I Will Change Everything

The tremors of Rui's encounter with the Oni-masked man were still reverberating through his life, casting a persistent shadow. He had adopted an air of caution and discreetness, a different armor to protect not just himself but those he cherished.

It was early morning, and the school was abuzz with chatter and laughter. Rui had pulled aside his classmates, his tone serious, eyes carrying a gravity they hadn't seen before, "It's best we all stay away from Yui's problems for now. They're bigger than we can handle."

His words left a strange silence, a mark of his fear and resilience making a dent in their otherwise carefree lives.

Soon after, a ripple of intrigue flowed through the class as Haruto, a newcomer, joined them. He was quiet, his gaze somber, almost melancholy. Rui felt an inexplicable curiosity toward Haruto. On the first day, he approached him with a welcoming grin, "Hey, I'm Rui. Welcome."

Haruto looked up from his book, his eyes meeting Rui's with a soft intensity. He offered a nod of gratitude, "Thank you, Rui. Nice to meet you."

Their friendship blossomed over the shared quietness and shared stories about being parentless. Haruto's sorrow mirrored Rui's, their bonds deepening over the void left by absent parents. Their friendship was an oasis of solace in a desert of problems. They had become good friends with Kazuya, whose presence added another layer of camaraderie and understanding.

One sunny afternoon, Haruto visited Rui's home. It was an old house, filled with history and stories whispered by the wind. Rui gave Haruto a tour, each room holding a piece of his past, a fragment of his identity.

Rui's sister came out from her room intrigued by who Rui brought over. Hana walked up to the both of them with her school clothes still and dragging herself in front of her brother. She looked up at the both of them and said "I didn't know you had any friends big bro, besides that creepy old guy that keeps coming over."

The "creepy old guy" refers to Investigator Kotogawa. Rui looks down at her in annoyance, "Hana go back to your room. I don't need you making fun of me right now."

She looks back up to her brother annoyed and then quickly changes faces smiling and waving to Haruto next to Rui. She walks away, plops on the couch turning on the T.V.

Rui looks over to Haruto and scratches his head laughing, "Sorry about that my sister can be a pain sometimes."

Haruto looks back and laughs, "No, I totally understand how younger siblings can be. My younger brother is always annoying me even though he's just a year younger.

Then they reached the door of the room that Rui always kept locked. It was a dojo, a practice room for swordsmanship. The room was bathed in the soft glow of the afternoon sun, reflecting off the blades of ancestral swords, their gleam telling tales of valor and discipline. Rui's voice faltered as he spoke of his grandfather, a revered swordsman whose teachings were the foundation of Rui's upbringing.

"I was his apprentice, you know," Rui's eyes were distant, filled with reverence and a twinge of sorrow. "But, after he passed away, I... I put the sword down."

Haruto was silent for a moment before he asked gently, "Why, Rui? Why would you give up something so integral to you?"

Rui looked at the swords, his voice barely a whisper, "They hurt people, Haruto. I've seen the damage they can do. Besides, I would never be as good as my grandfather."

Haruto nodded, understanding and empathy resonating in his voice, "Maybe you don't need to be like your grandfather, Rui. The sword is merely a tool. It doesn't decide the outcome; we do. We decide whether to inflict pain or defend against it."

Rui picks up a sword and slashes it down while shaking his head, "No Haruto, I don't think I'll ever need the sword again. Even if I die."

As days rolled by, their bond deepened, and the impending 18th day of reckoning loomed on the horizon. Rui, Kotogawa, and Kaori found themselves huddled together more often than not, strategizing, discussing possible outcomes, their conversation heavy with the burden of the upcoming rescue mission.

Then, the 18th day arrived. The day had a different aura, a mix of danger, uncertainty, and silent hope. Rui found Maya, and their meeting was bittersweet. His heart pounded against his ribcage, "We have to run, Maya. Now."

Confusion and fear laced her eyes, but she didn't ask any questions. She knew better than to question Rui in times of danger.

As they started to leave, Rui couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. Suddenly, Rui saw Haruto standing at the door of the room with a bag. His heart clenched with an unknown dread, his voice echoing in the deserted hallway, "Haruto? What are you doing here?"

Their surprise mirrored each other, a silent understanding passing between them. Without another word, Rui clutched Maya's hand and ran, Haruto's words echoing behind them, "Rui, wait!"

It couldn't be, even Haruto was an accomplice of the Oni masked man. He even let him in his home, near his family.

They hid, moved, and hid again, the streets deserted, punctuated by the sounds of passing police cars. The world around them was a dangerous labyrinth, and they were the prey, fear and determination driving them forward. Knowing that the oni masked man has pull behind the police, Rui knows they can't be seen.

Rui's phone buzzed suddenly, shattering the eerie silence. An incoming call from an unknown number, the video call revealed a chilling sight: his friends and family, including Kaori and Kotogawa, bound and blindfolded on a roof, their lives hanging by a thread.

Rui's heart pounded in his chest, blood roared in his ears as the masked man delivered his ultimatum. "You have 10 minutes to come with the girl to the hospital rooftop. Every 5 minutes you're late after that 10, someone dies."

