Chapter 9

--MC POV--

Our beating hearts set the seconds, which were left uncounted and turned in an eternity.

We were lost in the sensations we gave each other, unable to get out from this stale ethereal state, but there was no awkwardness, no unnecessary thoughts, only the two of us were present in this void we created for each other.

I could feel her cold tears descending from my shoulder mixed with the warmth of her irregular breaths, that, synchronized with her beating heart, were creating a strange symphony of serenity.

Her bright strawberry blonde hairs stood out in my vision, gathering all the vitality of the surrounding, leaving outside of her only the cold nothingness, that would have threatened to reach me, if it wasn't for the tight hug, that tied us in a single entity.

My rising possessiveness, that was only alleviated by the sense of fragility I could feel, for the first time, coming from her, made me grab her bare skin and led me to reach for her face to share my passion in a kiss.

She was the oxygen of my flame, that I didn't want to put out, fearing the cold that would creep in me if I did so. Am I right in making her burn like me, with me?

It was a fire I couldn't control and the quietness of the forest, only became wood to make it rise. We were burning, turning in to a wildfire with the intensity of hell and my sinner's mind demanded me to relinquish myself to this sensation and let our passion rage on this forest, who did nothing, but hiding us from the world, giving us this private moment, I cherish too much.

Just as I was about to be consumed, the world got us, and this borrowed moment of eternity ended, getting away from us, but leaving a permanent mark on us, a mark of love, a pedestal for our future together.

I immediately took off my jacket and gave it to her.

"Let's get out of here, I think I know where we are. The clinic should be near, I have a change of clothes there"

"My feet hurt"

I looked down and I could clearly see some droplets of blood where she walked.

She stayed in that trance even with those wounds and if we add the scream and the complete absence of emotions, it becomes obvious that this has something to do with the supernatural world.

I'll have to call for Deaton once I reach the clinic, but that's for later, now my priority is getting her in a warm place.

"I'll carry you"

As I said that I took her in my arms, as one would do with a bride, and started running the as fast as I could.

Now that she has seen me in my werelion form there is no reason to hide it, she is too smart to be satisfied with a petty lie invented on the spot.

We reached the clinic in no time and after getting inside I took my clothes from the drawer and gave it to her, and while she was changing, I got the medical kit, too preoccupied with the current situation to have the time to watch her change clothes like a pervert.

As I was treating the wounds on her feet, she finally asked the question I was waiting for:

"Are you going to tell me what that strange form of your was?"

"It's difficult to explain this since I never had to do it. Let's just say that there is a supernatural side to this world which remains hidden to common people. There are beings that, while they normally look like human, they are different in essence, they possess powers and abilities that science can't explain and follow rules and logic different to the ones you follow."

"And you are one of those beings, right?"

"Yes… I'm a werelion"

"Lion? Not wolf?"

"Pretty sure it's lion, there are werewolves too, but I'm not one of them"

"So, what happened to me? Does it have anything to do with this supernatural thing?"

"I don't know, but are you not going to say anything about me not being human?"

"Well, I can say that now your monstrous stamina makes sense"

"You don't have any problem with this?"

"I don't understand anything of this, and I'm scared about what happened to me, but I know that without you I would feel far worse, if I have to face all of this, I want to do it with you."

As she said this, she approached me and kissed me fiercely, trying to convey her feelings and prove her words.

I was starting to get hard, and my body was eager to release all the stress that I accumulated during the previous hour, but, just as the atmosphere was getting good, Deaton opened the door.

"Thomas is it you? I got a message that someone entered the clin… oh, sorry?"

Damn cockblocker.

(I felt poetic today)

(Guys i would like to remind all of you that you can join my patreon to be ahead of the public release schedule. I'm already at chapter 19 there. Also i'm going to do a pool to decide the appearence of one of the characters that have been already introduced on patreon. Tecnicaly this character is in the original too, but we only have few immages of her, so i was planning to choose another girl for her role. My creator page is still called WebReaderPub. Here is the link

P.S. if you give me enough power stones or some good people decide to join my Patreon, i could post a second chapter today or tomorrow I have some spare ones.