In the Depths of Despair: A Flicker of Hope

Ten days had passed since Maya awoke from her coma, and Rui couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. He visited her at the hospital, trying to appear casual but eager to discuss the wooden doll with the mysterious mark he had seen in her room.

"Hey, Rui," Maya greeted him with a weak smile, clearly not expecting him. "What brings you here today?"

Rui hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words. "I, uh, I wanted to talk to you about something... Do you remember that wooden doll you have? The one with the mark on it?"

Maya looked puzzled for a moment, then her eyes widened in realization. "Oh, that doll... Yes, I remember. Why do you ask?"

"I need to know where it came from," Rui replied, his voice full of determination.

Maya hesitated for a moment before answering. "Someone from school left it for me while I was in a coma. They never told me who they were, but the doll came with a note."

Rui inspected the doll closely and noticed the marking and the number 18 on its back. "What does this number mean?" he asked.

Maya's eyes filled with sadness. "The note said that I have 18 days to live. Since I can't move, I had no choice but to accept my fate."

Rui clenched his fists, tears welling up in his eyes. "No, I won't accept that. I'll save you, just like you saved me a year ago. I promise."

Maya's eyes widened, and she couldn't help but shed a tear and let out a small laugh. "You're my hero too y'know, Rui. So don't go around doing anything stupid, I couldn't deal with myself if you got hurt."

As Rui left the hospital, he ran into a doctor who seemed to know something about Maya's situation. The doctor warned Rui not to get too involved with her or the symbol on the doll. Confused and frustrated, Rui tried to ask more questions, but the doctor simply walked away.

Determined to get to the bottom of the mystery, Rui called Investigator Kotogawa and shared the details, including his plan to uncover the oni affiliate at the school. The next morning, he headed to school with Kazuya.

As they walked, Kazuya's carefree attitude contrasted sharply with Rui's focus. He decided to ask Rui about his past, realizing he didn't know much about his friend's life before they met.

"Hey Rui, I just realized I don't know much about your past. You should, y'know, clue me in a but maybe?" Kazuya asked.

Rui hesitated before sharing the story of his mother's death, the responsibility of caring for his sister, and their eventual move to their grandfather's house, where their grandfather eventually passed away as well. He mentioned that there was more to the story but didn't feel comfortable sharing it all just yet.

"I understand, Rui. That's horrible, I'm sorry I made you remember that stuff.," Kazuya said, looking down solemnly.

At this point, Rui did not really mind. He was somewhat glad that Kazuya wanted to be closer to him. In Rui's mind, Kazuya was the one person he could truly call a good friend. Maya is more like a crush, and Kaori is. What is Kaori?

Upon arriving at school, they were greeted by a new female student named Hina, who seemed full of energy and brought a comedic element to the story. She playfully teased Rui, poking fun at him in a lighthearted way that left Kazuya laughing.

"Hey Rui, I heard you have a secret admirer. Care to share the juicy details?" Hina teased, winking at him.

Rui rolled his eyes, trying to hide his embarrassment. "There's nothing to share, Hina. And it's not like that."

Kazuya joined in, laughing. "Oh Rui! You can't blame her for being curious. We all want to know!"

The banter between the three of them continued for a while, providing a much-needed moment of levity in the midst of the growing tension.

As the day progressed, Rui couldn't shake the thought that one of his classmates might be connected to the oni-masked man. He decided to be extra cautious, vowing to himself that by the end of the day, he would find out who was behind the sinister plot.

The school day continued with Rui paying close attention to every little detail, trying to find any clue that would lead him to the person responsible for Maya's impending fate. He watched his classmates carefully, looking for any signs that might give them away.

In the meantime, Hina continued to playfully tease Rui and Kazuya, providing some comic relief amidst the tense atmosphere. Rui appreciated her presence, as it helped to keep his mind off the growing danger.

As the final bell rang, Rui knew he had to act fast if he wanted to save Maya. He decided to take the first step by confronting one of his classmates whom he found particularly suspicious.

