Chapter 14

Approaching the school's gates, the two girls both felt a mixture of both relief and resentment. They still didn't dare to even mutter a word to each other, but their eyes spoke a lot more than their words could.

Weems cleared her throat, "Well, girls, you're finally back. I should inform you that you two are staying behind for the next outreach day... I've talked it over with the sheriff, and it's the best way to be absolutely certain that you won't cause trouble again."

To Wednesday, this news was good, so she didn't argue. Enid, however, was simply exhausted. After everything that happened, Enid's only thoughts were returning to Thing and her plushies, so she didn't argue. The car stopped, and Weems exited. She carefully approached the backseat of the car, trying to stay stable above the rough ground with her heels.

Weems approached the car's backseat door, reaching her hand out to open it, but Wednesday did that herself. She squeezed out of the narrow car's exit and Enid followed after.

Weems sternly stared at them both and patiently waited for them both to step onto the rocky terrain, "Before you two go, I need you both in my office." She immediately began walking towards the school's doors.

Enid and Wednesday both followed her side by side. Enid glanced at Wednesday and tried to quietly get her words out, "What do you think she wants?!

Wednesday still faced forward, following through the school's door, "Perhaps she's going to lecture us on our behavior. Well, whatever the reason may be, we've already had our punishment."

Enid looked forward again, trying to seem confident, but considering the situation, she was visibly nervous. The halls were silent because of how early in the morning they had arrived, it was eerily silent deemed they were heading right for the principal's office. Wednesday swore she could not only hear her own blood thrumming, but Enid's as well.

The office door creaked as Weems slowly opened it. She entered before the girls and took a seat, and gestured for them to sit down. They both walked to the two seats in front of Weems' desk and pulled them out to sit.

"So... Girls, I think it's time to discuss what happened at Uriah's Heap." Principal Weems' tone was solemn as she looked back and forth between the werewolf and the goth.

Wednesday glared at Weems while Enid was doing the exact opposite, trying not to be met with those judging eyes of disapproval. After a moment's silence, Wednesday looked at Enid, "What's there to discuss? I had only told Enid to do her job, perhaps a bit harshly, but I wasn't the one who initiated physical contact," She lifted her bandaged palms to show Weems, "this is what Enid caused."

"That is totally not fair!" Enid began, turning from Wednesday to Weems, "She started saying to me how I was doing it all wrong!"

Weems sighed, "Enid, Wednesday, enough. Tell me exactly what happened. The unbiased truth."

Wednesday just wanted this to be over with so she could catch up on her novel. "You want the truth? I will tell you with no exaggerated details. The whole truth. But after this, you can't punish either of us any more or try shoving us together like two rats in a cage again." Weems stared at Wednesday with focused eyes. "At Uriah's Heap, we were given the task of combing the dead rodents. Enid was not being very productive, so I made an attempt to show her, and she got angry because I hadn't spoken to her since our last disagreement. She pushed me into a shelf, it fell, I was injured, and the shopkeeper called the police." Wednesday looked straight into Weems' eyes.

"B-but- But-" Enid stuttered, looking at Wednesday and Weems. She couldn't argue with the whole truth, it wasn't who she was.

Wednesday stared back at Enid, "But what? You cannot dispute the truth of what has already been said or done."

Principal Weems was baffled that the girls, especially Enid, would do something like this. "Enid... Is this true?" Weems looked into her eyes, trying to be absolutely certain that this was the truth.

Enid stayed silent for a few seconds, staring at the ground, until she looked at Weems. "Yes... I'm sorry, I was going through a lot. I didn't mean to hurt you, Wednesday." She turned her focus to Wednesday.

Wednesday stared back at her, but didn't say anything. Weems continued, "Well, if Wednesday forgives you..." She stared at Wednesday, waiting for her to say anything.

Wednesday let out a small exhale, "I suppose we can move past this."

Neither of the girls wanted anything more to happen. Every time something did happen, it quickly escalated and became something much bigger than either of them intended for it to be.

"Then it's settled," Principal Weems gave a wide, genuine looking smile to them both, "you can both go now- Actually, Enid, can I speak to you alone?"

Enid gave her a confused look, "Um, okay... Will you wait for me, Wednesday?"

"So, you want me to break another rule in my writing schedule that I've already missed out on?" Wednesday looked even more dead both inside and outside realizing she wouldn't be able to write her novel any time soon, "Fine, but you will regret it if you take longer than five minutes."

Wednesday walked through the door and closed it behind her. She stood almost like a mannequin waiting there, you could almost confuse her for one with her white, pale skin.

"EEEEE!" Wednesday heard Enid squeal from inside of Principal Weems office. She slightly jumped and her eyes went wide. Enid was a girl with more energy than most people, so Wednesday could tell it was a squeal of excitement, but what for?

She then heard Enid's loud running footsteps approaching the door. Wednesday still stood there, shocked, until she heard the door swing open. Enid entered the hallway through the door with a wide smile.

"Why are you so happy?" Wednesday questioned.

Enid giggled with excitement, "You'll see!"

Wednesday turned around and began walking back to the dorm room while pondering the question of what made Enid so happy, but she heard quiet footsteps approaching next to her. She reluctantly turned her head, and she met eyes with Enid.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be heading...that way?" Wednesday looked over by the dungeon stairs, but Enid kept walking with her.

"Well," Enid smiled at Wednesday, noticing how her eyes were a little wider than normal, "I thought that being in a cell next to you wasn't too bad, so we could try to make rooming together work!"

Wednesday quickly fixed herself, giving her the infamous death glare. She stopped in her tracks when they reached the door, turning to the werewolf girl. "Did Weems set you up for this?"

Enid laughed, "Not exactly, but it would've been pretty funny if she did." The colorful girl then noticed Wednesday was serious, "Come on, you won't die from being around me, Wedns."

