Omnishell (3)

"A rookie?" A voice spoke behind Danny, the sound of the music drowned his deep and raspy voice.

"Vale!" Reymi shot up and raised both of his hands, offering a hug. Daisy sighed and got off the chair, looking down at the ground with a depressed look on her face. Danny turns around and sees a person standing at the entrance.

"Who are you?" Vale stood at the entrance, pointing a finger at Danny. He had long flowy dark hair with patches of white sprinkled around his hair. He wore goggles that rested on his forehead, right above his eyes. He had a massive scar on the right side of his cheek that cut across his nose horizontally. He was modestly dressed in a dark green cloak with a tight compression shirt underneath.

"He's the new kid we got in to replace Jouzai." Daisy stretches her neck and her arms, getting ready for a fight.

"Oh?" Vale turns and looks over to Danny. "Does he have an Omnishell?"

"Nope." Reymi walks over to Vale and awkwardly hugs him, wrapping his arms around his chest.

"Then what's the point?" Vale asks Daisy. Daisy tries to say something but Vale shrugs Reymi off, walking towards Danny. "Do you know what it means to be a maverick?"

"No." Danny tilts his head upwards to look Vale in the eye. He towers over him, like a massive building. "But I'm willing to learn."

"Why do you want in?" Vale asks quickly.

"Money, and purely money. I don't care what job you give me, I'll do it as long as I get paid." Danny answers blatantly and honestly. This blatant honesty catches Vale off-guard.

"He's a charming little one. Maybe he can fill the vacancy." Vale scoffs. "But you're gonna have to prove it. I challenge you to an Omniduel." Vale extends his hand for a handshake. "I know you ain't got one kid but we'll both use Omnidummies, that way it'll be even."

"Woo!" Reymi jumps up and down excitedly "I'm so excited!"

x x x x x

"This is our storage room." Vale opens up a large metal door that slid to the right. They were in the basement of the nightclub, where the mavericks slept and lived in. This was their vault, filled with all of their junk and scraps which they use to build their Omnishells. "In here you'll find some random junk, they're pretty useless, we're only in here to repair our Omnishells after fights."

"Woah." Danny walks into the storage room. Vale flicks the lights on and lights up the entire room. Danny looks around the room in amazement as there are metal plates hung from the ceiling and dismembered metallic arms on the ground and full-fledged robots on stands. "Are these... Omniacs?"

"They're Omnishells, completely different." Vale walks over to one particular Omnishell. "This baby belonged to Atsel, the seventh and founder of the Mavericks." Vale admires the Omnishell in its entirety.

It was short and skinny in stature but have long wavy white hair that spiked in all sorts of directions with big purple galaxy-looking horns on the front. A chunk of hair lay in between her eyes and separated them, her irises having the same galaxy look as her horns. She was modestly dressed, wearing a suit of armour over his metallic skin that exposed his abdomen, shoulders and thighs.

However, her arms were white which faded into a dark grey and eventually black, creating a shell around her forearms which ended with bright orange spikes. Her fingers were massive and slightly grey with a tinge of yellow.

Her calves were fully white, a piece of metal jutting out of her shins covered her ankles and her feet looked to look the bottom of a teacup, round and only slightly flat, making it so she was constantly her on tippy-toes to optimise speed.

"She's a marvel." Vale scoffs.

"Why don't you use it?" Danny asks, looking at the same Omishell Vale was looking at.

"Her name is Alice Everland, we mavericks don't use one other's Omnishells, even when the pilot has died. That's just plain disrespect." Vale turns and looks at Danny. "The same goes for you, you won't be using any of our Omnishells, instead you'll be using a training dummy." Vale points to an Omnishell directly behind Danny.

Danny turns around and looks behind him. There stood a scraggly old-looking piece of metal that slouched to the right, its metallic guts hanging out to its sides. "How am I gonna beat you with that?"

"I'll be using my own Omnishell, but I promise I'll hold back." Vale smiles and gives Danny a thumbs-up.

x x x x x

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen!" Reymi screamed into the mic as he dragged his words, creating anticipation. "Are you ready for the fight of the night?!"

Reymi wanted a response but instead got nothing. "There's no one in the arena tonight numpty, the matches don't start until 11 pm." Daisy is sitting next to Reymi on a chair with her feet up on the table. Her hair was tied with a bandana on the front and streaks of blonde covered her eyes. She wore a bright blue varsity jacket with short black pants and high heels.

"Well no shit, at least pretend..." Reymi points the mic away from his mouth as he looks out from the commentator's room. The commentator room overlooked the main arena, as well as the pit of audience which would gather around the arena. On both sides of the arena were two giant metal tubes, both completely opaque.

"C'mon Danny, this will be easy..." Danny amps himself up and tries to shake the nerves off. "This is just a training session, nothing different from going to the gym." He tried to hide his nervousness but he was nervous.

Vale was on the other side completely naked from the waist up, wearing only a pair of shorts and his hair tied back in a bun.

His muscles were bulging and his blood was pumping from all of the excitement, a big bold smile across his face.

"Pilots! Get ready and enter your chambers!" Reymi announced over the system. Danny and Vale were both standing on elevated platforms over the arena, allowing them direct access to the metal tubes.

Vale doesn't hesitate at all and walks straight into the tube, falling into the water inside of the tube calmly and not making a mess. Danny sees this and gets even more nervous. He walks up to the edge and stares down, his reflection staring back at him. He takes a deep sigh before jumping in himself, creating a massive splash of water as his body collides with the surface of the water.