Flames of Sorrow

The agonizing pain of death that Rui felt was nothing short of a nightmare. They say that most of the time death is quick, you won't feel much pain if you die instantly. Now Rui knew the truth - even when he died, he could feel the pain of how it went down. He needed to pull himself together, realizing he were probably scaring Kaori. he still couldn't remember what exactly happened. Did he actually die, or was it a nightmare? No, he was sure his life ended at that moment of terror. Everyone died, and he saw the man in the oni mask. How was he still alive? It felt like he closed his eyes and woke back up standing here. If that's the case, and he were back at this spot, the oni mask man must be here, and he needed to move quickly.

Rui had another chance. He could save his classmates and friends this time from death. He only had a few minutes to act. He looked down at Kaori and said, "Sorry, I have to go," and dashed away down the halls. Kaori looked back and said his name, but Rui was too worried about the task at hand. Please be safe, he thought. He didn't want them to die this time, please. He saw the door and rushed right through it.

Inside, his friends were all alive, albeit confused about why Rui burst through wheezing and stressed out. Instantly, tears rushed down Rui's face as he remained in shock. Did he just imagine them dying?

"Hey Rui? Are you okay, man?" said Kazuya as he walked up to them, worried.

Rui wiped away his tears and said, "Yeah, I was just worrying for nothing."

"Alright then," Kazuya replied.

Everyone went up to Rui, concerned. Even Alice looked worried, despite Rui not having talked to her much before. Rui went to sit down on one of the sofas in the room. He had to think about the situation at hand. Even though everyone was safe now, he didn't run into the oni mask man until 6 minutes from now. Did that mean he killed everyone in under 6 minutes, or did Rui change the outcome by being there? He couldn't stop the oni mask man himself, especially because he was equipped with a katana.

Six minutes. That's how long Rui had before he was supposed to attack and make a move. He went up to the doorway and peeked out for a second. Five minutes left. His heart rate accelerated, making his body feel weaker and weaker. He could feel each breath like a heavy weight on his chest. Sweat rolled down his forehead as he remembered the pain and shock he felt before. He grabbed the nearest chair. He knew it wouldn't do much, but if anything, he could use it to suppress him. He's only human, right? Four minutes. He gripped the chair and positioned themselves on the side of the door frame for a good angle. Everyone behind them was having a good time talking and playing games, but Rui was scared and not happy. Three minutes. Was this his last few breaths? Could he come earlier? He was determined to stop him, to kill him if necessary. He would do anything He had to. Two minutes. He must be walking here now. He was ready to fight and end this psychopath for good. One minute later, he heard footsteps coming down the hall – it was time!

"Hey Rui, are you okay?" a voice came from behind them. It was Kazuya. Why was he trying to distract them? Rui was trying to stand there ready, determined to…

Wait. Was Rui scared?

"Rui, you don't look so good," Tanda said.

"Huh?" Rui whispered in confusion. Wait, he wasn't determined. He was terrified. He could feel themselves leaning against the wall in defeat the whole time. His eyes strained open, and his breaths came in fast and heavy. He was drenched in sweat and tears. The whole time he thought he was ready, he had actually been sitting there in fear. The thought of dying again fazed them. Was he going to die again?

The door opened right next to them, and he gasped in fear, crawling away from the door as quickly as possible.

He started screaming, "No, no, no, please don't kill us!"

Suddenly, Kaori walked through and looked at them on the floor, confused. Rui looked back at her and noticed that tears were clouding his eyes. Some of his classmates started laughing, and his friends looked towards Rui in confusion.

Rui was beyond embarrassed. Why did he act like this? This feeling of laughter reminded them of his unfortunate past. He looked around the room, witnessing the faces of disgust. He looked back at Kaori, and she stomped up to them, grabbing his arm and pulling them away. He walked out of the room together, and Rui was still in shock about the moment. He could still hear the laughter as he marched down the halls.

"Kaori..." Rui said quietly.

She escorted them outside of the house and then started to pick up her pace. She started to run, and while still grabbing Rui, he followed suit and started panting. Rui could feel his legs burning.

"Screw them!" Kaori said.

Rui looked at her confused and said, "What?"

"Screw them! And all his egos, and that stupid party. They all act like a bunch of idiots when something is obviously wrong," she replied.

Rui looked at her confused and then put his head down, remembering what just happened.

"Why are you taking my side though? I just made myself look like a fool. Don't you think I'm weird?" Rui said to her.

