Chapter 19

I honestly don't know if I should be grateful or not, but what's clear is that my dinner date with Hannah tonight didn't end as badly as I thought, especially when I remember our previous fight.

At least that's what I think. And all thanks to Hannah, who immediately showed her enthusiasm when she saw one by one the dishes she ordered for herself being presented on the table.

Not to mention her expression as she enjoyed all the dishes in front of her and kept on giving her comments about every dish she ate, making me have no reason to continue to be annoyed with her.

Besides that, unexpectedly, she really kept her word by finishing all the food he had ordered without even asking for my help.

Even though I had doubts about what he said, which I thought sounded like boasting, especially when I remembered that Hannah almost polluted my entire car by vomiting up her stomach contents moments after we arrived at this place.