New Companion

Alex looked at the scenery around him with a small smile on his face. Asgard was beautiful, if he could kill all the Aesir, then it would be even more beautiful, he thought to himself. Truly, there was no way to describe th beauty of this realm. The trees were vibrant, the grass seemed to whisper in the gentle winds, the waterfalls seemed to fill nature with a soothing lullaby. The cry of insects, no matter how small, never escaped his heightened senses, making his revel in their music.

'Who are you?' a small voice asked, making him turn to look at the mighty hammer hanging on his belt.

"You can talk!" he said in surprise. "No, it's you intent. You realized I am not the Thor you are used to. Quite astute, I am impressed." He could feel the hammer suddenly start trying to reject him but his will was nothing but strong, covering the entirety of the hammer before holding it with one arm.

"Your Thor is gone and this new one wants a weapon worthy of his might," Alex said as lightning started covering his entire body.

Slowly, a storm started brewing around him, a storm so great even the boom of thunder seemed to shake the greatest of mountains. The entire of Asgard was covered with thick, low hanging clouds, with flashes of lightning followed by clashes of thunder temporarily blinding and deafening everyone in the great realm. Alex, on the other hand was looking at Mjolnir, his eyes scanning it's entire atomic structure before using his precognition powers to know how Brok and Sindri made it.

"So that's it," he said as a smile bloomed on his face. "A weapon worthy of the new god of Thunder, you unfortunately will be gone."

A lightning the size of a waterfall fell down on him from the dark clouds, burning the air around him and shaking all the realms; Mjolnir's futile attempt of escaping its fate. Everyone was alarmed, their hearts pounding hard, wondering whether this was the day they all dreaded, the day where Thor lost all his reasons and started a senseless murderous rampage. On Midgard, Kratos and his son, Atreus, panicked a little before preparing themselves for the inevitable.

"Your useless attempts at escaping your fate are truly atrocious," Alex told Mjolnir before using his matter manipulation on the great hammer, dismantling it with such ease it was scary. A shockwave blew all across the realms, shaking them while dispersing the angry looking clouds that loomed over Asgard. In the destruction of Mjolnir, three beings felt it, the hammer's makers; Brok and Sindri, and Odin.

"From these ruins, I will build my companion," Alex said with resolution, looking at the floating pieces of Mjolnir, the weapon that was the end of too many Jotunns.

Using his matter manipulation, he made vast amounts of Uru and Adamantine, compressing them and making more till they formed a mass with the same weight a fully fed black hole. Light seemed to bend and flow into the mass due to its gravity and if he had not created a field to negate the effects then Asgard would have collapsed long before the fated Ragnarok.

"This is good, it will do," he said with a nod before he started the forging process of a new Mjolnir.

The clangs of hammers revibrated all over the realms, making almost everyone kneel at the force of each stroke. The dwarves, master forges, immediately realized what was happening and they were terrified. Crafting a weapon so power that it would make all the realms tremble was truly something they could only dream of.


"Mimir, what's going on?" Atreus asked their resident portable encyclopedia whose one eye was looking around them with fascination. The half Jotunn could not even stand at each clank of a hammer, making his father Kratos hold him up with one hand. A storm was brewing, becoming stronger and stronger with each clank, making the Greek god frown even deeper.

"This, my dear boy, is the birth of a weapon so powerful it is unprecedented!" Mimir answered.

"Are the dwarves at work?" Kratos asked, gruffly. As if to answer his question, Brok and Sindri appeared before them, looking terrified.

"What did YOU do?!" Brok angrily asked Mimir before a clang was heard, sending the two dwarves onto their knees, spewing out blood.

"What forbidden forging methods did you give Odin!" Sindri asked Mimir, rather calmly in the stead of his brother who could barely hold his calm.

"What makes you think this is in any way related to me. If Odin had a method to craft such a powerful weapon, couldn't he have fully conquered all the realms by now?" Mimir defended himself. Besides, he was sure he would have never handed such a a powerful forging technique to the monster, even on his deathbed.

"Are you saying this all comes from Asgard?" Kratos asked the dwarves, who nodded right as another clang was heard following by a mountain render boom of thunder.

"NO! IT CAN'T BE!" Mimir said in terror as a bolt of lightning fell onto Midgard and all other realms, leaving behind a crater of untold length. "Brother, this is bad."

"Another Mjolnir! More powerful, less restricted, even more deadly!" Brok and Sindri said at the same time before looking at Kratos with...pity!

"Was this all caused by Thor?" Atreus asked in fear. A weapon was created for Thor that seemed to terrify the two dwarven brothers must be truly powerful. If Thor made it so that he could kill him and his father, just how much did Thor hate the two of them?

"Father, we need to get out of Midgard," he said with apprehension.

"The boy is right, brother. If Odin has commissioned Thor a new Mjolnir, war is at hand," Mimir backed up Atreus.

"You must have mistaken us," Sindri said, drawing their attention.

"The weapon was made by Thor," Brok continued, shocking all of them, Mimir more so because he knew Thor's true personality.

"That is impossible. The fat dobber can't form a single bright thought if it grows in his head!" Mimir refused to believe it.


A stream of lightning showered Alex and the newly forged Mjolnir, blessing the two at the creation of a new weapon that surpassed all others. Alex smiled at his new weapon, which had a few more runes and was crafted to perfection, something the universe was not ready for. A weapon made just for him.

There was a rune that would make Mjolnir loyal to him and if he himself wants, can be temporarily used by his descendants till it proves them worthy for it to allow them to weild it whenever it wanted. Another rune would allow it to always come back to his left hand, breaking through space and distance, obliterating everything in its way till it returns. A third rune was for self reparations. He did not delude himself and think the hammer couldn't be broken or destroyed. But the rune would always allow its atoms to always combine, bringing it back to full. The fifth, sixth and seventh rune was to give it complete control over lightning to a frightening level. Now, he was sure this hammer could destroy the world tree in one blow if it went all out. The eighth rune would allow it to transform into Strombreaker, the MCU version because he honestly like warhammers and battle-axes very much. A ninth rune give it levitation, the tenth and eleventh rune gave it a simple intelligence.

"Hello, friend," Alex greeted the newly forged Mjolnir that was floating in front of him. Mjolnir wiggled in excitement before flying onto his belt and resting.

"I guess with this, I can't truly call myself Alex," he said to himself before nodding in resolution. "From now on, I am Thor, the best Thor to ever grace the multiverses." He nodded to himself, feeling that his decision was right.

"Dad?" a voice of a young girl called out, making him turn to the speaker. There stood a stunned Third, Thor's and Sif's only daughter and his favorite among his children. She inherited her mother's mop of hair with a streak of his red hair, making her look exotic. While she had her mother's brains, she inherited his brawn, setting her taller and more muscular than girls her peer. Her body showed her intensive training which actually made him proud.

"Thrudie," he greeted her with a small but fond smile.