Chapter 3

I waved at my mom as she drove away. I sighed and walked to the school gate where Priscilla was waiting for me which has been the routine for four days now. I had initially told her not to but she insisted so I allowed and she's starting to grow on me anyways so why not keep her around but I'm still cautious, "Good morning you" she said with her signature smile and I replied with the small smile I could manage. She's basically the only person I smile to at school nowadays.

"We have about twenty minutes before school actually starts what do you want to do before we go to our Math class" she said the Math with a shudder which made smile again. These few days I've realized she really hates Math like most students, " Why do you hate Math? " I asked after all with her being around me all the time I might as well just speak to her right?

"Maybe because I haven't completed the homework which is due today? ", she said timidly. " I..I can help you, t..that is i..if you want?" I said without thinking, she immediately beamed at my offer and tried to hug me out of excitement but I just pulled back and she got the message. We sat at the back of the library and she removed her books and positioned herself like she was saying 'teach me ma'am I'm ready to listen'.

I became even more nervous it's been so long since I taught anybody I don't know if I can do it, but I offered so I have to. I pushed back my glasses which were sliding down my nose and cleared my throat, "Let's begin" I said and she moved closer to me but not too close to make me uncomfortable but so she could see her book as well. I helped her with the first question and after explaining the concept she was good to go.

Priscilla was a natural when it came to academic work so I didn't have to struggle with teaching her. She was done with her assignments and we decided to head to class. When we got there most of the students had already settled in their seats. I walked to my seat by the window and looked out as always, Priscilla sat beside me and turned to say hi to Jared who for some reason decided to sit behind us but I didn't mind he wasn't bothering me or anything.

They spoke for a while and I just looked out the window while listening to them. Jared is a good guy but I wasn't sure and I wasn't planning on finding out so I tried to avoid him unless necessary even though Priscilla thought I should give him a chance. Mr. Anderson entered the class "Good morning class. Settle down and let's begin" he uttered his usual greeting. Most Math teachers are known for being strict and all but Mr. Anderson was not like that.

He told jokes and gave us exciting math riddles between lessons to challenge us and make the class more interactive which is why I wasn't shocked when half the class groaned when the bell rang. True, some were out of relief but majority was because the class went by so quickly. "Okay don't forget to solve more examples and submit your assignments as you leave" he said as he moved from cleaning the board to sitting behind his desk to monitor those who submitted their work and those who didn't.

We left the class and headed to the Biology lab. Uuugh Biology, don't get me wrong I love the subject but the reading is too much and the teacher, Mr. Peterson doesn't really make the class interesting as he goes on and on about plant anatomy and other stuff we don't want to hear. Seriously I was exhausted and we hadn't gone through half the lesson yet.

I looked out the window once in a while till I completely zoned out. Priscilla tapped me when the lesson was over and we walked to our next class with Jared for some reason. He tried to talk to me but I just nodded and ignored him so we walked silently to the next class.

Lunch came by and my stomach informed me that I had to eat soon or bad things could happen. As usual Priscilla left me and Jared at the table and went to get our food which as always was an awkward moment until today, "Jasmine?" Jared said and I lifted my head of the table, "Have I offended you in anyway?" he asked and I shook my head, "Do I make you feel uncomfortable?" he asked again, "Everyone does". "Oh" he bowed his head and raise it again, "Why do you always act like I'm a ghost or something" he asked again and I just lifted my shoulders to signal 'I don't know'.

"But I want to be your friend", "And I don't want to" I may have sounded a little harsh but he won't back off. "Why?" he asked softly this time, "It's complicated" I said but he won't leave me be. "I have time" he said and I rolled my eyes and was about to place it back on the table when someone came and stood beside me.

It was Emery, Emmett's brother, he looked exactly like him though except he had big round eyes instead of Emmett's slitted ones and he had lighter skin. " Jasmine?" it sounded more like a question as he scratched the back of his neck I looked at him ,"Um.. I.. I just wanted to I'm very sorry for what my brother did. You.. you're a nice person and you shouldn't...b.. be treated the way he did. I also... wanted to.. to tell you he's getting counseling wh.. where he is and that.. hope.. hopefully.. he'll be better. Once again I'm sorry.. and.. I hope you find a you.. your kind heart to forgive him" he said and left as quietly as he came.

Emery was a junior so it was kind of a surprise to see him. I heard bits of what he said and I knew his words were genuine but I seriously didn't want to see him because as he spoke I could only see Emmett and hear his mocking voice in my head. I didn't know how to react and I didn't feel so good all of a sudden. After he left Jared kept asking me what he was talking about and suddenly everything was becoming too overwhelming for me.

I couldn't stop thinking about that night and wondering what was about to happen to me. A voice kept on ringing in my head 'what if he comes back for me?' Just then Priscilla came by with our food and Jared finally stopped talking, "Are you okay you look pale?" Priscilla questioned and I nodded as I tried to control my breathing. " Some kid just came and apologized for his brother or something and she turned like that all of a sudden" Jared informed.

I just got out of my seat and run out of the cafeteria before they could ask anything else. I don't know where I ended up I just crouched in a corner and kept crying. My breathing became labored and I shook a lot I was scared and only I knew why. "He's coming for me" I kept repeating it over and over again. I don't know how he found me but I heard Jared's voice beside me ,"Shhhh it's okay, you're okay, no one is coming to get you" He said I raised my head and looked at his face before I passed out .

"Please can she be here she had a panic attack and I have to get to class soon or else I'll get detention" I heard a voice say. I looked around and realized I'm in the infirmary ,"Jared?" I tried to guess who was talking to the nurse, "Oh she's awake" the nurse said and they both came to my side, "Please don't leave me here, please?" I begged him to stay and he did. "How are you feeling?" he asked, "I'm okay just a little headache" I replied "Oh yeah sorry your head kinda hit the floor when you passed out before I could hold you" he said truly remorseful.

"Thank you... for being there. Thank you Jared" I said sincerely with tears in my eyes, "It's what friends do Jasmine, don't worry about it" he said with a smile. "Yeah, friends" I said and smiled back.