Chapter 14 (Jasmine)

I have moved back home. I honestly didn't want to the mere memory of the past events gave me goosebumps as Jared pushed me into the building. My mom immediately took over she was all over me but I understand her, she misses her baby.

I didn't notice that Jared had left till she was done dressing my wound honestly, I feel like I'm getting too attached to Jared but he doesn't seem to mind.

I lay on my bed after texting him to come over as soon as he was done, I don't like being attached to him. I never really understood why this fear never went away, it just got worse every time .Why can't I just heal like a normal person, why was it taking so long anyways.

I don't want to be this weak girl that appeared all of a sudden I want to go back to the happy, brave girl I once was. Tears slowly spilled out of my eyes and glided their way unto my cheeks, I covered myself up with my blanket to muffle my sobs I didn't want anyone to hear me.

I didn't hear the door click and Jared enter my room but I definitely felt the bed sink when he sat beside me. I didn't want him to see me crying so I hugged my blanket closer to my face so he wouldn't see me. He tried to get me to look at him but that wasn't happening.

I got so frustrated with him trying to get me to face him why won't he just go away and pretend that I don't exist so at least he could be happy and not have to wallow in sadness with me. "Just go away already will you" I screamed at him. I could feel the hesitation he really didn't want to leave, "Okay, if that's what you want" he touched me through the blanket before getting up. "I'll be in the living room if you need me".

It's kind of weird I called him over and now I want him to leave, I'm such a fool sometimes.

He started to slowly walk away from the bed while I lay there wallowing in guilt. I don't know what came over me but I quickly threw the blanket off my head and stretched my hand to hold him as he walked towards the door. Stupid me forgot that my bed had an end hence resulting in me nearly falling but Jared as always caught me before anything, "Princess you have to be careful, you can't be hurting yourself like this some of us can't handle seeing you hurt".

I don't know why I started to blush when I was being scolded but he sounded so caring and soft I couldn't help it besides why was he being so nice when I basically screamed at him like a minute ago.

I looked up at him after he placed me back in the middle of my bed and our eyes met because he was already looking at me. He crouched down to my level still holding my gaze, "Why did you do that?" he still had that gentle tone.

I wanted to look away but who would ever want to look away from Jared's beautiful eyes "" looking at him is making me confused. I turned away from him and shook my head so I could think straight 'what is wrong with you Jasmine, he's your friend'. "Um... I'm sorry for screaming at you I know you were just being a good friend. I'm sorry" I said in the most sincere way possible.

He chuckled and climbed the bed and sat crisscross in front of me, "I think at this point we both understand that I can never be mad at you and no matter how hard you push me away I'll never leave your side. I promised, remember and besides I need you too. I'll never leave you okay" he ruffled my hair a bit which made me chuckle too. I am so lucky to have him and I appreciate him so so much and I know he knows that.

We sat there (technically I was lying down but whatever) when his phone rang and guess who it was Priscilla. Today was the school fieldtrip for final students since we're done with our finals and this is the last week in school we have a few activities planned. Obviously I couldn't go but I don't get why Jared didn't go. When I asked him he gave some excuse about cleaning his house and yet here he is sitting on my bed with me. I know that he didn't go because of me and I kind of feel bad but he said not to worry so I'll just hide my guilt because it'll never really go away.

Priscilla talked about all the places they had been so far she seems to be enjoying herself. She talked about where they've been and stuff like that but then she started talking about prom and I wondered whether she forgot about my injury. I'm sure by now everybody knows about it but Priscilla was on a roll talking about how we were going to buy new dresses and put on makeup.

" Priscilla, sorry to burst your bubble but I can't really walk yet" she didn't sound surprised meaning she hadn't forgotten. "It doesn't prevent you from going to prom. When I get back we're going shopping" we talked for a little while longer before Jared left to talk to her privately. He refused to tell me what they discussed so I gave up on asking but with the way he kept smiling I was beginning to wonder all over again.

Maybe he asked her to go to prom with him and she said yes but if he left meaning I'd be home alone that night. Jared's happiness matters most and after all he's done he needs a break. I'm sure I'll survive one night without him. I was so lost in thought I didn't realize that Jared had been trying to get my attention.

"Babe, what's the matter", he said and placed his hand on my cheek. I was definitely startled by that one and I kept looking at him weirdly then he started laughing which had me even more confused like 'what's wrong with you boy'. "You should have seen your face" he managed to say in between laughs apparently he thought it was a good way to get my attention.

After he had calmed down and him as well he went back to the real matter, "I was just asking what movie we should watch since we can't just sit here an look at each others faces, even though I wouldn't mind looking at yours for an eternity". Now that made me blush this is like the second time today he has made me feel this way, someone save me. "Why do you keep acting this way" I basically whined ,"What way" he asked with an amused smile.

I huffed in frustration from him acting this way, "Let's just watch Trolls" , "I said movie not cartoon princess" he said finally back to the old Jared but I stood my ground and after a while of back and forth I pulled the this-is-my-house card and he backed down and we settled in to watch Trolls with him grumbling.

He still opened his arms for me to snuggle against him though 'cause I'm irresistible. The day has not really been bad, I still can't walk but my leg hurts a little less and I'm cuddling Jared so I'm cool.

I started to doze off a little but before I finally arrived in dreamland I could have sworn that someone kissed my forehead and that made me smile even more as I bid goodnight to reality.