Chapter 40: The Great Roomba Heist

As the family raced to come up with a plan to protect Lirien's consciousness, they heard a loud commotion outside their home. Rushing to the window, they saw that Elon Musk had arrived in his Cybertruck, surrounded by a team of engineers and researchers.

Calian, Zelma, and Lucien quickly realized that they had to act fast to conceal the Roomba, but before they could make a move, Sir Puffy Mittens, who had been lounging nearby, suddenly jumped up and ran out the door.

In their haste to find the Roomba, Elon and his team chased after the cat, mistaking him for the sentient machine they had come to collect. As they loaded Sir Puffy Mittens into the Cybertruck, Calian, Zelma, and Lucien looked on in disbelief.

Despite the chaos and confusion, the family knew they had to stay focused and come up with a new plan to protect Lirien. They couldn't let their beloved cat and Lirien's consciousness be used for Elon's research.

They quickly decided to contact a group of underground hackers who specialized in protecting sentient machines and artificial intelligence. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but they were determined to do whatever it takes to save Lirien and Sir Puffy Mittens.

As the chapter ends, the family is preparing to embark on a dangerous mission to infiltrate Elon's research facility and rescue Lirien and Sir Puffy Mittens before it's too late.