The Cruelty of Fate (Part 1)

Rui woke up, finding himself back in the horrifying torture room from his previous life. The chilling sensation of cold stone walls and the thick smell of rust and decay enveloped him once again. He was strapped to the same wooden chair, his wrists and ankles bound by iron shackles.

Fear coursed through Rui as he recalled the terrifying events that had taken place in this room in another reality. He couldn't believe he was back here, even though he had tried to avoid Mr. Saito. Memories of his last moments with Yuki flashed through his mind, making him feel betrayed and heartbroken.

"No, I can't be back here again. No, No, NO, NO!"

The door creaked open, and Mr. Saito entered the room, pushing a cart filled with sinister torture instruments. Rui's eyes widened in terror as he realized the situation he was in.

"Why are you doing this, Mr. Saito?" Rui asked, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Mr. Saito laughed, a sound that sent shivers down Rui's spine. "Oh, you're quite perceptive, Rui. It's a shame you had to discover my true nature this way."

Rui's heart pounded in his chest as Mr. Saito spoke with an evil grin, "You see, Rui, your curiosity about the oni-masked man has brought you to hell. And here, you will learn the consequences of meddling in matters that don't concern you."

Rui didn't remember mentioning the oni-masked man to Mr. Saito in this loop. So why? How did he get here?

"Now, remember, Rui," Mr. Saito taunted, "Maya's life is on the line, and time is running out for you to save her. And here you are, stuck with me, having fun."

"Saito! Saito! Saito! Saito! Saito! Saito!" Rui's rage boiled over as he thought of Maya's life hanging in the balance. He screamed Mr. Saito's name in anger multiple times, tears streaming down his face as he struggled against the restraints.

"I'll kill you, Saito! I swear I will!" Rui shouted, his voice filled with a mixture of anger and fear.

Mr. Saito's laughter grew louder and more sinister as he reached down to his cart, relishing in Rui's despair. As Rui's furious cries turned into screams of fear, Mr. Saito prepared to inflict unimaginable pain once again.

In a bustling office filled with the sound of phones ringing and people typing, a young man named Haruto stepped into the room, his eyes filled with determination. He had recently graduated from the police academy and was now joining a new special task force that worked directly under government officials. Haruto couldn't believe his luck, landing such a prestigious position right after leaving the academy.

As he entered the room, a man with a stern expression greeted him. "You must be Haruto, the new recruit. I'm Director Yamamoto. Welcome to the Special Task Force."

Haruto bowed respectfully, "Thank you, sir. I'm honored to be here."

Director Yamamoto gestured for Haruto to follow him. As they walked through the office, Haruto noticed several people working diligently at their desks. Some of them looked up to acknowledge Haruto with a nod or a smile, while others remained focused on their tasks.

The director led Haruto to a group of people gathered around a table covered with various documents and maps. "These are your new squadmates," Yamamoto said, gesturing to the group.

A woman with short hair and a friendly smile extended her hand to Haruto. "Hi, I'm Aiko. Nice to meet you."

Haruto shook her hand and introduced himself, "Nice to meet you too, Aiko. I'm Haruto."

Another squad member, a tall man with a muscular build, greeted him with a firm handshake. "I'm Takeshi. Welcome to the team, Haruto."

"Thank you, Takeshi. I'm excited to be here and learn from all of you," Haruto replied.

Director Yamamoto addressed the group, "Now that you're all acquainted, let's get down to business. We've been assigned a high-priority case involving illegal activities within the city. Your job is to investigate and apprehend those responsible

Director Yamamoto addressed the group, "Before we discuss our upcoming assignments, I'd like to introduce someone who will be working closely with us."

The office door opened, and a mysterious figure stepped in. He was wearing a suit and an oni mask, which gave him an eerie and imposing presence. The mask bore a twisted smile and the unsettling features of a twisted hare. The squad members exchanged puzzled glances, wondering who this person was and why he was wearing such a mask.

The director continued, "This is Director Anon. He's a highly skilled operative who has been assigned to our task force due to his exceptional abilities. He'll be leading some of our most critical missions."

Haruto was confused, what type of name is Anon. Haruto then remembered the countless investigators and special officers that used aliases to conceal their true identity.

The Oni-masked Man addressed the group, his voice calm and confident. "I've reviewed your records, and I'm impressed by your performances in the academy, especially in combat and logistics. From now on, you'll be working under my guidance."

He then proceeded to brief the team on their first mission. "Our assignment is a top-secret one. We've received intel about a notorious, unnamed criminal currently hiding in a local hospital. Our task is to locate and apprehend this individual before they can cause any more harm."

The squad members listened attentively, their faces reflecting a mix of excitement and apprehension. They knew that working with the enigmatic Oni-masked Man would be a unique and challenging experience, but they were eager to prove themselves and uphold justice in the city.

From his cubicle, investigator Kotagawa had a clear view of the meeting taking place in the office. He was on the phone. "You were right," he whispered, "he's starting to make a move. We have to act quickly, Kaori."