The same day after school, Rui continued his investigation, trying to find any clue that would lead him to the oni-masked man. In the midst of his search, his teacher, Mr. Saito asked Rui to help him with something.

As they moved boxes around Mr. Saito's room, Rui took the opportunity to ask him about Maya when she still attended the school and if he knew about any gifts she had received. Mr. Saito paused for a moment, trying to recall.

"Well, Maya did receive many gifts from well-wishers, but I can't remember any specific ones," Mr. Saito said thoughtfully. "Why do you ask, Rui?"

"Just curious," Rui replied. "She's a friend, and I'm trying to learn more about her past."

Mr. Saito smiled warmly. "Maya was an exceptional student, always willing to help others. She had a lot of friends and was well-liked by everyone. I'm sure she would be happy to know that you're looking out for her."

As they continued to move boxes, Rui and Mr. Saito engaged in a heartfelt conversation, discussing various aspects of life as a teacher and student.

"You know, Mr. Saito, I've always admired your dedication to teaching," Rui admitted. "You really care about your students."

"Thank you, Rui," Mr. Saito replied. "Seeing my students grow and succeed is the most rewarding part of my job."

The conversation went on, and Rui felt more and more at ease with Mr. Saito. He decided it was time to ask the question that had been on his mind.

"Mr. Saito, have you ever heard anything about a man wearing an oni mask?" Rui asked, trying to sound casual.

The room's atmosphere shifted, tension replacing the warm camaraderie they shared moments before. Mr. Saito hesitated before responding, his gaze intensifying. "I don't know anything about a man with an oni mask, but I do remember hearing about a murderer like that on the news years ago. Why are you asking, Rui?"

Rui tried to sound nonchalant. "Oh, it's nothing. Just something I heard about and got curious."

There was a brief silence as Mr. Saito's eyes seemed to bore into Rui, as if searching for the truth behind his words. Rui felt a sudden unease creeping over him but tried to maintain his composure.

Finally, Mr. Saito nodded. "Alright then, Rui. Just be careful with your curiosity. It can lead you down dangerous paths."

Rui thanked Mr. Saito for his time and began to head for the exit. Before he could leave, Mr. Saito asked, "Rui, are you planning to capture the oni-masked man yourself?"

Rui turned around and jokingly replied, "Something like that, Mr. Saito." But before he could react, Rui was struck from behind and everything went dark.

The next thing Rui knew, he found himself in the trunk of a car, screaming and struggling to escape. Panic set in as he wondered what was happening and why he was in this terrifying situation. The car's engine roared to life, and Rui felt it speeding away, taking him further and further from the safety of the school. As fear and confusion washed over him, he couldn't help but wonder who had attacked him and what they wanted. And most importantly, how was he going to escape?

Rui Continued to scream in a muffle as he had a rope in his mouth and tape over his eyes. The car was on a rough path and was treading dirt at a fast pace. What was happening? Was it the oni mask man? No, Rui thought. This can't be happening right now. If the oni mask man actually caught him, he's dead. Was Mr. Saito him the whole time? Rui could feel himself starting to sleep again, as there was some gas he was inhaling making him drowsy. He didn't want to sleep, because he would surely not know if he would wake up.

Rui slowly regained consciousness, feeling a chilling sensation crawling over his skin. As he tried to focus, his blurry vision gradually cleared, revealing a dim, stone-walled room. The air was thick with the smell of rust and decay, and bloodstains marred the floor and walls. Rui realized he was sitting on a wooden chair, his wrists and ankles bound by cold iron shackles.

Rui's heart raced as panic set in. He struggled against the restraints, but they refused to budge. His mind raced, trying to make sense of his situation.

"Wh-why am I here? What's going on?" Rui muttered to himself, fear evident in his voice. "I... I have to get out of here!"

The sound of a door creaking open broke the silence. A figure stepped into the room, clad in tattered clothes and a gruesome oni mask. The mask bore a twisted smile and the unsettling features of a twisted hare. The man pushed a cart filled with an array of sinister-looking torture instruments, his movements slow and deliberate.

