Chapter 11 (William)

Another day in my life as Jasmine's bodyguard. Everything's been pretty good around here well if you take out that one day when one of Hugo's men tried to take her from school. Luckily I got there in the nick of time and helped her escape and since then there's been no sight of any of Hugo's men.

I would say that Jasmine is doing okay. She barely has panic attacks anymore. I made Mike search some signs of a panic attacks and also how to calm a person down just so I can help her.

For the nightmares I don't know because she won't tell me about it and I won't force her to do so. We've grown quite close, who I'm I kidding, we're very close and I really enjoy her company. It's just not the same when I'm not around her.

She called a few minutes ago asking me to come over she sounded worried but she won't tell me anything over the phone. Just as I was about to knock on her door I received another call from an unknown number. "Hello??"

"Hello Liam it's me Mike. Can we meet up?"

" Why?" I asked because I didn't want to leave Jasmine.

" We got serious issues to discuss. Hurry up I'm at the pizza place close to out of town"

Why so far away and that's weird, normally Phoebe or one of the others is sent on such trips to give information Mike is more of a behind the computer guy. I guess somethings have changed since I left.

I looked up at Jasmine's window and it hurt that I had to leave her. Her sister, Lily returned from Australia ,where she goes to school and stays with her aunt, so she's probably not home alone. I called her anyway and she picked up on the first ring.

"Um.. hello.. Jared are you coming". She still sounds nervous and I feel bad for what I'm about to say

"Jasmine, about that..err.. I won't be able to make it". It was quiet over the phone.

"Jasmine?? Are you still there"

"Uh.. yeah don't worry it's okay" I could literally hear her voice shaking. She was lying.

"Jasmine are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes go and do what you have to do I'll be fine"

Mike better hurry up with whatever he has to say. I looked at her window one last time and took off to the bus stop.

Getting a bus that was going as far as I needed to go was so nerve-racking. I was getting irritated by the minute I didn't leave Jasmine just so I could come and sit at a bus stop. It's times like this I wish I had asked Luna for a car.

I tapped my feet while I waited and soon enough after waiting for so long a bus came along and I rushed to it with others. I tried calling Mike using the number he called me with but I kept getting a message that the number did not exist.


It took a while but the bus finally got to the pizza place. It was actually smaller than I expected. I got down from the bus and straightened my shirt and walked towards the place but before I could enter, someone came out of nowhere and held me from the back.

He tried to choke me as he pulled me into alley close by. I immediately recovered from the shock and kicked him from behind which caused his grip to loosen because of the pain. I took the opportunity and broke free from his hold and twisted his hand behind his back. "Who are you?" Silence, "Who sent you?" I asked but still no answer.

Who am I kidding it's pretty obvious who sent him? I slammed his head against the wall and rendered him unconscious before I sprinted to get a car back to Jasmine's place. I didn't want to even imagine what could happen if I didn't get to Jasmine in time.

I had to hitchhike to get to my neighborhood. I alight a few houses from Jasmine's and I ran as soon as my feet touched the ground towards her house. "Jasmine please be safe. I'm coming" I said trying to assure myself. After all she's not home alone but who said Hugo cared about the people around. He'd just hurt all of them.

I really prayed she was fine but the moment I got to the front door I knew that someone was in there.

The door was wide open and it didn't look like it was done with a key. I could have gone in there and fought those men but at the moment the only I could only think of was if Jasmine was fine or not so I ran to the side of the house before any of the men could see me and was about to climb up to her window.

I was stopped by an all too familiar whimper. I walked in the direction of the sound and saw Jasmine crouched behind a bush with her head between her legs trying to even out her breathing. I went close and the moment she felt my presence she backed up into the side of the house.

"Jasmine, hey it's me. I'm here now" I tried to near her again but kept throwing her hands with her eyes closed while whispered, "Leave me alone" continuously in a pleading voice.

This is all my fault if I hadn't allowed myself to be deceived by those people. I took out my phone and immediately called Luna. "Hello, yes I need back up now. I don't have time to explain much but Hugo's men are here, just send somebody". I cut the call after I was done speaking since Luna was talking too much. I placed it back into my pocket and focused on the important subject here, Jasmine.

She looked like she was a little calm but her eyes were still closed. "Jasmine, please at least open your eyes" "No I don't want to see what's going on" she said while pulling her legs closer to her chest. She had blended into the wall at this point. " Then look at me, princess just me" I coaxed and she slowly opened her eyes. She seemed shocked to see me. "Jared??" she called with tears in her eyes. " Yes princess, it's me"

"Where were you? I called you when they broke in but you never came. "Why did you leave?" I felt worse because I couldn't tell her and I had to let her believe that I ditched her after I promised to protect her. "I'm here now don't worry I won't let them do anything to you." I looked into her eyes and all I could see was fear the one thing I didn't want her to feel around me.

