Chapter 604: The truth in a dream

Soon, the bodies of the Weiji family would be found with all the evidence that they had been working on poison. Everything would be clear. Besides, the Sisters of the Abyss would have the jurisdiction to act as they pleased. Thus, the truth would be set in stone. The Weiji family had broken the taboo and were dealing with extremely dangerous and heretical poisons. Moreover, the Bloodfire Vermilion Haze was among the worst poisons for the demons. Indeed, it was directly affecting one's blood and could be carried into someone's bloodstream as a weapon.

Immediately after that, it would be easy to put the blame of what had happened in the Sand Wolves Tribe on the Weiji family instead of Boss Gui. In fact, it would also be very easy to implicate City Lord Sihe in the matter. And this would even explain why the Sisters had suddenly turned their backs on them. Everyone would imagine the worse and City Lord Sihe would quickly be isolated. On the other hand, Boss Gui's reputation would skyrocket. But Cao Yun wasn't done just yet.

After taking care of the Weiji family, he had to take care of the nomadic tribes. And it would be even easier considering that they were farther from the Oasis of Life than the others. After all, they didn't want to be too close to those who were enslaving them. Even if this place was neutral, they couldn't let go of their grudges. Moreover, they were closer to City Lord Sihe's side.

This time, he didn't intend to kill anyone. One accident was believable, but if he were to kill anyone else, people would get suspicious. Thus, Cao Yun had chosen his target with care and had chosen the perfect moment to act, when the two parents and Weiji Bao were together in the residence. Even at that moment, Cao Yun wondered if he should also kill the uncle. Since he was working with City Lord Sihe, he would know that something was wrong there. Maybe he would believe that this was accident considering that Weiji Nian had indeed already used this poison. But he would probably know that this laboratory wasn't hers. But he couldn't really say anything as he would have to admit that he knew about her activities.

City Lord Sihe would also have a hard time defending himself because he was indeed working with poison. His only angle would be to try and expose Boss Gui's use of poison. This was why it was essential for the Sisters of the Abyss to support her. Instead of poison, they could claim that she had been experimenting with alchemy. And it would be credible since everyone knew about her links with the Blazing Swallow. Anyway, Cao Yun was almost certain everything would work out just fine. With the Sisters on his side, the risk of failure was minimal. He could turn most of the Nalupu Kingdom against City Lord Sihe. Now, he had to make sure that the nomadic tribes would also turn. And for that, he had to prepare certain things.

The nomadic tribes had all fallen under the influence of the Sun Scorpion Clan's patriarch, Patriarch Liang Lisheng. He was obviously under City Lord Sihe's thumb and had helped to turn them against Cao Yun. But now, everyone thought that Cao Yun was dead. And no one in the nomadic tribes had broken through to the realm of Accomplished Demon. In other words, no one would be able to detect Cao Yun, or to even think about the possibility that he could try to sneak into their camps.

That was exactly what Cao Yun did. Just as he had snuck into the Weiji residence, he snuck into the nomadic tribes' camps. Unlike the important members of the Nalupu Kingdom, the tribes had set up tents and not temporary buildings. With spatial rings, it wasn't too difficult to bring buildings without foundation. But the nomadic tribes didn't have as many resources and as many spatial rings. Besides, they were accustomed to this kind of life and it felt right to them. They had a few rudimentary buildings here and there. But when they changed from one settlement to another, they were used to sleeping in tents. Even in the settlements, tents were used.

Of course, those weren't small tents. For any mortal, they would be extravagant. Although cultivators didn't really care of heat or cold, the tents were able to keep the temperature inside in check. Most mortals would have loved to live in those tents instead of their poor housings. This made Cao Yun realize that there were things to do for his people. Emperor Weide had been focused on the demons and didn't really take care of his people. After all, he had worked with the demonic cultivators and had sacrificed his own people, so it wasn't too surprising.

In due time, Cao Yun would have to take care of Patriarch Liang Lisheng. But for now, he decided to visit someone else, Sha Chai Gan, the daughter of Chieftain Sha Chai Ren. Since her father's death, she had assumed a lot of responsibilities. But she was under the direct authority of Patriarch Liang Lisheng. In fact, he had tried to marry her for quite some time. Until now, she had been able to put it off, but she wouldn't be able to resist for long. Her Sand Wolves Tribe was suffering from political pressure. If Patriarch Liang Lisheng could marry her, it would strengthen his authority as her father was recognized by all as a great chieftain. And he had been among the strongest cultivators in the tribes.

For several months, General Sha Lang Hu had helped her. Unfortunately, he had suffered from Qi deviation during a period of seclusion in an attempt to improve his cultivation. He had hoped to become an Accomplished Demon. Thankfully, his failure hadn't killed him but he was severely injured. To be honest, even the Sisters weren't too sure whether this had been a genuine accident or not.

Yes, Patriarch Liang Lisheng had many reasons to cause such an accident, but there was no conclusive evidence. That being said, Cao Yun kept it in mind. At the very least, Patriarch Liang Lisheng was using this situation to his advantage. But Cao Yun could do the same, and with better results. Contrary to Patriarch Liang Lisheng, he didn't care about Sha Chai Gan's body in the least. Thus, it might be easier for her to accept Cao Yun's offer than to share her bed with this patriarch.

With all that in mind, Cao Yun quickly found her tent and entered it in the middle of the night. Although cultivators didn't need that much sleep, Sha Chai Gan was indeed sleeping. She was under a lot of pressure, but here, she felt safe so she used the time she had to rest as much as she could.