The rooftop of the hospital was their destined battleground, each passing minute threatening the lives of his loved ones. How could he.

Without a second thought, Rui found himself ascending the stairway to the rooftop. Each step was heavy, echoing his internal turmoil. The door creaked open, the harsh wind a stark reminder of the dire situation.

The scene was one of an orchestrated ambush: helicopters hovering in the air, police officers on nearby rooftops, floodlights casting an intimidating glow, and the masked man standing in the center, commanding the chaos.

Rui was armed with a solitary gun and a determination that roared louder than the helicopters overhead. The masked man's voice cut through the wind, "Where is Maya, Rui?"

Rui shot back, "Go to hell!" His defiance was his armor, his courage a beacon in the face of impending doom.

The masked man didn't flinch, a bullet puncturing the air and finding its mark. A familiar face dropped to the ground, Tanada. The horrifying sight causing Rui's heart to lurch. His sister's terrified screams echoed around him, each plea a stab to his heart.

In that moment, he was on the edge of despair, teetering on the precipice of an irreversible decision. He locked eyes with the masked man, his voice rising above the wind, "Stop."

Ignoring the tremors shaking his body, Rui climbed onto the rooftop ledge, his silhouette bathed in the harsh light. A declaration, a promise of retribution, left his lips, "Next time, I won't lose."

With one last defiant glance at the masked man, he leveled his gun, a spark of life still burning in his eyes, "Remember this, next time around. I will kill you."

The standoff between Rui and the masked man was a portrait of desperation and defiance, a painting only the chaotic palette of life could create. The helicopters hovered ominously above, their blades slashing the air, the relentless gusts lashing against Rui's face.

In the cruel spotlight, his eyes locked onto the masked man's. "Next time, I won't lose. I've had enough, I'm done!" he declared, his voice piercing the thrum of the helicopters and the distant wail of sirens. He sounded confident, audacious, almost eerily calm in the face of the storm surrounding him.

"Remember this, next time around. If I see you, I will kill you. Worse than you can imagine," Rui spat out, each word cutting through the tense air.

The masked man let out a bark of laughter, the sound harsh and disbelieving, "Oh, really? Is that your master plan?" But there was an undeniable glimmer of surprise in his eyes, a hint of fear masked swiftly by bravado.

Rui didn't respond, his features set in a grim determination. He could hear the sharp intake of breath from the officers surrounding them, feel the weight of countless eyes on him, their anticipation palpable. The wind howled around them, the harsh lighting cast long, ominous shadows, adding to the oppressive atmosphere.

In that moment, time seemed to stretch into eternity. The world slowed down, sounds became muffled, and everything seemed eerily still. Rui raised his gun, pointing it straight at the oni masked man. then quickly changed the direction of the cold metal a stark, and held it against his temple. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat resonating with his conviction.

He looked straight into the masked man's eyes, an intense stare that bore straight into his soul. A small smirk graced his lips as he confidently pulled the trigger.

The standoff between Rui and the masked man was a portrait of desperation and defiance, a painting only the chaotic palette of life could create. The helicopters hovered ominously above, their blades slashing the air, the relentless gusts lashing against Rui's face.

As Rui's finger pressed on the trigger, the world started to warp and waver. Everything seemed to move in a surreal, languid pace as if reality itself was struggling to keep up with the gravity of his choice. The gunshot echoed, a cruel and final symphony to his last stand.

His body wavered, teetered on the edge of the rooftop as if locked in a precarious dance with gravity. For a moment, he held on, his lifeless form silhouetted against the harsh glare of the helicopter spotlights. And then he began to fall.

Every second stretched out, becoming a lifetime of its own. As he fell, his body slowly spinning in the wind, the world was oddly quiet. He could see the masked man, his hand outstretched as if trying to grab something that was already out of reach.

A pang of regret surged through him, his heart aching at the image of his sister, friends, and Haruto. "I'm sorry," he thought, his mind echoing with their voices, their laughter, and their shared moments of despair and hope. "I'm sorry I had to leave you this way."

Around him, the officers were frozen mid-motion, their faces a mix of horror and disbelief. They were a sea of rigid bodies, their drawn weapons and tense forms illuminated by the cruel artificial light.

Helicopters hovered like angry hornets, their blades slashing through the air. The harsh winds pulled at his clothes, the deafening noise from the blades seemed distant and distorted as if reaching him from under water.

Below, the city was a sprawling canvas of twinkling lights and towering structures. It looked peaceful, almost serene, a stark contrast to the chaos atop the hospital's rooftop.

In that extended moment, falling through the void, he made a silent vow to himself. "Next time," he thought, the resolve hardening within him, "Next time, I won't hold back."

As he neared the ground, Rui felt an odd sense of peace. His eyes were closing, his body growing heavy. The city lights started to blur, blending into an endless stream of luminous streaks. His last thought was a simple whisper in the howling wind, a promise to the people he was leaving behind.

"I'll come back... stronger."

"I Rui Toyama, Am Still Fighting!"

And then darkness claimed him.