
Sunlight shone throughout a ward in a hospital. A patient, a teenege boy was in deep thought. He sat crossed legged on a hospital bed. Thinking of what just happened last night. The boy's height was about 5 feet, 4 inches. Weighted about 60 kilograms and a half. His hairs were short and black, a set of maroon eyes, sharp teeth. His body is well fit just like a fighter.

His head was full of confusing things. After all, the one who currently possessing the boy's body was not the boy himself but actually another person who just got reincarnated intoo the body.

'Exactly at ten p.m last night, I got reincarnated...'

Around a thousand years ago, at a ruined palace. A man covered in blood was sitting with legs outstretched while leaning against the wall. Eyes were blinded by a long deep cut across his face.

"Well, look here. The mighty Ax is finally on the death's door. It's somewhat unexpected isn't it?" A man with a giant axe on his shoulder was standing before him. Even his appearance is that of a man, he is not a human. In fact, he is a powerful godborn who was taking on the job of killing the Death Bringer, Ax Glazier.

"Damn shit... A god... Ambushing a man at his party... Isn't that... Cowardly... For a god?" Ax struggled to say the words.

"Huh~ Why would I care?" Axest said in playful tone. "I'm a godborn for sure but I reject my gid status and become a bounty hunter. So why should I care about a pride of a god?"

"Damn you... Sick bounty hunter... Rejecting status... As a god... Axest Galadrigar... If I survive... I'll come back... To kill you..." Ax forced himself to gave him his last warning.

Anxest chuckles a little. His giant axe was lifted over his head wiith both hands. "Sorry, to disappoint you but..." A purplish black aura was coating the axe. "I'm not a mortal who only knows how to kill a body. I'm killing your soul too.With your current reputation, it's impossible for there to be someone willingly to sacrifice their life to revive you. So, bye~" He swung his giant axe downward and split Ax in half.

Night, at a hospital, Ax opened his eyes, realizing that he was laying on a bed. Even though his body was hurtig all over, but he rose up as he was in shocked. After all, he should have been dead. But instead he was given a chance to live again. Just like Axest said, there should be no one willingly sacrifice their life to revive him, but here he is, alive.

Back to the present, Ax was still processing all the thing of what happened to the body he is currently residing in his head. After he woke up last night, he then slept again as he was hurting. The body suffered from heavy injuries. When he was sleeping, the memories of the body's original owner came flowing into his mind. Because of that, he now know of the reason why the body was heavily injured but it was confusing and irritating him at the same time.

The reason behind it was that the body's original owner, Leon Scarlet, crashed onto a speeding bus intentionally. It was not a suicide attempt nor he was high on drugs, but it was to test his own sturdiness. Can his body hold against a speeding bus? His question was answered with him in a hospital ward.

Even when Leon was just a little kid, his body was as strong as an average teenager. In addition to all of the training he has done, now his body is stronger than most of bodybuilders.

To measure his current sturdiness and strength, he ran towards a speeding bus. Luckily the bus managed to pull the brake in time, slowing the bus a little, keeping Leon away from dying. Still, Leon received some heavy injuries. Fractured left arm, two fractured ribs and some wounds.

"Haih... This guy... Is unbelievably crazy..." It stressed him.

The ward door was opened. A doctor and a nurse walked in. "I'm gonna do some check up on you." The doctor said.


Ax took a glimpse on his name tag. 'Mark Spearhead. Damn, nice surname.' He praised the doctor silently in his mind.

"Well, this is interesting. You're recovering faster than expected. Your blood pressure has return to normal, and you can breath normally now, right? Not struggling to catch breath."

"Yeah, it mean that my ribs has at least recovered even a little, right?"

"That's right. So, you can be discharge in about a week." As he was tidying up his items. The nurse seems to writing a report. "We will do an x-ray test on you again tomorrow, to check wether your ribs has completely healed or not. If it's still bad, you might need to spend two more weeks here."

"Nah, I refused to stay here for two weeks. I dislike the smell of meds."

"It's up to you wether you want to stay or not. But I suggest you to stay." They both walked out from the ward.

"Ah, man... This is so boring. I got nothing to do now except sleeping." He throws his body down onto the bed.

The sun has came down, the moon has rose up, the night has come. Ax was sitting cross-legged on the floor, meditating. He intended to summon all of his elements.

As he was meditating, 5 spheres appears around him. Each spheres consist of different element. Ball of darkness, ball of freezing cold, ball of lightning, ball of cyclone and ball of fire. Each of them referred to Ax's power. But one of them surprised Ax as he has never have it before.