"Is it wrong to be weird?" she said as Rui gazed towards her.

"Huh?" Rui said under his breath.

"Plus, I could tell something was wrong, so you definitely needed some time outside of that house."

It was dark out, and the moon was shining bright along with the cooling winds. Rui thought about it. He had changed fate in one way or another. The man in the oni mask didn't show up, and no one got hurt or killed. It was a sigh of relief in a way. He looked down at his watch. He still had around 10 minutes until he had to meet Mr. Kotogawa at the bridge.

"Thank you, Kaori. I can't really explain it, but you somewhat saved me," Rui said.

He wasn't lying. If it wasn't for her, he would've probably seen flashes of his old life, which would be good for no one.

Rui and Kaori sat on swings in a local park they found down the road. The night sky was as beautiful as ever. Rui looked towards her as she sat on the swing, rocking it back and forth. The way Rui gazed at her would make you think he had a crush on her. Maybe that's just not a thought. She stopped the swing with her leg and looked at Rui, saying, "You saved my life too"

Rui looked at Kaori, confused by her words. What did she mean by saving her life? They had always had a somewhat distant relationship. As Rui tried to gather his thoughts, Kaori got up from the swing and gazed up at the moon and stars.

"You probably don't remember me as well," she said, her voice filled with a tinge of nostalgia. "It was a long time ago since we first met."

A wave of realization washed over Rui. "A long time ago?" he muttered, his voice barely audible.

Kaori shook her head, a sympathetic expression on her face. "Mhm, I remember. I didn't really know you well back then, but I knew you were misunderstood your whole life. 'Rui The Killer,' what a stupid name."

Rui's heart sank as memories he had long buried resurfaced. How did Kaori know about his past?

Kaori continued, her voice gentle yet resolute. "At first, I was scared to approach you in middle school. There were rumors of a kid who had committed murder walking around our school freely. You were perceived as scary by everyone. People said you killed all your friends, but that's not the real reason behind that name."

Rui's head began to throb, his whole body trembling with emotions. The reasons he had wanted to forget and leave behind were resurfacing. Someone he knew, someone unexpected, knew his secret.

Kaori looked at Rui, her eyes filled with understanding. "They said, 'He killed his mother.'"

Rui's gaze dropped to his legs, dangling from the swing. His eyes widened as memories he had tried to suppress flooded back into his mind.

"I was stupid and naive to believe that," Kaori said softly, regret lacing her words. "Especially without even knowing you. The truth is, it was a suicide. When people at school caught wind of it, they started to suspect you, and the rumors spread like wildfire. Grown adults even fed those rumors to his children, warning them to stay away from you."

With a sudden surge of anger, Rui sprang up from the swing, his voice filled with frustration. "You don't think I know all this! Why are you saying this to me?"

Kaori took a step back, her expression turning fearful. Rui immediately regretted his outburst and calmed themselves down. Before he could apologize, tears welled up in Kaori's eyes, her voice choked with emotion.

"I didn't say it to make you feel bad, I promise. I remember that night at the convenience store when I was attacked on my way back. You were there and saved me, even as a middle schooler. I looked different back then, so you probably don't remember, but that was when I knew it wasn't you. I did more research and proved myself right. You are a good person who has always been taken advantage of. I just wanted to finally thank you. Because, in the end, you didn't do it, and you don't deserve the treatment you received."

Rui's mind raced back to a memory from middle school when he had beaten up a group of thugs who were attacking a girl in his class. Though he didn't remember her name, the girl had glasses and black hair, much like Kaori now. The realization dawned upon them that the girl he had saved was likely Kaori.

Looking at Kaori, Rui felt a wave of relief wash over them. "Thank you, Kaori," he said, his voice cracking with gratitude. "I never knew you felt that way."

Kaori wiped away her tears, managing a small smile. "Well, now you know. And I'm here for you, no matter what."

Glancing at his watch, Rui realized that time was running out. "Kaori, I have to meet someone soon. I'm sorry, but I have to go."

Understanding the urgency, Kaori nodded. "It's okay, Rui. Just know that you're not alone anymore."

With a grateful smile, Rui left Kaori at the park and made his way towards the bridge. The fear of the oni mask man still lingered, but the warmth of Kaori's words couldn't be shaken off. As he neared the bridge, Rui spotted Mr. Kotogawa waiting for them, and anxiety bubbled up inside.