The man's demeanor shifted erratically, as if he was struggling to maintain a grasp on reality. His voice was disturbingly familiar, but it wavered between calm and frenzied, making it difficult to place.

Rui's eyes widened with terror as the man approached him. "Wh-who are you? What do you want from me?" Rui stammered, his body trembling uncontrollably.

The man laughed, a sound that sent shivers down Rui's spine. "You really don't recognize me, do you? Such a shame. I was quite fond of our little chats at school," the man's voice suddenly changed, becoming more unhinged and maniacal. "But no matter, let me introduce myself properly. I am the one who will make you understand the true meaning of pain and suffering."

Rui struggled to comprehend the situation, his thoughts clouded by fear. The man continued, his voice dripping with malice. "You see, Rui, your curiosity about the oni-masked man has brought you into my domain. And here, you will learn the consequences of meddling in matters that don't concern you."

The man moved closer, his eyes fixated on Rui with a predatory gaze. "Do you remember, Rui? You asked me about a man wearing an oni mask. You wanted to know if I knew anything about him. Well, now you shall have your answer."

Rui's heart pounded in his chest as the man continued to talk about the torturous acts he planned to inflict upon him. The man's words only fueled Rui's fear, and he felt despair closing in.

"I... I don't want to die," Rui choked out, his voice barely above a whisper.

The man paused, a sickening grin spreading across his face. "Oh, I assure you, you won't die. I won't let you."

Suddenly, the man's demeanor shifted again, becoming more composed and rational. It was then that Rui recognized the voice as belonging to his teacher. "Wh-why?" Rui screamed, tears streaming down his face. "Why are you doing this?"

The man leaned in closer, his breath hot and foul. "Because, my dear student, I have a special connection to the oni-masked man you've been asking about. And now, you're going to pay the price for your curiosity."

The man's twisted personality resurfaced, and he began to describe, in horrifying detail, the various methods of torture he would use. Each word was like a dagger, piercing Rui's mind and leaving him with a growing sense of hopelessness.

The teacher's voice alternated between calm and unhinged as he continued his twisted monologue. "You see, Rui, on and on and on and on and on people like you get way too curious and end up becoming my treat. I'm not entirely human anymore. The oni-masked man you sought has become a part of me, and I... I have become something much, much more whole."

As the man's words continued to assault Rui's senses, Rui's thoughts turned to Maya and the promise he had made to her. He couldn't let her down. He had to find a way to escape this nightmare.

Rui tried to gather his courage and speak up. "You won't get away with this!" he shouted, his voice shaking. "Someone will find out what you've done, and they'll stop you!"

The man threw his head back and laughed maniacally, his eyes wild with madness. "Oh, Rui, your naive hope is almost endearing. But nobody will save you. Nobody is coming. The faster you understand that, the more fun you'll have yourself."

Rui felt his fear mingling with anger, fueling a desperate determination. "I won't let you break me."

Rui's body was covered in a cold sweat as the man began his torture. The first method was the rack, an old, but terrifying instrument. The teacher slowly turned the wheel, and Rui's limbs were stretched beyond their limits, causing his joints to dislocate with a sickening pop. The pain was unbearable, and he couldn't help but scream out, "Please, stop! I can't take it anymore!"

But the teacher only chuckled darkly, his eyes flashing with sadistic delight. "Oh, we're just getting started, Rui."

Next, the man brought out a sharp, serrated knife and carefully cut into Rui's flesh. Blood flowed from the wounds as Rui screamed in agony, his mind barely able to comprehend the intensity of the pain. It felt like fire was coursing through his veins, and he thrashed against the restraints, desperate to escape the torment.

The teacher didn't stop there. He produced a thin, metal rod that he heated until it glowed red. With a sinister grin, he pressed the rod against Rui's skin, searing it and causing the flesh to sizzle and burn. Rui's screams echoed throughout the room, his body writhing in anguish.

