Chapter 54

Once we got back to my late grandparents' house, I went back and forth to pick up my groceries, rebuffing Richard's offers to help me and telling him to wait for me in the living room while I packed up my groceries.


"Are you sure you can do it alone?" asked Richard when he saw me dragging one of my groceries to the kitchen that felt so far from my reach. "It looks like you really need my help, and the items you are carrying are really big."


"One hundred percent sure. I can still carry all this stuff by myself, so thanks for the offer."


I resumed my activities, pulling my only large shopping bag with all my might, but unfortunately, I could only move the cursed object a few centimeters before I had to stop to catch my breath.


"Seriously, I can help you to..."


Again, you offered to help me, I'm sure this is the one that will fly to you next."