chapter 46

--Allison POV--

"What is bothering you" Asked Malia as we danced.

"Nothing in particular." I tried to evade answering, as I don't want to ruin the school dance for them too.

"I can smell your depression, and you have been like that since the beginning. Are you having problems at home?" Seems like you can't hide anything to your shapeshifter friend.

"Yes, I have problems at home, but I don't have any idea on how I'm going to resolve them. I feel like I have a blade pointed at my neck that could kill me any moment" with the difference that the one who is going to die is my mother.

I seriously have no idea when it is going to happen, it could be now or tomorrow, I only know it will be soon, and because of that I feel stressed every second.

I tried to also enjoy my time with mother, but it is difficult, since every moment I'm reminded that it could be the last.

"Then you have do something, even if the blade will slash faster this way, one should always fight for his life. That's how living beings works, or at least it is what I learnt from my experience" she said, as the dance ended.

"I still can't believe your story; I wish I was as strong as you. How do you even deal with the pain" she lost her mother and sister, when she was young and her blood related father was the murder who killed Kate and tried to kill us.

"I'm not as great as you make it sound. I passed years running away from the pain and living as coyote. That's why I suggest you to not run away from whatever is happening and just confront it head on" her words sounded true as they were backed by her experience.

"but I feel fear" I stated, as I took the decision to be honest. Either way putting on a fake smile won't work with her.

"That's what we are here for. The reason I could get better was because I had people, who loved me and helped me. You can count on us for whatever you need, we make a great team together" Malia's words managed to makes me feel better, but even then I still lack a plan to convince my mother.

As I kept thinking of this, we reached the others and decided to have a pause from the dancing.

"I see you feel better now" said Thomas, who as expected also knew of it.

Being a shapeshifter sound nice, if it wasn't for the fact that my mother wants to die because she became one.

Why does she cares more about the code, than her own life. Are those rules the most important thing to her?

Wait… they aren't.

A crazy idea started to form in my mind, an idea that could cause many troubles, but now that I have a plan I'll go through with it, as I refuse to lose my mother.

It doesn't matter, how many times they tried to hide things from me, they are my parents and I'll always love them no matter what happens, so nothing will stop me from saving her.

"Guys I know that it is selfish, since you wanted to enjoy school dance, but do you mind helping me" for my plan to work their help is necessary.

"Ok, it was getting boring either way" stated Thomas.

"Now that we have shown to these people, who are their betters, we can go" Said Lydia with her usual haughty tone.

"Seriously, how are people supposed to have fun, if there are teachers everywhere checking us and making sure we don't do anything remotely exciting" added an exasperated Malia.

They are indeed the best friends I could ask for, I thought with a smile.

"I need to meet Derek".

--Chris Argent--

"I think I'll need your help" said my wife with a knife in her hand.

It is an absurd and cruel request, but I can't not help her after the decision she has taken.

I look in her eyes to find any sort of hesitation and while I can see fear and sadness I also find conviction in her.

The same conviction that made me fall in love with her is now what will destroy our family.

When I first met her during one of my jobs, I saw immediately how headstrong she was and I loved how she pursued what she believed was right, and dedicated her life to our creed, but now I really whish she was not like that.

I took the knife in my hand and sat behind her, this will be the last time I have her in my arms.

I kissed softly her head and with our hands intertwined on the hilt of the knife, we raised it.

Today was not a full moon, but it was still as beautiful and dangerous as always, its light reflected on the blade and illuminated my wife face.

"We need to do this before Allison comes home" she whispered softly, and probably these will be her last words.

There is no turning back now.

I was about to put strength in my arms when the door was forced open.

"Mother!" Yelled Allison, as she was painting like a girl who run a marathon.

"How did you know?" Asked Victoria.

"After how many things you hided I had to take some precautions" she said without telling us exactly how.

"It doesn't matter Allison, I won't change my mind. This needs to be done" she was crying in my arms.

It was evident that Allison presence made this more difficult for her, but I'm sure she won't give up, even if she needs to run away and do it somewhere else alone.

"I knew my words wouldn't have had an effect" I don't like her tone, in movies this would be the moment where villains reveal their crazy plans.

"But before killing yourself, you'll have to kill me"

"What are you speaking ab…" I uttered, but my words got caught in my throat at the sight of my daughter.

The moonlight brightened her face, but even then I was sure that it wasn't the because of the reflection of the moon that her eyes had a yellow colour.

I've seen this kind of eyes too many times to not recognize them, the eyes of a beta.

"How… how could you do that, Allison! Have you lost your mind" this is pure madness.

Allison didn't flinch at my words she just kept looking at her mother.

"So what will you do? If you can't be saved then it is the same for me." She took her mother stubbornness to a whole new level.

"Why Allison?" Asked Victoria.

"I know nothing about this code, but I know that no matter how much right it is, nothing is worth more than my family and I hope you think the same. Let's change in something better, something that won't require you to die, just because you were forced to become a werewolf. Please mother, give us another chance".

My rage had been quietened down by hope. Is it wrong if deep down I am happy for what our daughter did?

"You are going to be grounded for life because of this, but this time you win, I can't drag you in our problems" Victoria was crying and the dagger we held tightly just moments ago fell down.

We'll have to change and we'll face many difficulties, I'll probably have to stop being an hunter too, but at least my family was safe thanks to my daughter.

Normal teenagers nowadays get tattoos or piercing to protest against their parents, while mine became a werewolf, but I couldn't be prouder, even if I'll have to punish her later, after all she must understand how crazy it was what she did.

As a parent you must teach discipline, even when your child does the right thing.

(With this, season one has officially ended! I hope you liked how the story has been developing. Last chapters were a lot about the psychological growth of the characters, but I enjoyed writing it and I'm hopeful you enjoyed reading it. There won't be much of season two, since the kanima is already dead, so it won't be long before we start with season three. Next few chapters will probably be about training, romance, R18. I really liked this chapter and I hope that after reading it, those who were uncertain about Allyson, will revalutate her, at least in my story)