Chapter 36

Unfortunately, we couldn't find a common ground to end the disagreement between me and Hannah, which was getting heated because neither of us took the initiative to give in and find a way out of the problems we faced at that time.

And what's worse, our discussion turned into a debate that only stopped after she accidentally pushed me to the ground with my right arm hitting the corner of the table hard.

Thanks to that incident, now I wasn't able to move my right arm free for the next few moments and it wasn't something I wanted from my first date plan with Hannah.

What the hell with my intention wanted to leave a lasting impression on a first date if I couldn't even handle such a problem like this?

I was really suck with it, I muttered to myself while sipping on the cafe macchiato that had been sitting on my table ten minutes ago. 

And yeah, because of that obvious reason, I couldn't enjoy my ordered hot cafe macchiato as usual.