Chapter 16: the three wishes Mohini wanted

Chapter 16: the three wishes Mohini wanted

On the table there is a beautiful cake that is covered in a design that has many colors.

There are many different exotic fruits on the cake.

Lady fate is sitting at the edge of the bed, right beside the table.

Mohini is sitting on lady fate's lap where the dick of lady fate is still in Mohini's little pussy.

Lady fate pointed a finger and a little fire appeared at the edge of her finger.

Then lady fate spoke.

"Mohini lit the candles on the cake with my little fire."

Lady fate's breasts are tightly pressing on to Mohini's back while lady fate's dick is fully inserted into Mohini's little hole.

Currently Mohini was at the very top of the pleasure heaven but was woken up by lady fate's words.

She was astounded to see that there is a table and a very beautiful cake on the table.

There are words written on the top of the cake that is.

"Happy birthday to my little bitch Mohini from her to be bitch lady Fate"

Looking at the words on the cake there are two streaks of tears from Mohini's eyes.

Looking at the tears from Mohini's eyes fate asked.

"Why are you crying?"

It is not the words that caused her to cry but these are her happy tears caused by the extreme happiness that she is currently in.

"I am not crying because I am sad.

These are the happy tears that came from the happiness that you gave me.

I am an orphan that has faced many hardships in my life.

This is the first time that I am celebration my birthday with a magnificent cake and with a person that loves me so much."

Mohini said while the tears are still flowing from her eyes.

"Silly girl, you are still far away from the real enjoyment.

Win the game I designed and then you will have many more people that will sit with you to celebrate your birthday.

Well whatever today is your birthday so don't cry.

Cut the cake first and then make the three wishes that you want to ask that demon."

Lady fate said while smiling coquettishly.

Mohini wiped her happy tears then took the small knife that lady fate gave her and cut the cake.

After she cut the cake she took the piece with a strawberry on it and wanted to place it in lady fate's mouth.

But lady fate took that piece of cake and from Mohini's hands and placed it in Mohini's mouth. Immediately she planted a kiss on Mohini's mouth.

They both shared the piece of cake and the small strawberry with a lip kiss.

This has completely aroused both of them to that point that lady fate shot out another load of cum in Mohini's little pussy.

"What are your three wishes that you wanted to ask sacrificing your virginity to a demon?"

Lady fate asked Mohini with a lusty smile.

Mohini was still enjoying the moment that they just shared but came back to reality because of lady fate's words and sorted her mind to normal state.

Then spoke about her wishes

"Lady Fate the three wishes that I wanted to have is the three abilities that I need the most to survive in this monstrous world.

The first one is the ability to become invisible and undetectable.

The enemy should not be able to see me or detect me in any form of presence.

That is they should not be able to see me through their spirit sense too.

Also this should be able to hide my cultivation level if it is required.

This is the first ability that I wanted absolute invisibility.

The second ability is the ability of shape shifting.

I want to change my appearance, race, gender and transform into anything that I wanted to become.

This way I will be able to escape from the enemies eyes.

The third ability that wanted to wish for is detection ability like radar.

The ability like radar that will help me detects all the things within the range.

All the things means, friends, enemies, treasures, spirit herbs, minerals and all the things easily.

These are the three abilities that I wanted to wish for so that I can complete the mission that you gave me and do many other things in this dog eat dog world.

The time is still stopped by lady fate so all this time they are talking the total flow of time is zero.

So there is no one that came to the orphanage and her warden did not come to check on Mohini again because all of them are frozen in time.

"Well the three wishes that you asked are good and they are very useful.

But all I can give you are the starting abilities that are all the abilities at tier 0 of the mortal grade.

You have to work on these abilities to increase their grade.

The more you use them the higher level they become.

But the catch is that these abilities will not give you the complete power at the start of the abilities.

They will only give you the details that correspond to tier 1 of the mortal grade.

The higher the level they reach the higher the functionality of these abilities.

You have to work on them on your own to gain the things that you want.

Are you ok with that?

If you ask these abilities from a demon then he might not be able to give them to you for the price of your virginity.

At most he can give you some basic skills like disguise skill.

They are not abilities but just some basic skills.

These skills are derived from techniques and assumptions."

Lady fate said

"I accept the things that lady fate gives me.

But I don't understand the differences between the skills, abilities and techniques can you please elaborate and enlighten me."

Mohini asked lady fate with a curious voice.


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