"Mr. Kotogawa," Rui said nervously, approaching him. "I wanted to talk to you about... something that happened earlier."

Mr. Kotogawa looked at Rui with a calm expression. "Go ahead, Rui. I'm here to listen."

Rui hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should share his terrifying experience. Finally, he made up his mind and decided to tell Mr. Kotogawa everything—the encounter with the oni mask man, the fear of dying again, and his determination to protect his friends. Mr. Kotogawa listened attentively, his face devoid of disbelief or judgment.

When Rui finished speaking, Mr. Kotogawa remained silent for a moment, contemplating his words. "Rui, I may not fully understand what you've been through, but it's clear that you've experienced something traumatic. It's important to confront these fears and not let them control you."

Rui nodded, feeling slightly relieved after sharing his story. Mr. Kotogawa continued, "We'll confront the oni mask man together. I have a feeling he'll show up here tonight. Are you ready?"

Swallowing his fear, Rui thought of Kaori and his newfound determination to protect everyone. "Yes," he said firmly. "I'm ready."

As they prepared for the impending confrontation, a sense of dread lingered in the air. Mr. Kotogawa and Rui decided to take a quick look around the area to search for any signs of the oni mask man. The once vibrant atmosphere of the party had dissipated, leaving behind an unsettling silence.

As they turned a corner, his worst fears were realized. On the ground, amidst a pool of blood, lay Kaori's lifeless body. An oni mask had been callously placed on her face, a twisted mockery of his plight. Rui fell to his knees, his heart breaking into a million pieces, unable to contain his despair.

"No, no, no, Kaori, please!" he cried out, his voice trembling with anguish.

In that moment, Rui was overwhelmed by the cruel irony of fate. He had already lived through the nightmare of witnessing Kaori and his friends' deaths, only to find themselves unable to save her once again. The weight of his failures crushed them, rendering them immobile, his body racked with uncontrollable sobs.

Mr. Kotogawa gazed at Rui with a mixture of shock and sympathy. While he didn't share the same deep connection with Kaori, he could sense the magnitude of Rui's loss and the pain it inflicted upon them.

Kneeling down beside Rui, Mr. Kotogawa placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Rui, I know this is incredibly difficult, but we have to keep moving. The oni mask man is still out there, and we need to stop him before he hurts anyone else."

Rui couldn't find the words to respond, his mind consumed by the unbearable pain of losing Kaori once again. It felt as if his world was crumbling around them, burying them beneath the wreckage of his shattered heart.

Suddenly, a whiff of smoke reached his senses. He turned his attention to the smell, and as he looked up, flames emerged from the house where the party had taken place. The orange glow of the fire illuminated the night, a horrific reminder that his friends were still in grave danger.

The realization that more lives hung in the balance snapped Rui back to the present. Despite his pain and overwhelming loss, he couldn't afford to crumble any further. If he gave in to despair, more of his friends would die, and he couldn't bear that thought.

With a trembling breath, Rui wiped the tears from his eyes and nodded at Mr. Kotogawa. "You're right. We have to stop him. We have to save them."

He rose to his feet, a newfound determination fueling every step as they raced towards the burning house. As they approached, a surge of resolve coursed through Rui's veins, transforming the pain of Kaori's death into an unwavering desire for vengeance.

Clutching his fists and narrowing his eyes, Rui's voice resonated with steely determination. "The oni mask man won't get away with this. I promise you, Kaori, I will avenge you and protect our friends."

Reaching the entrance of the blazing inferno, firefighters implored them to halt, deeming it too dangerous to enter. Ignoring their pleas, Kotogawa and Rui pushed past them, driven by his desperate need to save his friends and put an end to the oni mask man's rampage. With a deep breath and resolute gazes, he stepped into the searing flames, braving the scorching heat that threatened to consume them.

The fire roared around them, its crackling roar a symphony of danger. Yet, Rui and Mr. Kotogawa pressed on, his determination unyielding. As they ventured further into the burning house, the flames danced perilously close, testing his resolve.

And then, amidst the chaos, a chilling sight halted them in their tracks. At the end of a hallway engulfed in flames stood a figure donning a trench coat, their face obscured by smoke and fire. Lifeless bodies of partygoers lay scattered around, their twisted forms frozen in agony.

Rui's anger surged, his determination flaring even brighter. With gritted teeth and clenched fists, his voice cut through the crackling inferno.

"This ends now!" Rui yelled.