chapter 35

--Scott POV--

"Why is he killing all these people" I asked to Derek who was standing beside me as we watched the destroyed store.

"Revenge" he stated.

"How do you know? Wait you know who the Alpha is?" I asked incredulous, till now I thought they didn't have any idea of who the killer was.

"It is my uncle, we think the people he is killing were involved with the fire that killed my family. He lived for all these year as a vegetal and when he woke up, he tried to kill my sister and stole her spark".

"Then why don't you just go after him".

"We don't have any idea of where he is hiding".

"Then you can ask the police to find him".

"Scott, they think these attacks are made by a mountain lion, not a murder who seek revenge. Moreover do you really want to involve the police? They would either die or find out about the supernatural, which is worse." He is right, Stiles' father would be at risk if we asked help from the police.

"Let's go" he added and so I followed him, while looking at the spiral drawn under my feet.

After we entered the forest, he stopped and looked back at me.

"From now on I'll train you every day so that you can learn to control yourself and not be swayed by him."

"I have a life: homework to do, practices for Lacrosse and a girlfriend." I stated, I can't just let this thing destroy my life.

"You also have an alpha who is trying to turn you in a murder, and you may be killed if you refuse his order next time" These words of his made me tremble at the realisation that I could die without even knowing what happened.

"So, what can I do".

"You must collaborate. Only together we will be able to kill him and what we need now is for you to be able to keep yourself under control"

"And how would I do that" I asked, knowing there wouldn't be any easy answer to this question.

"Give me your arm?" Following his words I gave him my arm, but I soon regretted it as he broke my bones.


"Pain. Pain is what make you stay human." Am I really going to train under him.

--MC POV--

"Happy birthday Allison" I told her together with Lydia and Malia.

"How did you even find out" asked Allison.

"Lydia found that some years ago you had been tagged in a post, where you were blowing the candles of your birthday cake. The queen bee knows everything." As I said this Lydia just smiled with a smug smile, proud of her accomplishment.

"Why did you want to hide it" I asked, curious about the reason. Who would say no to free gifts?

"It creates misunderstanding" she said.

"Because you are 17?" said Lydia.

"How do you even know that?"

"The birthday cake said you were 14 and it was 3 years ago" it is scary how much she knows.

"Was it because of all the moving around?" I asked.

"Yes! Wow. You are the first to make the correct assumption. Others always jump to conclusions like: did you ride the short bus, or did you get pregnant" she said with a smile.

"You don't have problem at school and after the dinner at your house two days ago I'm sure your father would be in prison for murder if someone had dared to make you pregnant" Not like he wouldn't have been able to get out of prison or avoid being caught. From what Laura told me a family like the Argent has many connections.

"You are probably right. Sorry, for that dinner." She said with a sad expression.

"Nah, it was funny for me. All bullets were aimed at Scott. Anyway, we prepared a small party after school." I told her.

"You didn't have too".

"No worries, also you can tell Scott to come and invite whoever you want after all it is your party."


"I must say that the party was a great idea" I told Lydia as we were ending the preparation.

We are using Laura's pub for it and Allison should come any moments now.

"Moreover, Scott will have to leave early to go to the parent/teacher conferences. It is well known that he is quite low in practically every subject" added Lydia.

After few minutes Allyson came along with Scott, and surprisingly Stiles was not with them.

"Did you not invite Stiles?"

"A girl had a seizure in class, and he helped her. He is now at the hospital with her" better like this, as it means that Allyson will remain alone with us later. (Guess who)

"Hope you don't mind if we are in few" I said to Allison.

"I prefer it like this".

We had some food and a cake prepared, together with some table games.

"We also made this" while pointing toward a corner.

"A pinata?" She asked while looking at the stylized lion that was hanging from the ceiling.

I wanted it to be a little more personal.

"Yes but rather than hitting the pinata, you must hit the node of the rope up there"

"And how I am going to reach it" Asked Allison, as it was at a height of three meters.

"With the birthday gift we got you" as I said this Malia, brought her a compound bow and I admit it costed quite a lot, but we bought it together, so it was bearable.

"Are you serious? it is beautiful. How did you even know I used to do archery" because we were listening to you, when you told Scott.

"You underestimate, how many things can be found with internet" said Lydia with a smirk.

She stopped using her old one when she was a kid, so it must be too small for her now. Moreover, I'm sure she will need this sooner than later.

Excited to try it after years she took an arrow and she aimed at the rope, but I stopped her.

"Have you forgotten you need blindfolded to hit a pinata".

"Are you serious? I need to hit a rope with an arrow it isn't as easy as hitting a pinata with a bat".

"Well, you were nationally ranked" I retorted.

"When I was a kid".

"I'm sure you still have it in you. Try once, if you fail you can do this without it."

After I said this, she memorized where she need to hit and put on the blindfold I gave her.

"If I hit the ceiling, won't we be in trouble with the owner".

"I already convinced her. I'll repair it myself in case." I stated and now that she had no more worries, she breathed out, and the arrow left the bow.

Surprisingly she hit it, I was just pranking her about doing it with a blindfold, but maybe I underestimated her.

When she took of the band and looked at the now open pinata she started jumping like a kid.

"I did it. Waits are those Haribo bears? They are my favourite candies! how did you know… you know what, I don't need an answer".

As she went ahead to try the candies that fell from the pinata, Scott was looking quite sad, probably because he didn't know today was her birthday and so he got her nothing.

Now that I think about it, the parent/teacher conferences will start in fifteen minutes, when is he going to leave?

(Don't forget to give me some powerstone)