
"hoot! hoot! hoot! that sound sounded so sweet,!

"the red wine tasted like she was in a royal home being served by servants who just came in to work with their fresh energies!

"ahhhh ahhhhhh oh God spare my life please,,,

" he cried like a baby he never thought the sweet maria would turn this cold,,

---they stroked deep this time,,the loud cry could be heard from a mile away unfortunately no one could hear him..""

"he didn't even know where he was or who those people were doing that to him,,!

" he took a short prayer,,,"

" could this be his karma",,,, all those kids and boys and women did they feel this pain",,

"ohhh how he had no emotions and feelings back then but looks like one demon left and the other remained,,,"

"how he managed to steal Maria's company and all her staff",,

"how did he turn my staff against me Maria always thought.? "

,,,,"so my staff hated me too, questions that always kept running circles in her mind",,

",,Alright boys time for team two" Thank you gentlemen for your cooperation,,"

"they left with smiles in their faces,,"""

"he felt the boldness of their steps as they entered the room,,,, his heart pounded it almost fell out""",,,,

,,,Maria walked closer to him,,, in her dark feminine energy,," ohh whats wrong! afraid of a lil competition i am about to knock your crown off!""

"i heard you were a king of the jungle,, you know skeletons don't stay in the closet for too long,,,,

"hahaha",,,, She sounded so demonic like she was possessed by Lucifer himself",, She drank her wine and poured some in his face"",,,

---mmmhhhh taste that! you look so dehydrated,,, he spit it out!!

,,,it got her so angry!!

"Do you know how much that wine cost!?,, you should at least be grateful that i let you taste it,,,!"

"She slapped him with a hot slap that one of the giant men's heart skipped a bit",,

"that was a hot one"...

,,She got her camera ready to capture all her sweet vengeance,,,!

--First man came and did his work,,,!

---Drago screamed so loud and started crying in pain,,, all those yelling and cries didn't shake Maria at all,,,,

"she rolled her eyes",,, aggg would you stop it you are making noise for some of us--she turned on the Radio as she watched those men take turns up in his Ass,,,

--The louder he screamed, the more she danced in enjoyment!..

"come on drago you shouldn't be screaming like this think of those people you stole from,, you know them right"

"Gotcha",,, She smiled i swear if she was close to the devil, the devil would have gave her his crown,, She out did him",,,

"you know Drago a little birdy said,, what goes around comes around,,,And when a woman chooses to revenge even the devil takes notes,,, instead of crying for crying,, you should be enjoying that"

"i mean that's your thing",, or you thought no one knew about that dark secret of yours,,, boo-hoo!!!

"He took a short prayer,,""

"nahhhhh if i were you i wouldn't pray,, believe me even God doesn't want you in his garden,,,People like you are going straight to hell..""""

"Remember sam, Amelia,, John,, hmmm i bet you remember John how he cried and you were laughing like a mad human being,,,""" mmmhh pay back is a bitch,,,!!

"And you my dear you just Got served""" Hahaha,, the laughter was so demonic!!

"Drago layed there in awe,, how does she know all that"!!!

"How do i know all that,, i bet you are asking yourself questions,,! well toodles!

,,She left him there while those men took turns on him...

"Thank you men,, i appreciate your participation,, your hard earned labour will be rewarded,,,,

"She drove Drago back to his wife,,"

"Atleast your wife is shooting blanks or its you! no wait!! it must be you!!

"All those wasted kids in useless demonic things ohh mann!! does your wife know bout your little Pedophile acts,,,

"she looked at him as he sat there like a child who just got rescued from a kidnapping from ages ago,,,!!!

"haha come on mann up,, should've thought twice when you stole my company hmm!! look at you now!!!

"but at least i organized for you some juicy men huh!!!! how you so quite when team two slided their dicks in and out,,,!!

"You should've seen yourself,, your legs were open wide,division, you remind me of some song""

"mmmmm ayay yay mmm fuck you inna e-zone, love when you fuck me,, open your legs wide division na-na-na!!!

"Something like that,, its a nice song really",,

they finally arrived at Drago's house,,,

"ohhh Jesus, i thought we would never arrive,, you smell like dick,, i hope you wont get divorced for cheating shame the way you love your wife mmm!!!!

"fuck off please"!!!

"He looked Maria in the eyes, she was so cold!! he left

"Maria watched him walk like he just got castrated,,,,!!


"Hey turned around,,!

"Say thank you for tonight and giving me a lift home",,

"You know most people would have left you there",,, i am nice be kind back you dick sucking bitch!!

"Thanks,,, in a low voice!

"i can't hear you,,,

" i said thanks...!

"Hahaha mmh next time think twice when crossing people,,,,, look at what you did?!

"i don't even know what demon in me you woke,, i kinda love the demon though"

"bye bitch"....

She drove off,,,,

,,,,when she arrived,, she immediately uploaded the videos on Social media,, they hit thousands of views instantly....

,,Next morning Drago woke up, his face was all over social media with all his past,, the side of him that no one knew existed even his business partners,,,,,

His heart sunk,,,

---He took a rope and went to a nearby tree and hung himself,,,,

,,, His wife screamed so loud when she found him hanging on a tree and called the police,,,,

",,,,Upon hearing that he hanged himself,, Maria was so happy she started cleaning her house and made a heavy breakfast for her family who were still sleeping,,,,"