Chapter 24: ghost or not

Chapter 24: ghost or not

So Mohini relaxed and released the invisibility ability.

But in the next moment warden Mandara lifted the cloth on the office table again to look for the smart phone and the money.

Mohini was a little startled by this unexpected turn of events so she was a moment late to use her invisibility ability.

But everything is not lost as the area below the table is a little dark and Mohini activated the invisibility ability only a moment later.

So the only thing that warden Mandara saw is a black shadow of a person.

"Ahaaa, ghost"

Warden Mandara screamed said ghost.

After that she started to move back as fast as possible.

With this scream of Mandara, Mohini suddenly has an idea that is to play the part as a ghost and escape from the place before they realize the truth.

In the total time of 20 seconds Mohini has already spent 2 seconds so there is only 18 seconds.

Mohini immediately came from under the table and ran towards the door.

She was currently invisible so they were unable to see Mohini.

"What happened mom"

Gaja asked warden Mandara.

"There is a ghost under that table"

Warden Mandara said in fear filled in her eyes.

"Mom there is no such thing as ghosts.

It is all your imagination."

Gaja said to warden Mandara.

But before he could finish the sentence that he is speaking, he closed his mouth in fear.

This is because the locked door in front of him was unlocked on its own then the door was opened wide.

This scene has caused Gaja and Mandara to freeze on the spot because of fear.

They are so scared that both of them peed in their pants.

The one that opened the door is actually Mohini.

Because she was invisible both Gaja and warden Mandara were frightened into turning white.

Mohini on the other hand was in a rush because she can only stay invisible for another 15 seconds.

So she was in a sprinting spree towards the bathing area of the orphanage people

This is because currently Mohini was completely naked.

So she has to go to the bathing area and hid in a bathing booth to change her dress.

For this reason she was rushing.

Because of the increase in her cultivation from level 10 to level 20 Mohini was able to run twice as fast as before.

She was able to cover all the distance within 10 seconds.

Fortunately one of the bathing booths is actually empty.

Mohini was able to successfully sneak into the bathing booth.

But now she got a new problem that is her dress is soaking wet because of all the cum she came from the orgasms.

She did not have a spare dress with her or in the storage ring.

At this moment the person in the next booth finished bathing and came out of the booth.

Mohini asked her a favor that is to bring her the nighty that she put up for drying previously.

The other woman did not put up any questions and simply brought the nighty and her towel to Mohini.

This because it is normal to sometimes forget to bring these things especially Mohini is currently sick.

This is the known fact to all the orphans.

Other than that they are a little guilty that they are the reason for Mohini losing her new smart phone.

For this very reason they will be a little more caring towards Mohini.

Well not all the people in the orphanage are like that, only a few.

Fortunately the person that Mohini asked for help is one of these few so this woman.

She immediately brought Mohini a towel and her nighty that Mohini previously set for drying.

At this moment in the warden's office both Gaja and warden Mandara were in a terrified state.

But after sometime they calmed down and started to think rationally.

"Mom does the ghost needs to open the door to go out?

Also will there be sound of a person running when the ghost runs?"

Gaja asked with a doubtful face

Because of Gaja's questions warden Mandara also started to doubt.

"Then what is that invisible thing that just ran from under the table."

Warden Mandara asked with question mark face.

"Mom we only heard that someone opened the door but did not see it because of the table cloth flew on us.

So I think someone sneaked into your office and stole the money and smart phone."

Gaja said as if he is a detective.

As Gaja said when Mohini previously trying to escape from the warden's office she accidentally pulled the table cloth on the office table.

This cloth fell on both Gaja and his warden Mandara.

So they did not see when the door is unlocked as Mohini thought.

But they did hear the sound of door unlocking and when the cloth finally fell down they saw the open door.

Because of this they started to suspect that someone has sneaked into the warden's office and stole the money and the smart phone.

Gaja may seem like a pig but he has good hearing capability.

So he was able to hear the footsteps of Mohini when she is previously running.

He even heard that the person is running towards the orphanage main building.

Because of this he is even surer that some from the orphanage came and stole the things.

When he previously looked at the place under the table he was in tension and did not see clearly.

This is what he thought as his suspicion grew stronger.

He then started to explain his theory to warden Mandara.

After listening to Gaja's theory warden Mandara also believed in his words and started to think of the possibility.

Warden Mandara narrowed her eyes and said while frowning

"This person should be Mohini.

She might be the one that hit the window with a stone and sneaked into this office room and then took the smart phone and the money in the purse…."


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