
"Good morning, Thrudie," Thor greeted his excited daughter, Thrud, who was basically bouncing with excitement. In front of them was an entire training grounds filled with all kinds of training equipment fit to train a supernatural being.

"She agreed, didn't she?" Thrud asked, her eyes sparkling with lightning due to her excitement.

"Your mother has agreed to me officially training you," Thor said, immediately getting hold of Thrud and dispelling the lightning she was building up with her excitement. "I know you are excited but I want you to calm down and listen to me first." The little goddess finally calmed down but her excited face told just how much she was expecting this day to go.

"Your mother agreed to me training you if you continue her lessons with her. It's the only compromise we came to," Thor said.

"Don't worry dad, if it means I get to train without been nervous all the time, I'll happily agree to it," Thrud agreed. Thor nodded with a happy smile.

"I'm glad you agree," he said with a small smile. Lightning suddenly flooded out of him, covering everything around them including Thrud.

"Dad, what's happening?" Thrud asked in shock. She was born wielding lightning but this was the first time she was seeing something like this.

"This is an advanced way of using lightning. Everything is bonded by lightning so using your own mastery of lightning, you can accomplish feats that are otherwise just impossible, like so..."


With a clap of thunder, everything covered in lightning disappeared, leaving behind a blinding light which was quite impossible. Light travels much much much more faster than sound. Having thunder happen first then lightning was quite illogical, but, his entire existence is illogical. High above the empty training ground was an ethereal raven fly in circles. Giving a cry, it flew off.



That was not the sound of thunder but the sound of something forcefully breaking through the magical barrier between realms. A flash of lightning made the sunlight appear dim as Thrud and Thrud, accompanied with everything else appeared on too of a mountain. Thrud looked around, wide eyed.

"Where are we?" she asked in astonishment.

"Jotenheim," Thor answered as he looked around. "Ever since my rampage, this realm was basically deserted and so, the perfect place to train you all I want." He added quietly. "It's also the best place to train you as harsh as I can without Sif bossing us around."

"What's that, dad?"

"We will start your training with a demonstration," Thor said, putting down Mjolnir.

"As the daughter of Thor, much is expected of you. Some of them might seem impossible, some might be, but most are not. One of them is that you are expected to be able to master lightning," he said as the entire realm was suddenly covered by lightning bolts as thick as pickup trucks. Thrud's eyes were basically drooling.

"When can I do that?" Thrud asked, her voice almost drooling with desire.

"As you are, not even close. In the future, you have a high chance of not achieving this; but, we have nothing but time to try it out, don't we?" Thor said as he manipulated the lightning to form a giant version of Mjolnir before sending it hurtling to a moon. The moon got blown apart instantly.

"Wow!" Thrud exclaimed. Thor smirked smugly before continuing to manipulate the lightning, mending the entire artificial satellite instantly, with no ugly scars to show of its previous state.

"What was that?" Thrud asked in astonishment.

"Not part of the demonstration," Thor answered, dismissively. "The second thing is that your physical condition must be the best of the best all around."

Thor started circling Thrud, making the little Asgardian a little nervous. Suddenly, she saw her father split into two, two became four, then eight, then sixteen and finally thirty two. All of them kept circling her before they came to a stop and fading like they were mirages.

"What was that?" Thrud asked.

"That, dear daughter, is speed. Speed so fast that even a small action out of that speed can cause a mirage. You think I was just circling you in normal speed but I was moving so fast if I did not cover myself with lightning, I could have gone back in time. Of course, I do not expect you to reach that kind of speed by the end of this training montage for it would be impossible and frankly illogical."

"Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence," Thrud said, downtrodden. Thor frowned a little bit.

"Thrud, if you think be aise you are my daughter then you can reach to my level, then you must wake up to reality," Thor told her, gravely. He stretched out his left arm and opened his palm. Thrud's eyes almost popped out of their sockets as she witnessed the big bang. In an accelerated motion, she witnessed how the tiny universe was formed, from all its laws, its development to its demise. All in a minute. She watched civilizations rise and fall, wars been won and lost, the rise of gods and their downfall. She had seen it all and it was just too much. There's a limit to even what a god should learn and creation of everything was one of them. Just when she felt her mind was about to break, a cooling sensation washed over her and she forgot all of it, but her subconscious still held on to that fear that when she looked at her father, she couldn't help but be afraid of the power he held.

"Thrud, life is unfair, it is so even to us gods. I do not want you to ride on my coattails, I want you to be the author of your own adventures. I have been dictated on what to do and how to do it my entire life, making me the man I was before. But I want you to be different from me and your mother and the only way to do it is to become powerful,"

"I get it, dad. All my life, everyone has been telling me what kind of god you are and how I am not living up to the expectations. That big jerk, Heimdall, basically makes it his job to remind me what kind of failure I am. That's why I want to be a Valkyrie, to make you and mom proud," Thrud said seriously. Thor sighed emotionally.

"It has been tough on all three of you," he said, patting her head. "I wish both your brothers would have heard me say this but, I love all three of you. I might not show it, but I really do."

"Jeez, dad, you're all soppy today," Thrud laughed nervously. (A/N: I ran out of a vocabulary to say here, sorry.)

"Alright, soppy stuff behind, I think it's time for us to start your training," Thor said after clearing his throat, signalling the end of that moment.

"What are we going to start with?"

"You're good with weapons so we will start with unarmed combat, specifically grappling and judo," he answered. "Don't mind the name of the second, you won't need to know what it means, only that your body will instinctively curve it to your bones."