Chapter 14

Luckily, I managed to persuade Hannah not to sulk with me anymore, because I had to throw away my pride to cancel the restaurant reservation I had prepared since yesterday afternoon if I had failed to persuade her.


"Hmm?" I said this without even looking at her, with my eyes fixed on the street in front of us at this time. "What's wrong?"

"Are you sure that I don't have to pay for everything you bought me at the boutique we went to earlier?"

"If you still object to the clothes and accessories I bought for you at the boutique I frequented earlier, Hannah, you can consider that all of this is compensation from me for dragging you jogging with me without asking your opinion first."

Hannah fell silent at my response, to the point where I worried that I'd said something to offend her again.

Biting my lower lip, I tried to hide my worry at the response she would give me and slammed on my car's brake pedal as soon as I saw the traffic light turn red.

"Sorry..." I whispered while looking at her with a pitiful face.

"Hmm? Why are you apologizing?"

"Are you angry because I mentioned the incident at the park this afternoon?"

She looked at me in surprise. "Why should I be angry about the past? I don't really mind that anymore."

"Is that so?" I asked, to which she answered with a nod of surprise. "If that's the case, then why are you keeping quiet?"

"Oh, about that... I was just thinking about what kind of dinner we are going to have for our dinner date."

All my worries for her disappeared as soon as I heard the answer that slid freely from her tiny lips, which were covered by her red lipstick, which made her appearance look so sexy and cute at the same time.

"Seriously, that's what you were thinking all along?"

She innocently answered my question with a nod of her head, so much so that I really wanted to drive my car to the side of the road and scold her furiously for making me worry about her.

"Ah… Why would I worry about what you think?"

Shaking my head slowly, I continued on our way as soon as I saw the traffic light that had turned back to green and focused our journey on the road in front of me.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Huh? Why do you think it's a good thing?"

"Because that means you really like me to the point that you don't want to do things that will potentially ruin my mood."

I could feel my whole face turn red from her words so much that I wished so badly that Hannah wouldn't see the impact of what she just said.

"I didn't think that far ahead."

"It does not matter. At least now I know how much you like me, and I really, really like it."

She said it while moving her hand towards my left thigh and caressing it gently, making my whole body feel like it was getting an electric shock.

Strangely, I didn't mind at all what she had just done to me, and I wanted her to touch every part of my body even more.

"I hope you haven't forgotten the fact that I'm currently driving my car."

"Indeed not. But it can't be helped since you look so tempting in your new outfit."

I then turned to her, staring at her doubtfully.

"Do I look irresistible to you, Hannah?"

She nodded her head while directing her hand until it reached just above my crotch and stroked my crotch from the outside of the trousers I was wearing at this time.

"Yeah. You have no idea how sexy you look to me, Richard…" she said in a whisper that sounded so sweet and gentle that I found my whole body melting along with the sensation she gave from her hands that were still touching my lower body.

"Hannah… your hand…"

"Don't you like what I'm doing to you right now? If so, I will stop."

I shook my head while biting my lower lip hard.

"No... Please don't stop... It feels so good..."

"Do you still want me to continue doing this?"

I chose not to immediately reply to her words and pulled my car to the side of the highway before I turned towards her while resisting the sensation of her hands still around my crotch, which was definitely tense from her actions.

"What if I said I wanted you to do more than what you did to me just now?"

"I don't know what you are talking about, Richard. Tell me specifically."

Her words did sound like someone was confused, but from her tone of voice and the attitude she showed towards me, I didn't find her confused by what I meant to say just now.

It felt as if she already knew what I meant, but she still wanted me to say it directly in front of her.

And maybe it's just my feelings, but I can feel the aura around him that is so intimidating and strong, like when I'm dealing with people in positions of authority.

To my eyes, Hannah, who was sitting beside me, now looked like someone who could destroy my entire life with a single touch.

Or like a tyrant queen who will justify any means to maintain her power.

And oddly enough, I like what she's doing to me now to the point where I'm ready to do anything she tells me to do.

Something I have never felt with my ex-girlfriends before and I found my whole body so excited waiting for the sentence she will say to me next.

"I.. I…"

Damn it! Why was I stuttering like an idiot at a time like this?!

Even all the cells in my brain refuse to help me get out of the situation I'm in right now, and I feel like I want to get out of my car right now and run away from him.

Or let my body take over my mind by doing the thing I might regret next instead of letting him wait for me too long.

"Yeah? What are you going to tell m–"

Before she could continue her question, I brought my face closer to her and closed my eyes while her lips were busy kissing hers, feeling her soft lips blend with the lipstick she was wearing.

I let her hands begin to touch my upper body as I leaned towards her, pushing her chair back to maximize the experience I wanted to give her at this moment.

Before she could continue her question, I brought my face closer to her and closed my eyes while her lips were busy kissing hers, feeling her soft lips blend with the lipstick she was wearing.

As I felt her responding to my kiss by kissing me back passionately, I let her hands slowly move from my groin to my upper body, making me lean my body more towards her side, and I pushed her seat back to maximize the experience I wanted to give her at this time.

Our kisses lasted for about a few minutes until I could sense her hand trying to give me a signal that she wanted us to stop for a moment.

And I complied by ending our kiss and looking into Hannah's eyes, which were still looking at me with hidden desire while I was waiting for the next instruction from her.

"Let's move to the back seat. It's too cramped in here."

Hannah said that as she moved her hand back to my crotch and pressed against my balls so slightly that I had to bite my lip to hold back the urge to groan at what she did to my crotch earlier.

"As you wish, Hannah."

I gave Hannah a chance to move to the back before I caught up with her and sat beside her, who was waiting for me with her devilish smile.

"Shall we continue what we did earlier?"

"Only if you don't mind."

Without letting go of the smile on her lips, Hannah pushed my body to the side of my car door and kissed me passionately while I could feel her hands roaming all over my upper body without exception.

I let her get on top of me and take over our current position completely without trying to stop her since I found this new position interesting, especially when I saw another side of Hannah that I thought of as tempting.

I even let her push her weight on me as she continued to kiss my lips greedily until she decided to break our kisses and looked at me with her beautiful eyes as she saw me breathing heavily due to our passionate kisses just now.

"I thought you wouldn't like what I did to you, Richard. I didn't expect you to enjoy it that much."

"I would be a crazy man if I didn't enjoy what you did to me... Especially since I found another side of you that I never thought of it before..."