Chapter 18: deceitful warden Mandara

Chapter 18: deceitful warden Mandara

"The essence energy that came from lady fate is quite strong but I think that she has controlled and let a very light amount of essence energy.

It might be to protect me I think."

"Lady Fate said that not to alter any possible future.

That means I should not make any significant changes for the path I previously took to the future.

But small changes are not a problem."

Mohini thought to herself.

Then she went and wore the other dress that lady fate removed before.

Then Mohini took out the smart phone from her underwear through the storage ring.

She thought it was a little inconvenient.

So she tried a few times placing and removing the smart phone from the storage ring.

Finally she grasped the feel of the technique to take the smart phone directly into her hand without leaving it in her underwear.

Now she can take her smart phone out of the storage ring as if she is taking it out of her pocket.

But at this moment the warden Lakshmi came to check on her.

After they exchanged some words warden Lakshmi left.

Also her shift is over too.

So she went home.

At this moment warden Mandara came to take charge.

All the other people of the orphanage came back from colleges one after the other.

Mohini then stored the box of smart phone in the storage ring then she silently took out the mobile phone and switched it on.

She opened the phone which showed two apps that are already present on the phone.

One is called "fate's chat group" while the other app is called "love god's fucking ring"

The fate's chat group is the app that lady fate personally gave invitation to Mohini.

Mohini was curious about the app.

Then the second app called love god's fucking ring is the app for the fucking ring that lady fate gave Mohini as punishment and a benefit.

But something unexpected happened that is all the other women and children were attracted to the smart phone in Mohini's hands.

They have seen smart phones before but this is the first time an orphan in the orphanage has actually had a smart phone in their hands.

So this made them curious about the smart phone.

They are grouped around Mohini wanting to look at the smart phone.

But to Mohini's surprise they were unable to see the two apps that lady fate set on the Mohini's phone.

They all took turns to see Mohini's smart phone.

But at this moment warden Mandara came to the room where all the orphans gathered.

Her face was greedy as soon as she laid her eyes on the smart phone on Mohini's hands.

She has made up her mind to take away the smart phone in Mohini's hands to give it to her son.

"What are all of you grouping over there for?"

"Let me take a look."


Is that a smart phone?

Why are you playing with a smart phone before the exams?"

Warden Mandara shouted and came in front of Mohini and said

"I am confiscating this smart phone now.

This is so that you all will be able to study peacefully for the upcoming exams.

Mohini you can take the phone after your exams are over.

Till then I will use this…cough….cough…

Ah no this will be in the locker of the orphanage."

Warden Mandara said this and took the phone from Mohini's hands.

The greed was clearly visible in her eyes looking at the smart phone instead of Mohini.

"Now all of you freshen up and study for your exams."

Yelling these words warden Mandara went to her office room.

Mohini was very angry with what just happened.

But she doesn't want to show that she is anger.

This is because she was just an orphan and can't rebel against the management of the orphanage.

"Sorry sister Mohini this is because of us that fat ugly hag took your new smart phone."

All the children said this with a sad face.

"Don't worry everyone I will get my smart phone back soon.

It is not your fault so don't blame yourself."

Mohini said while consoling others.

Mohini did not have any form of hate or good relations with the women and children in the orphanage.

So she just spoke a few words to make then worry less.

All the orphans thought that Mohini will ask warden Lakshmi's help to solve this problem in the next day morning.

But they did not expect for Mohini to act that very same day.

Mohini suddenly thought

"The smart phone is still taken by this warden Mandara even if took it before she arrived here.

Sure enough no matter how you change the situation the original story will not change.

But that also means you can change the event enough to evade death there is a chance that you can escape death with some heavy injuries.

This means in the future if I have prepared enough I might be able to escape from death.

I must understand the ins and outs of the flow of events and time.

Only this way will I be able to live and enjoy my life with lady fate."

Mohini was in fresh state as she wanted to steal her smart phone from warden Mandara as soon as possible.

So Mohini got up and followed warden Mandara to the warden's office secretly to see where her smart phone is being kept.

Warden Mandara walked in a quick pace as if she was in a hurry.

So she did not see Mohini's sneaking behind her.

Warden Mandara went into her office and placed Mohini's smart phone in her purse instead of the warden's locker.

After that she took out her own phone to call her good for nothing son Gaja.

"Gaja, I have just confiscated the latest model smart phone from one of the stupid orphans.

Come and take this smart phone."

Warden Mandara said.


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