Where was my Jasmine? The one who was slowly learning to overcome her fears and embrace a normal life. Now she had retracted into her shell just because I wasn't there to protect her. Well now I'm here and I'm going to make sure what she gets what she deserves, love. "Princess we have to get out of here"

I said, at least I should get her to a safe place before they find her. I don't know how she escaped but this bush didn't look like it was going to help her hide well at least till Luna could send help. I moved closer to her and this time she stayed still. "Don't worry you'll be safe. I'll make sure of it" I managed to say as I removed her hand from her knees and held them in mine. She was still shaking. "Calm down now. Just take deep breaths" we repeated the exercise for a while till she stopped shaking. Then I tried to get her up and when she did I realized the blood stain on her thigh.

"What happened Jasmine?" "Well he was trying to get me as I crawled behind the couch a.. and he cut me so I'd still" she started crying again as I clenched my fist to control myself. When I get that guy he's going to regret every drop of blood he made her bleed.

"Do you remember what he looks like?" she nodded at my question and I was glad about that at least. I immediately took off the button up shirt I had on so it was left with my tee-shirt and tied her thigh. It wasn't much help but at least a little pressure would stop the blood. I looked in the direction of my house and saw that it looked untouched, maybe they don't know about it.

The hard part was getting her there without being noticed. I placed her hands around my neck and carried her so she had her legs wrapped around me. It took a while but managed to walk up to the next house with her when I saw a police car approach the house along with a black van.

I received a call immediately, "We're here, where are you?" I heard Phoebe's voice and looked at the van to see her descend. "We're by the next house. I have Jasmine" she lifted her head and I waved at her as to come over. "Don't worry princess, help is on the way" I said and brushed her hair to calm her down. The police came out with three men.

"They won't bother you again" I assured as she looked at the men who were dragged into the police car. She then turned to look at me and placed her head on my shoulder.

" Hey Liam" Phoebe said the moment she got to me and my eyes widened in shock. I tried to tell her not to call me that in front of Jasmine but she didn't realize. Gosh she's so blind sometimes but I don't have the time to worry about that. I walked to my house with Phoebe behind me.

I placed Jasmine on the sofa in my living room so Phoebe could treat her wound. Jasmine was in shorts and since the wound was on the upper part of her thigh it had to be taken off something which I couldn't watch. I still respect girls after all, but she won't let me go.

She didn't want to be left alone with a stranger I get that but can I really sit and watch Phoebe undress her. "Please don't leave me again. You promised" she cried and I had no choice. I lay her head on my lap and held her hand. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't see anything. It took about half an hour and some screaming from Jasmine but she finally finished and covered Jasmine up with her shirt.

It didn't do much since I could still see the wound that had been stitched up. Phoebe said she could only bandage it alongside other cuts she had after Jasmine had taken a bath to wash off the blood and dirt so I had to carry a half naked Jasmine to my bathroom.

I made Phoebe bath her because at this point I didn't want to cross any other lines. It took a lot of persuading because Jasmine will not let me leave her alone with a stranger, "Jasmine listen I'm just outside that door it'll almost be like I'm in here.

I won't let anything happen to you" she nodded and looked into my eyes before turning to look at Phoebe. I slowly walked out of the bathroom and after waiting for a while I went to my closet to get something for her to wear which consisted of a tee-shirt and shorts.

They'd have to do for now. I slowly returned to the bathroom door so she wouldn't realize that I left in the first place. It took a while before I heard her screamed again and then the whole place was quiet. I passed the clothes to Phoebe and she put them on her before she carried her to my bed. I sat beside her and held her hand. She looked exhausted and in no time she fell asleep.

I tried to leave so I could speak to Phoebe in private but Jasmine will not let me go, the girl has a surprisingly strong grip. We had to speak in whispers. "She seems quite attached to you huh" Phoebe stated ," We're both attached to each other actually. I never leave her side and the only day I did see what happened" I sighed.

She sat at my desk, " What exactly happened?" she asked I took a while but then I told her about how an unknown number called me and got me out of town. How I didn't know that Jasmine was at home alone and how I met her hidden behind the tree.

"So that's basically the whole story. I called Luna and she sent you. Why did she call the police though?" It's not the first time we've worked with the police but I didn't expect her to call them instead to come for Hugo's men since they could give us a lot of information.

"Hugo really took us by surprise" Phoebe finally spoke, " We didn't expect him to come for her so early and we sure didn't expect him to know about you but by what you've just told me he definitely knows you. You have to be extra vigilant now and don't worry we'll always be around" I sighed when she said the last part knowing that I wasn't in this alone made me slightly calmer at least there'd be someone to protect Jasmine in case I couldn't.

"Anyway Liam, I gotta get going but before that just remember that none of this is your fault and don't forget to tell us if anything pops up. I also brought you this" she handed me a phone and picked up her bag to leave but then a sheet fell into my room and she ran quickly to pick it. She checked to see who threw it inside but there was no one outside.

She opened it up and my heart sunk at the words.

This is just the beginning hand over the girl or else...

If Hugo really wanted a fight then I'm ready to give him one as long as it means keeping Jasmine safe.