just planning to either buy some more time or inflict as much damage as they could while they were being wiped out.

"Your plans are all too tame. You've already admitted your end. Instead of planning for your death, you should plan theirs!"

"Lord Tie Po is critical, but we simply can't contend with such a force. What would Lord Tie Po have us do? We intend to die with dignity to uphold the Blood of our ancestors! What more can Lord Tie Po ask of us?"

"Miss Sha Chai Gan, your ancestors would be even more pleased if they could feast on the blood of your enemies rather than yours. Besides, you've forgotten an essential point. Most of that army is composed of slaves. Considering that they're soldiers, fighting for City Lord Sihe moreover, I imagine that a vast majority of them are being controlled through the Slavery Br... the Curse of Blood and Sorrow."

Cao Yun had learned that the name 'Slavery Brand' was really not appreciated by the nomad tribes. Such a disgusting technique had to have an ominous name in their view.

"Lord Tie Po is suggesting that we should turn the slaves against the slavers?! But how...?!"

Suddenly, realization came to the entire council.

"I can free them all, but even for me, it will take some time so we have to find a way to keep the army busy while I do my thing. Unfortunately, I won't be able to help you much during the fight. And freeing that many slaves will obviously weaken me. Even if I succeed, I don't know whether I'll be able to deal with an Accomplished Demon, no matter how weak they could be. However, if we try to attack that Xin Zhe before freeing the slaves, I don't think we can succeed as that army is just too big."

Cao Yun's words did make sense. To be honest, the first part about it taking a lot of time was correct. However, it wouldn't weaken him by much. Of course his mind would be exhausted, but his fighting strength wouldn't change by much. That being said, this was a good cover in case he was forced to show his full strength. He could claim that he had been weakened by his first exploit. Moreover, no one would doubt he was actually an Accomplished Demon if he could free a thousand slaves.

The problem was simple now. They had to find a way to immobilize this army and to somehow separate the slaves from the rest of the group so Cao Yun could do his thing. Although it was simple, it wasn't easy at all. Their best bet would be array formations. But setting up such a powerful array formation that even Xin Zhe would fall victim to it would take an awful lot of time. Thus, Cao Yun and the council had to find ways to slow them down.

With that purpose in mind, they talked once more about sacrificing their men to stall the army. If they kept harassing them on their way to this settlement, they could buy some time. But their losses would be huge. In fact, most of their tribe would already be killed or captured before the army could lay waste to their settlement. In small groups, the Sand Wolves Tribe would be was faster than that large army so they could maybe exploit that.

Through the use of pills, Cao Yun could also improve their chances. The best option was to launch small raids on the marching army to slow them down. But this would still cause many deaths. After all, Xin Zhe was among them. With her cultivation, escaping would be difficult. Even if they could hide in the sand, they would have to be extremely careful. However, General Sha Lang Hu volunteered himself and his men for this mission. On the map, he showed all the places where they had good chances of escaping. They could launch small attacks and disappear as fast as possible into the Desolate Dune Desert. Their knowledge of the territory might just be enough to protect them even from an Accomplished Demon. The main point was to escape before the army could react to the surprise. Of course, the more they would attack, the more the army would be prepared.

This was a very dangerous mission, but it might work. At the very least, it would lower morale a little and slow down the army. Thanks to that, Cao Yun might be able to set up the array formation he had in mind. Besides, Cao Yun also had plans involving the prisoner. But all of them together would not be enough to win without a fight. At some point, the Sand Wolves Tribe as a whole would have to risk their lives. And everyone knew that there would be large casualties. Obviously, they were not pleased at all by this prospect. However, no one had a better plan.

If Cao Yun had been much stronger, he might have been able to deal with the army himself. Unfortunately, he was bluffing... But because he had given his word to the Sand Wolves Tribe, he would fight with them to the end. Contrary to them though, he was almost certain he could escape, even Xin Zhe, if things became too difficult. Thus, in private, he discussed with Chieftain Sha Chai Ren and his daughter. Together, they chose a handful of tribesmen to take away in case of emergency.

For several days, the entire tribe was working on the plan of battle. Cao Yun's array formation would require a lot of manpower if it was to be set up in time.