Setting the stage

A week had gone by after Sakura had officially taken in her 'new recruits'. Quite a few things happened. In order, Sakura got to work on modifying a cybernetic leg to replace Shizuku's missing leg. She could have reattached it with the help of the nanomachines but Shizuku denied it. It seemed she would take it as a reminder or a rather painful lesson. Now, she was far more decisive and had shed her previous idealism that her upperclassman inspired in her.

This greatly pleased Sakura, so she crafted a custom cybernetic leg for Shizuka that took two full days to complete. Of course, she made it as hard as her nanomachine armor and added a couple modifications in it as well. A high frequency blade that emerged from her heel and a cannon built into her leg, which could be deployed through the kneecap. It was an impressive piece of work and Shizuku was quite happy with it.

Natsuru, under Sakura's orders, had started to train Mikoto and Akane in hand to hand combat. Their talents as Kampfer simply weren't enough anymore and they needed to build up their skills. Aside from that, they received new weapons too. Akane received a G28 Designated Marksman Rifle and a KwK 36 Eighty-Eight millimeter tank gun to add to her arsenal. While Mikoto received a high frequency upgrade to her katana and a reflex booster cybernetic implant. Later on, they would get more but Sakura did not wish to do so yet and instead, saved upgrades like that for a reward.

Akane and Mikoto stuck close to Natsuru while Shizuku was always around Sakura. Though Sakura noticed that Akane's Kampfer personality actually preferred her instead of Natsuru. So she often came to Sakura for advice. Though that was mainly an excuse she gave herself, due to the fact that whenever Sakura started explaining to her in detail, Akane's eyes always wandered to her thighs.

Aside from training the girls and rebuilding Shizuku's leg, Sakura kept herself busy in her laboratory. Often times she worked on her nanomachines and monitored Raiden on his/her quest for revenge and answers. She had just killed Mistral, the strange woman with far too many groping hands. The Russian dealer she had wrapped around her finger had killed himself in a large explosion and slightly injured Raiden. Unfortunate for Raiden, as she didn't get any answers.

-POV: Sakura-

After watching Raiden decimate Mistral with her Kampfer enhanced cyberized body I turned my attention back to my nanomachines. Dear Dad had them made simply to heal and protect. Easy and reactionary but it has so many more applications. Creation of certain things like blades, wings, a tail. Destruction and repurposing materials such as organics, plastics and metals to make certain alloys. There's so much one can do with these.

I had taken some of the nanomachines in my blood and placed them into separate vials for experimentation. As they are now, all they do is harden in response to force or heal. I had recently started to add more functions to them but proactive nanomachines need a command, unlike passive reactive functions. I don't exactly trust artificial intelligence enough to have rule over my body. So I've been trying to use my own brain as a substitute for it. But something like thinking two different things at once is necessary for it to work.

As I thought about how to solve this particular issue, I hear the familiar footsteps of Shizuku come down to my lab. Pulling my attention away from the advanced books I could find on the human brain, I noticed Shizuku approach me in just a towel. Her shiny black hair was wet and stuck to her ample cleavage.

"Well this is a fine view. Are you trying to tempt me, Shizuku or do you want something?" I asked, seeing her face flush a little.

"How sharp. I did think asking this would be easier if I flaunted in front of you but I decided after a shower I just had to ask. Mind if I take a seat?" Shizuku asked, looking at the only chair in my lab besides my stool.

"Not at all. In fact.." I couldn't help but smirk as I removed my lab coat and took the chair for myself while patting my lap.

Shizuku flushed again and looked a little indignant. It was an adorable and arousing reaction but she acquiesced and sat on my bare thighs. Her warm and damp legs made me lick my lips. I suppose she's either truly warming up to me or she really wants these questions answered. Seeing her embarrassed face, I smirk again and gesture her to ask.

"Well.. I have to know.. What exactly is your true goal and how are you going to execute it? I know I just came around but I truly did give up on my old ideals. They almost killed me three times now and it killed my upperclassman. I just.. need to know what we're working towards" Shizuku asked while trying to convince me.

"Thing is, Shizuku.. I know you've given up those ideals. I knew back when you had your leg severed. That unstoppable force to live.. Ahh.. It was beautiful" I start running my fingers through her hair while slightly bouncing my knee to make her towel slowly loosen.

"In truth, I knew you'd come to me asking these questions. You're the type of person to earnestly chase your goals as long as they're realistic. Hmhm..! Like how you really wanted to be a comedian when we were kids" Shizuku made a rather nostalgic face after I said that.

"I accepted I don't really have the personality for it. You're the only one who ever laughed at my jokes.." Shizuku looked at me a little affectionately and I smiled back.

"Of course. You're my best friend and I do think you could do it still. You just need the right kind of material that works for you. But, I digress. You came here for answers and since I've been provided such a great view, I'll answer some of them" I winked at her, though she was too focused to realize my ploy and I managed to get her towel just low enough to see her light pink nipples.

~Wonderful.. I wonder if she'll realize before I'm done?~ I briefly thought to myself before clearing my throat.

