Chapter 14: lady fate gave gifts and punishments part-2

Chapter 14: lady fate gave gifts and punishments part-2

"…But since you have got the technique before you complete the amethyst charm,

I am going to give you a little punishment."

While speaking lady fate took out a bangle like thing that seems to be made out of gold.

Then she extracted another drop of blood from Mohini and placed it on the golden bangle helping Mohini form spiritual connection with the bangle similar to the purple ring.

Purple ring is the magenta colored ring that lady fate gave Mohini previously.

Then under the orders of lady fate Mohini placed the strange golden bangle and the new smart phone in the purple ring on Mohini's clitoris.

Mohini was shocked but she has already adapted to the truth that lady fate is here and asked

"Lady Fate, can you tell me what it is?"

Lady fate smiled mysteriously and said

"Well this is called fucking ring.

There are many people out there that wish to enjoy the pleasure from a beautiful thing.

So this ring was invented.

There will be a pair of rings one is service ring while the other is the customer ring.

The service ring is placed on the person that wants to provide the sex service.

The customer ring can choose any of the service providers rings to have his fun by paying the price.

This is a special business provided under the leader ship of the love gods of all the mythologies.

All the service providers can participate willingly no one is forced,

The customers pay the price decided by the love god's assessment teams of all the mythologies.

Your punishment will be very simple.

You are going to give the access to get the complete fucking time apart from the time when you are not being fucked by those humans in your future.

This way you can earn some valuables,

You can get some cultivation done with higher level beings

Also you are going to get fucked 24/7 hehe this will be your punishment.

Do you have any doubts?"

Mohini was shocked at first but after listening to the explanation of lady fate Mohini let her heart at ease.

But there are still doubts in her mind so she wanted to ask

"Lady Fate, I have two questions.

First is I am still a virgin so I wanted to use that forbidden technique to summon a demon to grant me 3 abilities.

So can I start this punishment from tomorrow after I lost my virginity?

The second question is what if there is some one that from the fucking ring that wants to fuck my ass hole,

At the same time there is someone that is already fucking my asshole here?"

Lady fate smiled and said

"First of all I will answer the second question.

When someone is already fucking your holes here and another one wants to fuck the very hole then the love god's customer support shows that the hole is already occupied.

If the person wants to have a double penetration and you accepted it then the there will be two dicks in the same hole grinding your insides.

Also the human that is already fucking you will not notice this.

As for the first question there is something that special that I came here specifically today.

That is to say today is your birthday and not tomorrow.

Also I came here to take your virginity by granting you 4 wishes.

In the four wishes 3 are of your choice and the fourth one is given by me to you as a gift.

You don't have to summon a demon using the forbidden technique."

With these words from lady fate,

Mohini has finally calmed down and was happy to see that lady fate herself has come to celebrate Mohini's birthday.

"Let me give the birthday girl another kiss"

Saying these words lady fate closed in on Mohini again giving her another long sweet lip kiss.

With a wave of her hand the magenta dress on lady fate vanished.

All the ornaments that she is wearing also vanished.

This revealed an even magnificent view of a perfect body.

The beauty of lady fate's body cannot be said in words.

There is one word that can describe lady fate's body that is.


"What are your three wishes that you wanted to ask sacrificing your virginity to a demon?"

Lady fate asked Mohini with a lusty smile.

The time is still stopped by lady fate, so all this time they are talking the total flow of time is zero.

So there is no one that came to the orphanage and her warden did not come to check on Mohini again because all of them are frozen in time.

She immediately came in front of Mohini and gave her a lip kiss.

After that she bent down a little and started to suck on Mohini's nipples.

While she is sucking on one nipple she pinched on the other one.

This aroused Mohini very much that she is moaning with pleasure.

Mohini even had a few orgasms from just getting sucked and pinched on her nipples.

"Ahaaa" "humm" "ohhaa"

After that lady fate went down even further and started to lick and suck on Mohini's clitoris and the virgin pussy.

Mohini's legs became jelly and almost fell down on the messy roof top.

But lady fate caught her again and with a wave of her hand a nicely arranged pink bed appeared on the messy roof top.

Lady fate placed Mohini on the top of the bed and then inserted two of her fingers into the pussy between Mohini's legs while teasing her clitoris.

After having enough fun with Mohini, Lady Fate stopped what she is doing and placed her pussy at Mohini's mouth.

"Suck on clitoris so that it can become a dick."

Lady fate said to Mohini.

Mohini immediately started to lick lady fate's clitoris and the pussy passionately.

Mohini is licking like she is licking an ice cream bar.

There is a sense of pleasure in Mohini's eyes...….


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