Chapter 6

Deep down, I knew that what I said just now to the curt-faced man I met several days ago (or maybe some times ago? I did not know since I forgot our first meeting back then) named Richard Clark earlier was too soon.

But I asked him to be my boyfriend not without reason.

I mean, I did it not for the reason that I was after his position, which of course, was very tempting to most people, but not for me in my case.

I asked him to be my boyfriend because I did like him after our first dinner, which almost left such a bad first impression for both of us.

Although from the outside I got my first impression of him, I thought he looked so curt and annoying.

But when I spent a while getting to know him better, I finally got to know the other side of this man.

Behind his curt and perhaps arrogant attitude, he was the type of guy who is gentle, considerate and liked something challenging that triggered his adrenaline for good reasons.

As I could see from the table he seemed to have ordered it for us a few hours before he invited me to come here for our dinner date tonight.

What he did earlier was very risky, since there was no guarantee that I would accept the offer.

What if I declined his offer to have dinner date together?

Would he cancel the reservation at the restaurant that Rebecca had mentioned as one of the most difficult restaurants to go to if the person did not book it in advance before coming here?

It could be one of the reasons that made me start to like a man who was enjoying his caffé macchiato in front of me at present.

I waited anxiously for his answer, hoping that he would not reject my love confession.

Well, even if he rejects me later, I really understand it, considering that I also thought that my love confession was too sudden for both of us.

"Please give me some time to think about your offer earlier."

What did I say earlier? He is the kind of thoughtful person I mentioned earlier, isn't he?

If he was the impulsive type, he would definitely give an answer to my love confession right then and there.

Then he would accept my love confession, and we officially became lovers.

Or it could be any possibility he would reject my love confession, and we ended up becoming friends.

Then I would find myself getting stuck in the friend zone with him for eternity.

"No problem. I will give you three days to think about it. Is that enough for you to think about it?"

"Three days, huh?" he said, rocking my response. "That seems to be more than enough for me. I don't want to let a beautiful woman like you wait for my answer too long."

He said that while kissing the back of my hand and holding it as if he did not want to let my hand slip out of his grip.

His deep-looking eyes stared at me so intently that I could hardly help but 'attack' him if I did not remember that we were in the restaurant right now.

"I assume you agree with my request. Can you let go of my hand now? I want to eat the tiramisu."

"Oh, sorry." he said, immediately removing his hand from mine, inviting me to eat the tiramisu.

Honestly, I was thinking of a much more interesting option than enjoying that tiramisu on a small plate.

If only I could ask him to lie down in only his boxers in front of me, I would take the opportunity to put the tiramisu on his stomach instead of a small plate and eat it while licking his stomach muscles that were mixed with the tiramisu.

It definitely tastes much better and is more enjoyable.

Especially if I close his eyes and tie his hands together. Hmm…

"Hannah, your tiramisu almost fall."

I woke up from my dream earlier at short notice. It's true what he said earlier. The tiramisu that was on my spoon almost fell from the spoon I was holding right now.

What evil thoughts. How come you think about such perverted things in front of the man who is now looking at me with worry that doesn't really need to be?

Shaking my head, I quickly put it in my mouth and digested it as fast as I could until I choked on the tiramisu I ate myself.

"Are you sure you are okay?" he asked, handing me a glass of water.

I shook my head, signaling to him that I was fine while I tried to shake off the choking effect of my own actions.

It seemed that he still did not believe what I said because he kept looking at me until the effect finally stopped.

"I am fine, really. Thanks for the water earlier, by the way."

"Are you okay? Or do you just want to go home?"

"Yeah. I am fine. There is no need for you to be worried about me."

"All right. You finish your food first, then I will take you home."

After I finished my dinner, he waved his hand towards one of the waiters who was standing not far from us to pay the total for our dinner.

The waiter then nodded his head and went to the cashier before returning with the bill for our dinner.

"Can I pay for our dinner today?"

"No need for you to pay for our dinner tonight. Let me pay it on your behalf, okay?"

"But I remember that you already paid for me the first time we ate dinner together. How could I let you pay for our dinner a second time?"

"Why not? Besides, I am not sure whether you can pay the bill on your own. Are you sure you can pay the bill by yourself?"

I pulled the booklet from his hand at short notice and read the receipt that we had to do before leaving the restaurant.

It turned out that all the dinner menus that we ate were really inhumane!

The receipt paper was not even bigger than my debit card.

But what was written on the receipt was, in fact, much crueler to spend the entire contents of the savings that I had deliberately set aside for entertainment.

"No problem. I will pay for our dinner tonight. You accept card payments here, right?" I said while maintaining my pride that it was impossible to take back what I said earlier.

He nodded his head. "So you will pay for our dinner today?"

"You can say that."

After finishing the payment earlier (while holding back the urge to cry because our dinner total was actually enough to buy my monthly needs), we left the restaurant and headed for my apartment.

The whole way, we barely spoke to each other other than him asking for the address of my apartment.

As soon as he arrived in front of my apartment, he stopped the car and opened the car door for me.

"Thank you for the ride today. And our second dinner as well."

"You are welcome. Shall I go back first?"

"Wait a moment."


I took a piece of paper and a pen from my bag at short notice and wrote down my phone number before I gave it to him. "This is my number in case you want to give me your answer sooner than the time you told me earlier. Then, I am waiting for a message from you, Richard Clark."

After saying that, I smiled at him, who seemed surprised by what I did earlier. Next, he took turns kissing my lips and pushing me so that my body leaned against the left side of his car.

His kiss was so deep it seemed to suck me right into it, and I subconsciously wrapped my arms around his neck, accepting his kiss this time.

A moment later, he broke the kiss from me. "You have no idea how much you made me desire for you, Hannah Summerfield."

"Then, you should contact me as soon as possible. I will be waiting for your answer, Richard Clark."

I took my hands off his neck and pushed him gently, so he could walk towards my apartment. He then invited me to enter the apartment building where I lived, while he returned to his car and left me standing until the car disappeared from my sight.

Then I walked to my apartment with mixed feelings. Feeling glad that I finally got to see him again, and I did not turn down his offer to have dinner together.

But I started to get worried since that meant I would spend the rest of my weekend wondering whether he would accept my love confession or reject it.

Deep down, I have made up my mind.

Whatever the choice he makes later, I will respect every decision and accept it gracefully.