"Why are you doing this?!" Rui cried out, his voice hoarse from screaming. His body was battered and broken, his spirit on the verge of shattering.

The teacher leaned in close, the madness in his eyes now more prominent than ever. "Because, Rui, I need answers from you. But before that, I want to see the depths of your fear and despair."

Rui's eyes widened as a new wave of terror washed over him. He could hardly believe what was happening, and the reality of his situation felt like a nightmare from which he couldn't awaken. His mind raced, his thoughts consumed by the pain and the desperate need to escape this hellish torture chamber.

As the teacher continued to inflict unimaginable torment upon Rui, his screams seemed to fuel the man's twisted desires. The pain and fear etched on Rui's face only served to drive the teacher further into the depths of his insanity, and it became increasingly clear that there would be no mercy for Rui in this dark and bloody room.

The teacher's eyes gleamed with excitement as he selected his next instrument of torture, a pair of pliers. Rui's heart raced, his breaths shallow and ragged, as he watched the man approach with the cold metal tool. The teacher grabbed one of Rui's fingers and began to crush it mercilessly between the jaws of the pliers. Rui's anguished screams filled the air once more as bone and flesh were mangled under the relentless pressure.

"Oh, the beauty of pain," the teacher whispered, his voice barely audible over Rui's cries. "It's such a fascinating thing to explore, don't you think?"

Rui couldn't comprehend how this man, who was once his kind and caring teacher, had transformed into this monstrous, sadistic figure. He couldn't fathom the depths of darkness that must have consumed his soul.

The teacher continued his macabre work, moving on to more barbaric methods. He hammered nails into Rui's hands and feet, pinning him to the chair. Blood pooled beneath him, and the scent of iron filled the air. Rui's mind was a whirlwind of torment, and his screams were now little more than choked, guttural sounds as his voice gave out.

Finally, the teacher paused, admiring his handiwork with a twisted grin. Rui's body was a mutilated mess, barely recognizable as human. His eyes were glazed with pain and terror, and his once strong spirit was now crushed beneath the weight of his torment.

"See, Rui," the teacher said, his voice cold and detached, "You've shown me something remarkable today. You've shown me the depths of human suffering, and how much the body and mind can endure before breaking."

Rui's breaths came in shallow gasps as he tried to process the teacher's words. What kind of sick satisfaction could this man possibly find in such depravity? He clung to the last shreds of his will to live, praying for some miracle to save him from this nightmare, but none would come.

The teacher leaned in closer, his voice barely a whisper. "But don't worry, Rui. I promised you wouldn't die, and I will keep my word. I have so much more I want to learn from you."

With that, the teacher began preparing his next method of torture, leaving Rui to endure the unimaginable pain and terror, wondering if there would ever be an end to his suffering.

In the midst of his unbearable pain and the horrifying reality of his situation, Rui's mind began to fracture. Desperate for some escape, his thoughts raced wildly, eventually latching onto a single word that he repeated over and over like a broken record.

"Escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape... escape..."

As the repetition of the word 'escape' consumed his mind, Rui's thoughts began to shift to the one person he wished could save him from this nightmare. The word changed, and his broken mind clung to it with fervor.

"Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya... Maya..."

But as the pain intensified and the hopelessness of his situation became even more apparent, Rui's thoughts turned to a darker place. A single, devastating word began to repeat in his mind, echoing through the chambers of his broken psyche.

"Die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die... die..."

"I need to die"

Screaming comes echoing from the hallway just outside the door. Even with Rui's tattered ears, the voice was all too familiar. No, it couldn't be. Kazuya. Why is he here? How did he end up in this situation?

The teacher heard the sound and turned to his cart, putting a jar onto the top shelf of the cart. It was a clear glass jar, the jar contained hundreds to thousands of small bugs crawling inside. Rui let out a loud gasp which the teacher heard and looked at Rui. "Don't worry Rui, these aren't for you. Remember I can't have you die. You have to stay here forever, don't worry at all. Do you know what these bugs are? They are flesh flies, but they are drugged. Meaning that whatever little bit of flesh and blood they taste will instantly become an eating and breeding ground. Possibly the worst thing that could happen to one's self."