It was no problem at all for Cao Yun to get into the tent without arousing any suspicion. At his current level, only a very powerful mind could see through his stealth. Besides, he had the Sisters of the Abyss covering him and he was outside of the Oasis of Life. Around there, there was not even a single Accomplished Demon. In fact, he could have assassinated anyone he wanted. And he truly wanted to kill Patriarch Liang Lisheng. Unfortunately, it would have to wait. Moreover, he could kill him without resorting to trickery or poison and that would feel better. Right now, he simply wanted to make sure that he would have someone else to take over the alliance of all the tribes. And obviously, the person he had in mind was Sha Chai Gan.

The first time they had met hadn't been too good. But Cao Yun's opinion of her had dramatically improved with time. What had truly left an impression on him was her loyalty to her father. He was certain that even in death it would still apply. So he had to show her the cold facts and he knew he could convince her to help him out.

Before trying to talk to her, Cao Yun entered her mind. With great care, he examined every parcel of her mind and even her body. Hidden within her, he did find several seals. Most were clearly seals meant to improve her cultivation. But there were a couple of seals that were unusual. Looking closely, Cao Yun identified their uses. Those seals were meant to subdue or even kill if events dictated it. Most likely, City Lord Sihe had given such seals to Patriarch Liang Lisheng. If Sha Chai Gan became an issue, they had a way to deal with her. However, she was probably unaware of their existence. Thus, Cao Yun didn't unravel them. Instead, he altered them just enough so they would be in his control now.

Although he had no intention of threatening her with them, it was easier to do so than to unravel them. And he certainly didn't want anyone to notice as he didn't know how long it would be before he would enact his plans for the tribes. In his mind, it would be quick, but there could be unforeseen events along the way. But, he truly didn't intend to use those seals. To be honest, he really didn't need them to threaten a Golden Blood Child. Those seals were important for Patriarch Liang Lisheng as he wasn't an Accomplished Demon. Besides, he could deflect any responsibility and blame her death on someone else, probably Boss Gui once again.

Anyway, once Cao Yun was done examining her, he talked to her, directly into her mind.

As she was sleeping, Sha Chai Gan felt a presence. She woke up but realized that she wasn't in her tent. She was walking in a black valley. Although it looked exactly like a verdant valley, the grass had been replaced with black ashes. Above her head, the sky was as red as blood. It truly was a dream as she couldn't control her movement. She was simply a spectator. In a daze, she felt like she had been walking for centuries while knowing it had only been a few seconds. Although she was aware that this was a dream, she couldn't do anything, she couldn't even talk. But worse than anything, she couldn't wake up.

Finally, she stopped moving. In front of her was a shadowy figure. When he turned to face her, she recognized Mo Yun. He was a bit older and his aura had dramatically changed, but it was him alright.

"Miss, it's been quite some time. There are many things you should be made aware of."

As soon as he finished his sentence, Sha Chai Gan fell through the ground. She was floating in the sky as she could see Patriarch Liang Lisheng conspire with City Lord Sihe and Weiji Nian. The scene wasn't very clear as it was a dream, but she knew what she was seeing immediately. A red mist was whirling around them. Suddenly, she saw her father and many of her tribesmen. The red mist spread in their midst. Many exploded into a mist of blood. Finally, she saw her own father die in front of her. Patriarch Liang Lisheng then crushed his corpse under his feet. From the broken body of her father, he took his weapon and brandished it as though it was his.

"The attack on your Sand Wolves Tribe has not been imagined by Boss Gui. Everything was done by the treacherous Weiji Nian, an ally of City Lord Sihe. You should be pleased to learn that this vile woman died by the same means she used to kill so many of your brothers and sisters. But there is another servant of City Lord Sihe who took advantage of this tragedy to usurp your father's authority and even claim dominion over all the tribes. And you know that what I'm saying is true.

"For quite some time, you have suspected that General Sha Lang Hu's injury was not a mere accident. To speak the truth, I do not know whether it was the case or not. But I can tell you that Patriarch Liang Lisheng would not shy away from such means. I have no way of knowing how informed he had been of the attack. But he clearly received instructions on how to use it best. Thanks to this attack, he put all the blame on Boss Gui and then on me so he could take over all the tribes.

"In the last few years, his power and influence only grew. Several dissonant voices have been silenced. You know that this isn't right, and yet you did nothing. Don't you think that you've been dishonoring your father's memory by your inaction?"

Rage was spreading through Sha Chai Gan but she couldn't do anything but listen and watch. Although she didn't believe every single word of her dream, she knew that some of it at least was true. Indeed, some words mirrored her own thoughts. Patriarch Liang Lisheng was a poisonous scorpion and there was no doubt in her mind that he had indeed caused some accidents to eliminate any opposition. Besides, he was really using Boss Gui as an excuse for anything. She had become the epitome of the enemy, ready to use any underhanded method, blaspheming any belief. If one listened to Patriarch Liang Lisheng, Boss Gui was an abomination wearing demon flesh.

The dream kept on going for what felt like an eternity. After making accusations, Cao Yun then showed her some proof of what he claimed. Thanks to the Sisters of the Abyss, he had everything he needed to convince Sha Chai Gan of the truth. He didn't even need to lie or alter the facts. This was nice as it erased the bitter taste of the assassination. Truly, Cao Yun hadn't liked to poison two parents and their child in such a way. He would have rather killed his enemies with his own hand, face to face. And he was sincerely afraid of crossing a line. Seeing others as mere pawns to be used and discarded felt incredibly wrong and was opposed to everything he believed.

In that case, it hadn't been like that, but he was afraid that one day it might turn out this way. He didn't want to go down that road. And for that, he would need to distance himself from politics as much as he could. Although he might have good intentions and even good results, he knew that he could also lose himself and find many rationalizations for absolutely disgusting acts. No, he would leave politics to others. But he had to make sure that those he left it to were worthy of it.

Sha Chai Gan was among those he had chosen.