"I am going to change the world and kick off World War Three. Before that, of course, I will be eliminating all nuclear weapons and any other 'City busters'. Killing a few politicians.. setting up partisans in every country with the powers of Kampfer and Cybernetics.. All with the result of World War Three. Just without the annihilation of the human race and with more civil wars, really" I explained, watching her all take it in.

"But what is the point? Destruction? While the damage is more minimized the loss of life will be in the hundreds of millions to billions" Shizuku, to her credit calmly responded.

"If I wanted to destroy the world I'd simply do nothing. Humanity on this world is on a fast track to killing itself already. Microplastics are crossing the blood brain barrier and plastic related brain diseases will be on the rise soon, nuclear weapons are inevitably going to be used again as there is no way nations that are backed into a corner will not use them if they're pushed too far. As we are now, we will die out and never leave our planet due to the limitations of humans. Cyberization is helping but it needs another push. Our resources are not infinite and we will be running out in the near future, causing more wars. Fact is, we'll kill ourselves and nobody can stop it now without drastic measures. New ideas will rise, the strongest will lead and evolve further endlessly. The death toll will be huge and society will take a leap back but they'll eventually rise up again as they always do" I explained, watching Shizuku's eyes widen.

"Was it truly that bad..?" I heard her whisper.

"Yes. We were stuck in a rut, Shizuku. What I'm doing is cutting the festering necrotic limb so humanity doesn't just wipe itself out with a slow suicide. These nanomachines will be a huge help in this goal" I sat back and told her, watching her face.

She looked at the nanomachines in the vials and looked to be thinking hard. I just gave her an out. To stop me, she needs to destroy them. If she does try, I have far more and I'll simply have to kill her. I see her bite her lip and release a deep sigh, as if a weight was taken off her shoulders.

"I understand now, Ka- Sakura" Shizuku, to my surprise, turned her body to face me.

Her eyes were resolute and it looked as if she made up her mind to follow me down this path. I admit, I thought it would take longer for her to come around or even that she would rush in to destroy my tests. It was a pleasant surprise. And speaking of pleasant surprises..

Shizuku's towel had slipped off completely. She blinked and looked down at her nude form on my lap. I see a pink hue on her cheeks as she looked at me with a small smile.

"This was your doing, wasn't it?" She accused me with that small sexy smile.

"My my~ I don't know what you're talking about. But the view suddenly got so much better, didn't it?" I asked, planting my hands on her soft springy rear and grabbing her plump, full cheeks.

She makes an audible mature and arousing gasp as my hands clasp around her ass. The sight of the unflappable and mature Shizuku's gasping red face sends a shiver of pleasure up my spine. Her smile loosens and becomes a sultry one as she leans back and shoots me a faux accusatory look. Though all my eyes were drawn to were her full bare breasts and hairless pussy.

"I didn't realize you were such a perv, Sakura. All these years and you've been leering at me like this?" Shizuku bites her lip softly with that smile still etched on her face.

"Honestly if you knew what I had been thinking during our slumber parties, you'd think this was rather innocent" I retort back, moving my fingers across her cheeks.

Shizuku leaned in closer, about a few centimeters from my face as our bodies pressed into each other's. Her hot breath tickling my neck as she spoke slowly.

"And what are you thinking now~?" Shizuku asked.

Though before I could answer, I feel killing intent directed at Shizuku. Courtesy of Natsuru, who was at the door with a slight frown. Though her eyes were completely furious. Her arms folded under her impressive bust as she walked over to us.

"I'm done training them for today. I see Shizuku has been busy neglecting her own training to flirt" Natsuru pulled Shizuku off and whispered in her ear, though I could certainly hear it.

"Remember the pecking order, Sango.. I'm first. If any of you try to take my place or go before me, I'll break your limbs and let you watch us make love. Am I clear?" Natsuru threatened in a calm but firm voice.

"..Very well, Senou" Shizuku agreed with some reluctance.

~Hm.. I've never considered that. A concubine situation or having an open relationship with my followers?~ I thought to myself, watching Shizuku bend over to pick her towel up with a smile.

"I'll be off now, Sakura. Glad we could have this conversation" Shizuku smiled wryly before excusing herself, leaving Natsuru and I alone.

"Taking charge I see? Well, I do admit you outrank them so it's better you let them know such things before any incidents occur" I said. I must admit, I'm proud of her progress thus far.

"Mn.. I don't mind if you do have fun with those in our group but I absolutely must be first. Oh, and are you finished? You've been at this for eleven hours already" Natsuru bent down to look me in the eyes.

"Oh it's been that long, has it? Very well, I could use a stret-" I was cut off when Natsuru picked me up in a princess carry.

I raised my brow as I looked up at her slightly predatory facial expression.

"You need to eat first. After.. Well, I have something special in mind if you want to 'stretch'" Natsuru muttered to me.

"You had my curiosity.. now you have my attention. Let's eat first then. I'm looking forward to what you had in mind for 'stretching'" Natsuru blushed at my response before muttering something.

"Scissoring.. Layered cake.. Mating press.. Insertion.. Tribadism.."

~Well now I know why my search history was so weird. I wonder who put that in her head?~

[Sorry about my posting frequency. Work is.. well, work. Been doing more stuff. Anyway, thanks for reading!]