Chapter 130

|3rd POV|

"Sky Dragon's Dive Kick!"

Ryan's kick hit the dragon's head and made it fall to the ground once again. However, as it falls to the ground, its tail grabs Ryan and slams him to the ground with it.

"Attack! Attack that dragon while it is on the ground!"

Carcette and the rest of Dawnguard city soldiers start to attack the dragon. The guard starts to run at the dragon and stab it using their weapons while the others shoot it with their bows and arrows. The mages release their magic and attack the dragon with their spells. Some release elemental attacks, and some summon spectral wolves or Flame Atronach to attack the dragon while it is on the ground and not flying.

"Dur Hi, Joor! (Curse you, mortal!)"

The dragon roars in defiance before trying to fly once again. However, before it can take off, Ryan gets up from the ground and punches the dragon in the head.

"Stay on the ground, you overgrown lizard!"

"I will kill you, Joor!"

When Ryan sees the shine in the dragon's eyes, Ryan shouts.

"Run away! It is about to shout!"

The others run away just in time before the dragon releases a massive torrent of fire at Ryan, who pushes his body away using wind. The dragon looks at him and releases another torrent of fire.

"Yol Toor Shul!"

Ryan takes a deep breath and meets the shout with a roar.

"Sky Dragon's Roar!"

A shockwave was strong enough to throw two guards who were close enough at the fight happening.

"Ryan! Careful!"

Carcette shouts when she sees the dragon walk toward Ryan while shouting and throws one of its wings at Ryan, who raises his hand to block the incoming attack. He gets thrown away but manages to land on the ground and dash forward with his sword in hand.

Ryan takes a deep breath and moves his entire body downward, doing a front flip.

Water Breathing Technique Second Form: Water Wheel

Ryan lands on the ground as the Dragon roars in pain because his attack managed to hit one of its eyes. After it roars again, the dragon quickly takes off before Ryan can do anything and rains down a fire torrent at the wall where the archers are.

"Get down! Get down!"

The captain of the city guards orders his men to get down the wall by jumping down or through the stairs. Carcette grits her teeth as she pushes her Magicka to the limit to prevent anyone from dying using her Restoration magic.

Seeing her job is done, she releases a gasp and leans over the tower wall as she tries to get her Magicka back. Her fellow Vigilants help her by pouring mana potion into her mouth and healing the people that need healing.

"Dammit! Don't let that thing get deeper into the city!"

The captain shouts as he sees the dragon try to burn the city to the ground. However, before it can get deeper into the city, Ryan appears next to him by kicking the air and grabbing its tail. He spins it around, throws him away from the city, and dashes forward to kick the dragon to get him even farther away.

He kicks the air once again and arrives above the dragon. He takes a deep breath and roars.

"Sky Dragon's Roar!"

The torrent of wind hit the dragon hard, cracking the scales and pushing it to the ground, creating a giant crater. However, Ryan is not done. He opens his arms wide and swings them back, creating a swirling wind that cuts through the dragon's scales.

The dragon roars in pain as it opens its mouth and shouts.

"Fus Ro Dah!"

The Unrelenting Force hit Ryan and threw him away, canceling the attack. However, before he can get far away, Ryan releases a torrent of wind to stop his momentum and kick the air once again.

He arrives in front of the dragon that tries to bite him and swings his left hand.

"Sky Dragon's Crushing Fang!"

His left hand hit the dragon's head and destroyed some of the scales around its head, uncovering flesh underneath the scales. Ryan is not done yet and swings his sword down his sword, summoning torrential water from his swing.

Water Breathing Eight Form: Waterfall Basin

The dragon roars and bites his right arm, making him release his sword. The only reason his arm is still intact is because of his strong body, which is already over human limits, and his Chakra and Senjutsu, which enchant it even further.

However, Ryan still feels the pain coursing through his body, but he only grits his teeth and continues on the offensive.

"Sky Dragon's Shredding Fist"

He amasses intense amounts of high-velocity wind upon his left hand and then punches the upper jaw of the dragon. Once his fist impacts the upper jaw of the dragon, a massive torrent of wind explodes, making the dragon release his right arm.

Seeing his chances, Ryan dashes forward and his arms forward.

"Sky Dragon's Wing Attack!"

A massive tornado appears and throws the dragon into the air while also cutting through its scales. Seeing its chance to regain some ground, the dragon uses its wing and flies out of the tornado. After a minute of trying, he managed to leave the tornado.

However, after the dragon gets out of the tornado, Ryan appears in front of it with a ball made of chakra, senjutsu, and wind.

"Take this! Sky Dragon's Maelstrom Sphere!"

Ryan throws his attack, and a massive dome of wind appears in the sky, generating a massive wind that roots out trees nearby. The people on the wall hold the wall for their lives, and some even whisper that Ryan is the incarnation of their goddess, Kyne, the goddess of the storm. She is also the Nord version of Kynareth, the Goddess of the Elements and Heaven.

Ryan lands on the ground and watches his work destroying the dragon. After a few seconds, the dome disappears, and he can see the dragon fall to the ground. While he did not have enough time to get its peak power, that attack was powerful enough to kill the dragon.

As the dragon falls, it starts to shine, and golden energy comes out of the dragon, and Ryan absorbs it. He can feel his body get stronger, his mana reserve double up, his chakra triple up, and his soul get even stronger. 

Carcette, who runs toward Ryan to heal him, stops not too far away from him and says in shock.

"Y-You are Dragonborn."