Chapter 17 (Jasmine)

I'm bored honestly there's no one here, not even Jared is around today my mom is here though. I was all by myself watching television. I've been practicing still walking and its kinda going well if you overlook the number of times I fell this morning.

Well now I've been restricted to the couch after I fell in the hallway. My mom looked at me on the floor, shook her head and helped me into the couch, "I don't want to see you walking around here you'll hurt yourself", she walked right into the kitchen and has been there ever since.

I don't know what has gotten into her lately. When I got hurt the first time and had to stay away from school for a while, she was all over me feeding me, telling me stories about her high school days and how she used to do stuff and have fun or shed bring a board game or make something up to play.

I learnt to play monopoly during that period she always tried to be close to me but now its like after taking care of me for a few days she left and every time I try to talk to her she just zones out on me. Come to think of it its like nowadays her mind is never home she's always thinking of something and honestly I'm getting worried and she doesn't look like she wants to talk about it.

She doesn't say much at all nowadays. I feel lonely at the moment and there's nothing to do except sleep so I do that.

"JASMINE", I hear my name shouted and it startled me awake. I sat up on the couch only to see Priscilla standing with her hands on her waist, "Oh hi' , I said while rubbing my eyes. How can you be sleeping in such crucial times she said looking in disbelief as though I had done something wrong.

"Why what's wrong?", "You're asking me what's wrong" , she said in a dramatic voice while holding her head it made me roll my eyes. "Are you going to say it or not, gosh" I said making her snap out of it and sit beside me.

"Have you prepared for tomorrow?", well now I'm extra confused ,"What's happening tomorrow again?" this girl is seriously not making sense I hope she knows that,"Prom, princess prom is what is happening tomorrow and I don't see you getting ready".

I sat there dumbfounded for a bit, "You came to my house at 5pm and woke me up from my sleep just to tell me about prom?", I said trying to control my tone so I wasn't shouting and she nodded with innocent eyes, "I thought I said I wasn't going Priscilla. Look at me how do you expect me to go",

I asked in total disbelief like was she for real. "Oh please don't give me that Jared told me you were healing quite fine and that you were even practicing walking again. Why else would you be doing all this if you were not preparing for prom huh?" she asked , "I'm not going Priscilla, I don't even have a date and I don't plan on limping all night just to become a third wheel to you",I said to her in the most serious voice I could muster.

"So youre saying you won't go because you do not have a date?", "Not exactly...", she wouldnt even let me talk, "That's what you said", "Yeah but...". "No buts were going to prepare you for tomorrow leave your date finding to me", she immediately concluded and stood up beckoning me to get up too.

We walked to my room, well I limped, where she went through my stuff looking for shoes and jewelry and hair ornaments she also brought my dress, the one she bought that I forgot about. She was looking through my heels and I was looking at her thinking 'does this girl realize that I have a huge cut on my thigh that hasn't completely healed yet and because of that I can't walk properly'.

She picked some black heels and was looking at them when I cautioned her, "Um, Priscilla, I'm not wearing heels in this state I'm already limping what do you want me to fall too", "Oh yeah, sorry I forgot we can get you some nice sandals to wear then" she said and just moved on with her search.

She found nice flats that matched my dress but she couldnt find any earrings to match my dress so she promised to bring me a pair from her place when she came back to prepare. This girl is really prepared isnt she?

I sighed and sat on my bed when she left so excited about tomorrow. I checked the time its eight wow. I've been doing this for almost three hours now honestly I dont know where Priscilla gets the energy from sometimes.

I also expected that my mom would have called me for dinner by now so I went to check if she was done cooking but when I got there her head was on the table. She looked like she was asleep so I tapped her.

She got up with a start, "Hey Jasmine, what do you want she said faking a smile, It's eight mom won't we eat? I asked because apparently she forgot to cook. She just sighed, "Sorry baby I guess I forgot, I'm not really hungry so you can order some food if you want my phone's on the counter", she said and placed her head back down.

"Mom are you okay?", I asked her but she just faked another smile and nodded then she got down from the stool and walked to her room.

I really wanted to follow her and ask questions but she didn't want to talk to me it was obvious so I just ordered my food and after eating I went to bed. I really needed to talk to my mom but I'll just wait the next day to talk to her then.