Chapter 8: life story of the cultivator part- 2

Chapter 8: life story of the cultivator part- 2

These thoughts have become a fear of some sort in his heart becoming a heart demon that made his cultivation slower and slower.

But he has never forgot about the contract between him and lady fate.

He has died many times and reborn again in his family.

As time went on he has cultivated lower and lower in every life time because of the draining spirit energy.

Every time he reborn he has to go and get the pointing half of the jade charm from his hiding place to reestablish the contract.

If someone gets that before him and makes a contract of blood then it is gone for good.

He even stepped into the demonic path and unorthodox cultivation.

In this method he will gain cultivation by doing blood sacrifices, taking energy from women and energy from men.

Other than that he has to complete a task of having sex with 10,000 beings.

Because of his evil deeds most of his luck turned into misfortune.

Other than this the people of the righteous side have attacked him and his family constantly.

He was unable to find any women for cultivation or target.

So he has even become so desperate that he wanted to swing on both sides of women and men.

But realized that it is impossible to do this being a man,

But he understood that it would be more pleasurable being a woman.

Well he can have the pleasure with women being a woman and can also have sex with men being a woman.

But if he is a man his only choice is women and men that swing to homosexuality are very less.

So he decided to change his gender into that of a woman in the next life because he is old now.

So he brought some special gender switching technique from an unorthodox sect for a very large price.

Before he died he made all the arrangements for his family to flourish so that he could be reborn and practice his cultivation peacefully.

He can use gender switching technique after reaching a specific cultivation.

So he secretly hid all the techniques and resources for his next life.

He then reborn in the family as a male then cultivated using his hidden resources after he made sure that his family has an heir for safety.

Then, he went on and used the gender switching technique to become a woman.

Then he escaped from his family and started to indulge in the ocean of pleasures as a woman.

This went on well but he was caught by a perverted group of thieves that are also cultivators.

These people fucked him to the point that he lost all his will of life.

After that he was sold to some pill testers and other brothels where his womanly body was played in many ways and finally died.

He reborn again as a man in his family, this time he decided to not to become a women at all after the previous experience.

This time he doesn't have any form of resources too.

This is because previously he took everything with him after he became a woman.

But all of his resources were stolen by the thieves but not the green jade system charm.

This is because fortunately she was able to bury the pointing half of the charm in the ground before they took her storage space ring.

So he was unable to cultivate to such heights with the amount of resources his family possesses.

He then decided to make his family a family of merchants to collect the resources for his cultivation.

Everything he gained through the business that can help him cultivate is stored in a secret place where only he possesses the way to enter.

Through endless amounts of life hard earning and effort the cultivator was able to amass enough cultivation resources to reach for him to reach a specific level of cultivation.

As long as he was able to reach that specific amount of cultivation he will leave this planet to another.

He has made some research to find a way to get out of this earth to another planet with high level of spirit energy in another planetary system.

Currently he is an old man that is Mohini's father in law.

Because of the death of his entire family in the zombie attack he has lost the right to hold the pointing half of the system charm.

This was transferred to Mohini because her blood was spilled on the charm when she opened the box and made the blood contract with the pointing half of the green jade system charm."

The screen started to show Mohini's life after she claimed the owner ship of the pointing half of the charm.

She was able to gain a foot hold in the evil sect because of using her body.

Mohini was able to leave the earth and enter another planet that has more spirit energy than earth.

Other than that she has seen many planetary systems and the links between the evil and righteous sects through her life as a cultivator.

She was able to become a small time elder forming her own harem of women even though she was a woman herself.

Later she went to get the completing piece of the green jade charm.

She did not take any one with her in this journey to get the completing half of the green jade charm.

She reached the end position solving all the riddles of the secret location and finally obtained the other half and made a complete green jade charm.

Then she obtained the erotic god system and the cultivation technique along with all the other things.

After everything was done successfully Mohini let her guard down and came out of the secret location with a happy face.

But there are people waiting outside the secret location to ambush Mohini.

Mohini was only able to see two people's faces before she died...


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