Chapter 12: vibrating phone fell into the dress

Chapter 12: vibrating phone fell into the dress

But this time Mohini was awake and can take the smart phone that she has bought using her hard earned money.

Currently she is anticipating for the new smart phone that she ordered.

She has decided to use the secret technique after she became healthy again that is tomorrow.

She wanted to lose her virginity on the day of her birthday.

Previously she should have been in deep sleep right now when the smart phone arrived.

But now she was awake and eagerly waiting for the smart phone.

She can do many things with her skills as a hacker.

As expected within half an hour her warden came back to check on Mohini to see if she is awake or not.

This is because the smart phone has already arrived.

Mohini has already paid the money online so only receiving the phone is remaining.

Warden came to check for Mohini because Mohini has been on high excitement for the past few days.

This is because she has bought a smart phone online with her own money.

So he came to check to see if Mohini is still awake.

"Oh! You are not sleeping Mohini;

Come with me your smart phone has arrived."

Warden Lakshmi said.

Mohini immediately got up and followed warden Lakshmi into her office.

There is a huge smile hung on Mohini's face.

The smart phone that she bought is the limited edition purple magenta colored phone with the latest features.

Mohini happily took the box and said that she would go back to the room to open and check her new smart phone.

Then she hurriedly left the warden's office.

She got back to her sleeping place.

In orphanages mostly all the people are slept on the floor with rugs or other cheep things.

They will not have bed or any other thing.

Also there will only be one big room that can fill all the kids in the orphanage live in.

So, all the orphans sleep in their assigned spots in that single room of orphanage.

Mohini usually slept near a corner that is close to the exit.

Mohini sat on her rug and started to remove the cover on the box.

She can see the front view of the mobile phone from the transparent screen on the box.

She unboxed the smart phone and started to feel the smooth surface of the screen.

Suddenly something unexpected happened.

The phone switched on automatically without Mohini doing anything.

Mohini was shocked and dropped the phone from her loose hand grip.

Even though Mohini has just reached her eighteenth birthday her body is well developed.

Her boobs are quite big and perky they stood up like two snow mountains complimenting her milky white skin.

One can consider her a top grade beauty that can topple a city.

Since she is an orphan she did not have many good clothes.

So she usually wears some little tattered clothes while she is inside the orphanage.

There are not make kids in this orphanage there are only women from kids to adults.

This is also designated by the government to simplify the management and moral values.

The tattered clothes that she is wearing are donated by some people that she obtained as they fit her.

The dress that she is wearing is a woman's nighty that has a long neck cut that shows her breasts and there is also a hole that was formed from rats.

The smart phone that she dropped fell in the space between her boobs and slipped into her clothes and stuck between her boobs.

At this moment the phone started to vibrate.

Mohini's boobs are her one of her sensitive spots.

So as soon as the phone started to vibrate Mohini let out a light moan and felt a little powerless.


Because of the vibration the phone slid down from her boobs straight to her naval where there is a hole in the clothes made by rats.

Mohini tried to pull out the smart phone from this hole but because of her struggle the smart phone slid further into her crotch region touching her pussy and clit.

The continuous vibration started to stimulate her little pussy and her pea sized clitoris.

This caused Mohini to let out a few moans and have an orgasm.

Fortunately she pulled out the phone just before she cummed spoiling her dress.

The phone was fine just smell a little of her love juices but her dress around her crotch region has become wet.

Even though she has many experiences of fucking from the memories of her future self,

Her current body is only that of an eighteen year old girl that has never felt this kind of stimulus.

This is an entirely new world for her body.

So her body reacted immediately to the stimulus and also her body is very sensitive because of being a virgin.

She quickly placed the smart phone back in the box and started to rub her clitoris and the pussy to enjoy the moment a little more.

She masturbated for sometime while going on with the flow and caught up in the moment.

She is already 18 year old.

Her birthdays today and next day is only the recorded date mentioned in the orphanage record.

So her real birthday is unknown.

But based on warden Lakshmi words,

Mohini know that she is around one year older than the date recorded that is she will be 19 year old the next day instead of 18 year old.

She was unable to stand up because of too much sensitivity her legs gave away.

After few minutes of resting she finally stood up and went to change her clothes.

She took off the spoiled nighty and wore another dress that she stored in a box nearby where all the orphans store their dresses.

She then immediately washed her cum covered dress fearing warden or any other women would see her.

She did not even bother to check the vibration on the phone....


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