Chapter 9 (Jasmine)

The day is here I can't say I'm calm cause I feel nauseous. Our exam starts in an hour. Priscilla and Jared are trying to get me to put my text book down with some excuse about confusing myself seriously, how dumb do they think I am? "Seriously though you've been doing this for awhile now can you really say you've learnt anything new?" Priscilla said trying to close the book that had my nose in it literally.

I glared at her and went back to reading the book. "Jasmine are you kidding me? Fine, tell me one thing you've read" Jared looked me square in the eyes like it was a dare and I was so ready to prove him wrong. "Okay um.. um.. oh come on" I whined when I realized I hadn't read anything and the smug look on Jared's face wasn't really helping my mood.

"Okay try reading again" he gave me the book I didn't understand what he was driving at so I took the book and went to read it but he took off my glasses and ran off. I followed him but seriously the boy is so athletic I wonder sometimes. He ran to the school cafeteria and I followed I knew every part of the school like the back of my hand so I didn't really need my glasses to get around that's what four years of being in the same school does to you. There was no one in the place this early and since we had exams everyone was either in the library or outside studying.

I walked around the cafeteria and I was not seeing Jared because he was hiding plus no glasses so I couldn't really see far. I sat on one of the tables to catch my breath and that was when he came out. He was under one of the tables in the corner. The moment I met his eyes he smiled at me and walked to me. I hit him the moment he got closer, "Why would you do that you jerk?" he held my hand before I could hit him again, "Chill princess, you didn't fall or anything" he said.

This boy must really be sick, "What if I did or I entered the wrong room and something happened to me huh". I think he realized I wasn't ready for his antics so he handed me my glasses and I immediately put them back on. "I'm sorry. It's just you've been learning like crazy for the past week. I was just worried that you would be too tired for the exam" he apologized while rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's okay I guess I'm a little nervous for the exam" he moved and sat on the table beside me," Jasmine you're the second smartest person I know. You're going to ace this exam don't worry" I smiled at his comforting words," Who's the smartest person you know? Just curious" his smug look returned and I immediately didn't want to hear the answer, "Me of course" he said it and I rolled my eyes which made him laugh.

We sat in the cafeteria for a while with my head on his shoulder and we talked about anything except the exam and it made me feel warm inside that he did all this and even made me annoyed just so I would relax.

"Guys let's go it's almost time" Priscilla said with her head through the door and we immediately headed for the exam hall, I started to panic again. Jared held my hand to calm me and wished me luck before we parted ways each of us heading to their seat. The exam began a little while after everyone settled down.

We were seated for two hours and by the time the paper ended I just wanted to move because my butt was getting numb. I walked to my locker after we were dismissed to pick my books and prepare for the next subject. Truth be told, I expected the paper to be harder but I guess that's what you get when you over learn.

I didn't see Jared after the paper but I was with Priscilla in the library. He never came by and that seemed kind of weird because he was always with us and when we'd go somewhere without him he would get all worked up and scold us like children.

We asked a few people and they all said they hadn't seen him. We stopped to learn after a while of searching. Priscilla and I quizzed ourselves until we were called to get back into the hall and it was only after I was seated that I saw Jared walking to his seat. Where had he been?

The exam room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop and why wouldn't it be we're writing Chemistry of all subjects. Chemistry was hard even though I had learned. I had learned so much but here I was struggling to answer the questions on my paper.

I guess I was so nervous I had gone blank. The paper ended a little too early but what can I do. The moment my paper was taken I made my head drop on the table and it remained that way until I felt someone put their hand on my head, "What's up princess?" Jared asked and I groaned in annoyance, "Just leave me alone, Jared" I said and he chuckled and pulled a chair to sit on and kept his hands back in my hair and massaged my head.

"You know that I can't do that princess so don't ask me to" he said a little too seriously. He placed his head beside mine on the table, "Would you at least look at me" he said as he moved his hands to my neck. I was really enjoying the massage I didn't know I needed. I raised my head as placed it back on the table so we were facing each other all while making sure that his hand never left me. "Good" he smiled, "Now tell me why my princess looks like this".

"No reason apart from the fact that I'll probably get a C on my Chemistry paper" I said with a sad expression, "and how sure are you about that? he asked as he moved his hand to the side of my head, " Oh yes right there that's the spot".

I pointed out forgetting about his question he chuckled at my expression, " You seem to be really enjoying yourself" he stopped for a while and I whined, " Okay but don't you want to sit up so I can do it better?" he asked and I shook my head, " No I'm good like this" he hummed and didn't speak again. I gradually relaxed and forgot about my failed Chemistry paper.

Jared had that effect on me he had a way of just making me relax and forget my problems. It was like we were in our own world as he massaged my head and occasionally run his hand through my hair. It felt so good I didn't want to get up.

My eyes became droopy after a while and he noticed, "Okay princess, get up and let's go. We don't want you sleeping in the examination hall when you have a very comfortable bed at home". I groaned and got up. He grabbed my bag before I could and we headed out of the school by now most of the students had left so the hallway was practically empty. He kept my bag in my locker saying something about coming for it later and we left and I rested my tired head on his shoulder. We walked quietly to my house.

My mom wasn't home which was odd because my mom normally had a free day on Mondays (lucky her). Jared led me to my room and stayed with me on my request. I really didn't want to be alone for obvious reasons. I fell asleep with my head on his lap.