Maria Gives Birth

It was around 1pm when Maria arrived from the party, she couldn't stop smiling, she really did have fun..She unlocked her house and took a quick shower and she slept like a baby, she was tired from dancing, hip hop,trap,reggae and all the genres of the birthday boy----

Early in the morning she woke up as usual and went to work, but before then she prayed to the universe to guide and protect her from 3D's negative energy and she headed out__

hours later she received a call from one of the well known people ordering 15 cakes for his family reunion little did she know someone from the party took prices of their cake to share with others at their work place they loved it and they couldn't wait to share it with their beloved ones----

____Maria jumped in Joy, she couldn't believe the 15 order she was asked to make, the customer wanted Red Velvet and Vanilla Chocolate,,,She started making her order..she had a thing for dancing while she prepared her cakes but this time around she just wanted to change the atmosphere and opened her throat Chakra,, she started to sing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"We, we don't have to worry bout nothing"

"cause we got the fire and we burning one hell of something" She took advantage of the positive energies the universe sent her and she sang her lungs out,,,,,,

Maria's business reached its break even point, she was seen in and out of the bank many times it even attracted evil eyes,envy, and jealousy from her environment..Maria was one person who had a bubbly personality, she loved and respected people equally no matter what she goes through she still remained her natural self,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-------some people when they go through pains,heartbreaks and betrayal they turn into narcissist and psychopath and sociopath but nope not Maria she was built different, she had an adaptive gift and people hated her for that____but it wasn't really hate it was hard love,,,,,,,

One Morning Doreen visited Maria at her shop, when she got there she found the place changed, the interior had changed and she had more customers coming in, it was order after order--- She got jealous at her friend's progress and growth of the business but it was a harmless jealousy at least she thought_____

,,,,,,,,Maria was glowing in happiness and she looked wayyýy gorgeous for a pregnant woman--------Doreen remembered how Maria always had a way of attracting things without even trying but she never knew Maria had a pure heart that's why everything always worked in her favour------

_____Doreen knocked on the door and Maria couldn't be happier to see her friend,

"come in"...You look lovely Doreen i like your style little did she know Doreen had always wanted to be her, everything she did she wanted to be more like her, she was always happy when she beat her at something but back then it wasn't anything deep just a woman's heart______

"but seeing her now woke up a demon in Doreen and the way her Child always talks about Maria,,it woke all kinds of demons in Doreen and mind you it was the 3D anything you wanted negative or positive manifested,,,,

,,,,,, Doreen had gone to consult some wicked witches and she joined an occult which makes you rich instantly they gave her a charm to destroy anyone who she wants,,as an assignment and then she gets rewarded with billions_______

They talked for hours but the more they talked Doreen got more and more jealous and envious and she started to plot against her friend possessed the demons of envy and the evil eye,----in her mind she thought, cant i pour something in her cup----noooo that will kill the baby,,,,,"can't i hire people so they burn her house down while she is still sleeping-----noooo those people might chicken and spill the beans and i get arrested and my husband divorces me and my kids will hate me forever especially Lucy she loves this woman "mxm" she didn't even realize she said that out loud Maria even asked what is that for----ohh no its nothing just remembered some clap backs i could have said to some lady at the bank today she was so full of it,,, you know how this people in high places likes things

"hahaha" Maria laughed, she must have said something that really didn't sit well with you tje way you said that "mxmxmxm" i am sure even those people heard it, she pointed at the people across the street,,,Doreen laughed but it was fake *you won't be laughing like that when i finish with you,she silently thought to herself" and her face started to change she could even feel it her self----i have to go i left the kids alone and their daddy hates it when i do that____When are you due by the way?"

"ohh me next month i am so tired i want my body back---Yeah heyy you been pregnant and they both laughed....on the way Doreen visited her witch ladies and she told them she is due next month so she can't put poison in anything she wanted her to see her baby-----She and the witch doctors came up with an idea,,,

Maria finally gave birth to a baby girl, she was so beautiful and she had reddish eyes with cute eyebrows with smooth long legs and a beautiful feminine figure her hands were God made,,,,,,She named her "Nefertiti"

____Nefertiti was one of the most powerful and mysterious Egyptian Queens in Ancient Egypt,She was a powerful Queen who helped Akhetan transform Egyptians religious landscape,,,,,Nefertiti was best known for her painted sandstone bust which was rediscovered in 1913 and became global icon of feminine beauty and power--------

_____She was loved by some for her charisma and grace, however she was largely hated because of her active leadership in Akhetan's Sun oriented religion_________ She was powerful and independent figure and had a reputation as being a unique strong Queen,,,, her name translates to "The beautiful one has come"

she died at age 45,,,,,,,,,