The fire element.

'This is surely weird... I never have fire element before even though I'm fireproof, I could not control fire. But, fire element appeared before me now...' He was stroking his chin. 'Interesting.'

"The host has awakened the flame element. System will be transfer into the host's consciousness." A robotic woman voice was suddenly ring in his head.

"Hmm! Who is that?!" He was looking around but saw no one.

Two beeps were rung inside his head. "System transfer is done. Please check your stats."

[ Stats ]

Name : Ax Glazier

Title : –

Age : 1125

Level : 0 (EXP : 0)

Strength : 48

Vitality : 314

Endurance : 70

Speed : 46

Stamina : 50

Skill Points : 0

"W-what the heck is this...?" Hewas utterly shocked. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "A panel is currently floating in front of me... Must be a dream..."After a short time, he slightly opened his right eye to peek and it was still there.

He clapped his hand. 'I know. Leon's brain must have gone crazy. After got hit by a bus, there will be a high chance to hallucinate. That must what is happening to me now. If I just close my eyes for a while then open it again, that it will be gone.' He opened his eyes again. Still seeing the system's panel. 'Ah, it still here...'

He then threw himself to the bed with face on the pillow. 'If I sleep, it might be gone tomorrow. So let just sleep.' He tried to calm himself down.

Sun has rose up, "I can see it... It's still here! Ah, fish! Have I really gone crazy!?" Ax stressed over the system.

"I advise you to low your voice as we are in a hospital right now." Mark said as he enters the ward. "Time for your x-ray test, mr. Scarlet."

"Why the heck were you calling me 'mr'? I'm still a teenager."

"Well, it's to make me sound more respect towards my patient. Anyway, are you ready?"

"Ceh, do whatever you want."

A week has passed since his reincarnation, Ax was discharged and on his way home. Wearing a black t-shirt and trouser with some of Leon's belongings inside his backpack that he was carrying. Walking home like nothing ever happen. He live in an apartment together with both of his parents and his only little sister.

The moment ge reached the front door, he hesitated. 'Should I enter as Leon? But wouldn't I steal Leon's life if I do that?' It took him some times to decide. Finally, he decided to enter as Leon Scarlet. He knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A middle aged woman opened the door. She saw Leon who was standing just outside the door.

"H-hello mo–"

He received a heavy uppercut punch to his belly. "How dare you return after the thing you did!" Leon's mom, Lisa Scarlet raged.

Ax fell on his knees with his upper body bended to the front, holding his belly.

"Please, you punched him too hard." Henry Scarlet, Leon's father said.

"It was his own fault. He suppose to get that. It's not like the first time I've warned him to not do something stupid like that but the more I warned him, the more dangerous thing he do! Who would not be mad?!"

'D-damn... Damn you Leon, you were the one who always did something that could kill yourself but lucky you, I was the one who got to feel the punch, not you...'

"You should at least held back your strength. You might get him hospitalize again." Henry was trying to back Ax up.

"Let him. He is the one who like to be hospitalize at the first place. It's been the third time already." She said as she walks to the kithen.

Ax got up and hold the doorknob. 'She is scary...'

"You're the one who makes her mad." He glance at Ax's left arm. "It seems like your arm still not healed yet. Go take a rest, dinner will ready soon." Henry walks out.

"Where are you going?"

"To pick up your sister."


Ax entered Leon's room, lock the door and slide the curtain to block the view. "Okay, system. Come out."

[ Main Lobby ]

- Stats

- Abilities

- Achievement

- Shop (Locked)

- Chat (Locked)

- Inbox (Locked)

- Inventory (Locked)

"Open abilities." He commanded.

[ Abilities ]

- Fire

- Darkness

- Freeze

- Lightning

- Wind

Throughout one whole week he spent in the hospital, waiting to be discharged, Ax had figured out most of the system's function by trying every single things that he could think off.

Ax pointed at 'Fire'. Ability tree appeared.

Starting from Flame of Information, connected to a locked branch connected to two more branches.Then, there is six other abilty trees under the Flame of Information. All of them were locked. Not a little peek.

Ax frowned, pissed because he cannot get to know what were locked. Not even peek. "Ceh, stingy system."

Someone was knocking on his door. "Leon, it's time for dinner." Henry's voice was heard by him.

"Wait for a minute. I'll join you guys soon." He look at the clock in his room.

'Damn, time sure are moving fast. I don't realise that half an hour have passed.'