"I might if you come up with any more nicknames, especially ones like that." Wednesday retorted, but Enid wanted to believe that she didn't mean it. She smiled at the pigtailed goth girl, then opened the door herself.

Enid sighed before skipping over to her bed, a huge grin on her face. "Plus, I missed having all my stuff." She picked up some of her plushies and hugged them.

Wednesday stared at Enid hugging her plushies and thought of her absolutely dreadful days while Enid was gone, how such an annoyance to her would cause her such pain, even for her high standards, but she dismissed it because she had things to do. She quickly walked over to her side of the room and looked through all of her belongings making sure it hadn't been touched during her time in the cell. Once she was certain, she set the newspaper down on her desk, planning to extract more information from it and write it down. Before she could sit down, she saw something scurrying out of the shadows in the corner of her eye. She turned her head to the sight of Thing making his way to Enid's side of the room, and it still shocked her how Thing favored Enid.

"Thing! I missed you too!" She picked up Thing and hugged him, and Wednesday's eye twitched a bit at the display of affection. She grit her teeth and sat at her desk, ignoring the two talk about what's been going on with Enid, nails, and other things Wednesday didn't care enough about to tune into. She tried to occupy herself by writing down what information she had on the murder, but knowing cops, they had to be hiding things from the public. Another great idea popped in her mind; sneaking into the station and looking at the files with Thing, though it would have to wait. She skimmed over the newspaper again trying to see if she had missed anything, but was soon interrupted by Enid's loud music playing on the other side of the room.

"Enid, you know I don't particularly enjoy your.."music."" Wednesday didn't turn around, still looking at the newspaper. When the music continued, she glared at the werewolf girl and Thing, they seemed to be too focused on whatever they were watching on Enid's phone to listen.

"Oh, sorry. We're watching a musical." Enid tried to suppress a smile, "Wanna watch with us?" Wednesday glanced at her typewriter, then the line of tape on the ground separating them.

"It'd be breaking another rule and part of my writing schedule, plus, I think if I was on your side of the room too long, my eyes and body would melt." Wednesday's eyebrow twitched, she felt the need to make excuses rather than give her a definitive answer and hurt her. This sickened her, why was she doing that? She didn't need to baby Enid, or anyone for that matter. Before she could make up her mind, Enid's face and demeanor seemed to droop.

"I understand. I just thought it'd be a good way to...hang out. As roomies." Enid had turned off her phone and stared at the ceiling. Thing gestured that Wednesday should try being nice.

Wednesday let out a small exhale, her version of a sigh some would say. "Then you should ask. Being straightforward and direct is always the best option..And I'd rather rip my own throat out than watch a musical. Maybe," Wednesday paused and thought carefully of her next choice of words, "if you let me choose the movie...we could watch it...together."

Enid jumped up and squealed, grabbing a blanket and skipping over to Wednesday's side of the room. "You mean it?!" She smiled widely at the goth girl, who felt sick that she actually agreed to this. She must really be losing her mind if she was allowing such a torturous moment to even occur, she wanted to chop up her own vocal cords for spewing such nonsense. Wednesday blamed Thing now, telling her to be nicer to the werewolf girl. What a wild idea, she cursed at herself silently. Her train of thought was then interrupted by Enid sitting next to her on her bed, Wednesday scooted over, putting a bit of space between them. "So, let me guess, you're going to want to watch a horror movie." Enid winked at the goth girl, causing a lump to form in her throat. She looked away, in contemplation of course.

"Indeed, but I don't know any good options." Wednesday then held back a smile, "I would ask if you do, but it doesn't take scientific research to tell anything scary isn't your forte."

Enid giggled, "You're right, but we could look for one. Just tell me if anything catches your eye." She held the phone between them as they scrolled through movies. Enid scrolled through the long list of horror movies, looking almost terrified.

"This one looks interesting enough." Wednesday said in satisfaction.

"...Are you sure...?" Enid said in fear.

Wednesday side eyed her, "Yes. Let's watch it."

Enid reluctantly clicked on the movie.

About 30 minutes later

Enid had been terrified and barely watching while Wednesday was both judging and liking it. "Aah!" Enid screamed as she tightly grabbed Wednesday's arm, clinging to her.

Wednesday didn't like how close she was nor how Enid was touching her, but it was tolerated for the moment. "It's not real, Sinclair. There is no need for these...outbursts."

Enid smiled, looking up at her with those puppy eyes. Then let her tight grip on Wednesday's arm go. "Heh...Sorry."

Wednesday looked away again, "I accept your apology, it's sincere enough, I guess..." Wednesday brushed off her arm lightly as if she'd been infected with a magical unicorn disease. They then went back to the movie.

After the movie had ended, Enid was more paranoid than anything. "I can't sleep now, my brain is too awake!"

"There isn't much else to do considering it's nightfall." Wednesday got up from the bed, going to her desk to throw the newspaper and her journal that she left out into a cabinet.

Enid whined, "But I'm scared!" She too got up and walked over to her side of the room, grabbing a few select plushies and jumping onto her bed, humming a small tune to help her fall asleep while distracting herself from the scary movie. Thing curled up beside her.

Wednesday couldn't even attempt to focus on the case. Her eyelids felt heavy and her head was foggy. She usually wasn't a person who needed much rest, but the recent events since her stay at Nevermore started had drained her. Instead of walking to her desk, she climbed into her bed and decided to lie down.

"Goodnight, Roomie..." Enid sluggishly said. Wednesday didn't reply, because she was trying to piece together everything that had recently happened. Her accusations against Bianca had been proven false. This thing that Bianca described was Enid's doing. Wednesday felt herself grow more tired, and her thoughts abated as she drifted to sleep.