Rui looked on in fear as the teacher continued, "I will be feeding these to your friend Kazuya. He will die a slow painful death."

Rui could barely hear anymore but he understood the situation. Still he had no drive to stop it. He has no voice anymore, his mouth barely in shape to make sounds. He was mentally dead.

Another scream let out from down that dark hallway and a man with a black mask ran into the room Rui was in. "Boss, he's still trying to resist. We need you right now!"

The teacher looked at the man and looked back at Rui, "I will be back Rui, get some rest and hear the melody of your friend's pain."

The teacher walks away closing and locking the door and leaving his cart.

Rui stared into nothingness, his mind racing with fragmented thoughts, trying to grasp the reality of what had just happened. The room seemed to spin around him, and his thoughts spiraled into madness, bouncing off the walls of his tortured psyche. "Why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why... why…"

Rui's mind stuttered and stalled as he stared at the jar on the table, filled with drugged flesh flies, their tiny bodies squirming, buzzing, waiting. His breathing grew heavy, and his eyes widened with a sickening desperation. He muttered, "I want to die. I need to die. I must die. End this suffering, end this pain, end this nightmare."

As the flies stared back at him, Rui's thoughts spiraled out of control. His eyes darted from the jar to the door, then back to the jar. "Should I? Should I let them out? Let them devour me? It's my only way out, isn't it?"

Rui's trembling hand reached for the jar, but hesitated, hovering above it. The urge to die and the instinct to live warred within him. He stared at the flies, their tiny wings beating furiously, hungry for his flesh. With a sudden, desperate lunge, Rui pushed the cart, knocking the jar to the floor. The glass shattered, releasing the flies into the room.

The flies swarmed around Rui, buzzing and crawling over his body. They began to bite into his flesh, tearing it open, feasting on his blood and burrowing into his skin to lay their eggs. Rui screamed, his voice filled with terror and agony. Blood sprayed out from the ragged, sloppy wounds as his body convulsed in pain.

Pain of an entirely other dimension trashed at Rui's brain, suffocating him. He collapsed to the ground, twitching and gasping for breath. He screamed again, a sound bordering on insanity, as the flies continued their relentless attack. He felt burning sensations across his body as they devoured him, scraping his flesh down to the bone.

Amidst the excruciating pain, Rui's fragile mind shattered further, his thoughts devolving into a cacophony of screams and incoherent words. As the flies feasted, Rui's mental episodes grew more frequent and intense, his anguished wails echoing through the room.

Rui's ears picked up the sound of their tiny bodies and the rustle of their wings as they swarmed over him. He could feel the bites of their teeth, and he knew he was being consumed by countless hungry creatures. His body writhed in pain, but he was unable to escape.

As the flies continued to feast, they tore apart Rui's organs, his tongue, and even his eyes. His skull cracked open, and the flies dug into his exposed brain. The sensation of being alive while being eaten from within was unbearable. Fear had left him, replaced only by pain and the desperate need for death to claim him.

In the midst of the torment, Rui's consciousness flickered between lucidity and madness, his shrieks of agony intermingling with the disjointed cries of his mental episodes. The room filled with the cacophony of his suffering, and Rui's desperation grew with each passing moment.

At last, Rui's consciousness began to fade, his body reduced to a grotesque mass of torn flesh and swarming insects. His final breaths were constantly being drowned by ravenous flies.

The sound of the door slamming open echoed through the room, the force of it causing the hinges to creak. The teacher stormed in, his face twisted with rage and confusion. He had left Rui alone, expecting to find him still alive and suffering, but what greeted him was a scene of carnage.

"WHAT?!" the teacher screamed, his voice cracking with fury and disbelief. "You were supposed to suffer more! This wasn't meant to end so soon!"

His eyes, wide with madness, darted across the room, taking in the grotesque sight of Rui's mutilated body, now barely recognizable as human. The flies, their feast interrupted, buzzed around the room, disoriented.

Rui, despite the unimaginable pain and his rapidly deteriorating condition, was somehow still conscious. His vision blurred and dimmed, but he could see the teacher's furious expression and hear his enraged screams. Rui couldn't even muster the strength to scream or cry out in his agony, his mind barely clinging to the last shreds of awareness.

The teacher's breaths came in ragged gasps as his sanity crumbled further. He stomped over to Rui's nearly lifeless form, his hands clenched into fists. With each step, his rage intensified. He couldn't believe that Rui had managed to escape his torment, albeit through a gruesome near-death state.

"YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO DIE YET!" he roared, kicking Rui's body with all his strength. The force of the impact sent the mangled remains skidding across the floor, leaving a trail of blood and gore in its wake.

The room was filled with the sickening sounds of the teacher's heavy breaths and the buzzing of the flies as they settled back onto Rui's body, resuming their feast. The teacher paced around the room, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions – anger, disappointment, and the creeping realization that he had lost control of his twisted plan.

Rui's vision darkened further, and the last of his strength ebbed away. As he slipped into unconsciousness, his mind registered the teacher's frantic pacing and ranting. The room grew darker, the shadows seeming to close in around the teacher as he spiraled further into madness.

"Why... why did this happen to me?" Rui's thoughts were disjointed and weak, struggling to form coherent sentences. "I just wanted... a normal life. Did I... deserve this?"

In the final moments of Rui's life, the room stood as a testament to the twisted mind of the teacher and the horrors he had inflicted. Blood stained the walls and floor, and the air was thick with the stench of decay. Rui's tortured breaths grew weaker and weaker until they ceased altogether, his tormented soul finally finding release from the unspeakable pain.

Rui felt a sudden, powerful kick that sent him crashing to the ground. Groaning in pain, he looked up and saw his deceased friend Tobi standing before him. Stunned, he could barely believe his eyes.

"You're... you're dead," Rui stammered, tears still streaming down his face.

Tobi frowned, his eyes filled with disappointment. "Yeah, and look at you, Rui. Weak and cowering in fear. What a pitiful sight."

Rui sobbed, burying his head in his hands. "You don't understand... the pain... I can't do it anymore."

Tobi walked closer and crouched down beside Rui. His voice softened, and he placed a reassuring hand on his friend's shoulder. "Rui, listen to me. Life is never without pain, but it's how you face that pain that defines who you are. You can't let fear paralyze you."

Rui glanced up, his eyes red and swollen. "But Tobi... how can I face it? I'm so scared."

Tobi's eyes met Rui's, filled with understanding and empathy. "I know, Rui. I've been there too. But remember, you have people who care about you, who need you. Maya, Ken, Yuki, Aiko... they're all counting on you. You're stronger than you think."

As Tobi continued speaking, Rui's head slowly began to rise from his hands. The more he listened, the more he felt a spark of determination taking hold.

"Rui, I've seen you overcome so many challenges. You have the strength and courage within you. You just need to believe in yourself," Tobi said, a bittersweet smile on his face.

Rui looked up at Tobi, realizing that his friend had likely suffered the same fate at the hands of Mr. Saito. He knew he had to find the strength to fight back and save everyone.

Wiping away his tears, Rui rose to his feet, his eyes locked on Tobi's. "You're right, Tobi. I can't let fear control me. I have to save them all."

Tobi extended his hand, and Rui grasped it firmly, feeling a renewed sense of determination. Just then, a bright light engulfed them, and Rui found himself waking up, his hand still gripping another.

But this time, it was the hand of his teacher, Mr. Saito.

"Welcome back, Rui," Mr. Saito said, a sinister smile on his face. "I hope you're ready for what comes next."

Rui let out a quick "huh" while staring in fear of the man in front of him.

"I said, thank you for your help Rui." Mr. Saito said again louder while laughing a little bit.