Chapter 134

"Promise not to laugh after hearing what I have to tell you."

"Don't worry. I promise I won't laugh no matter what," Hannah answered, forcing me to link her little finger with mine. "This way, it's more convincing, don't you think?"

"I'm talking to you seriously, Hannah. Please don't do childish things like linking your little fingers."

"Who said linking your little finger was childish? This is an important symbol to convince you that I won't break my promise no matter what."

"Oh. Unfortunately I don't think this is something that can convince me. I need something more convincing than a little finger."

"No problem. What if I said I would eat a hundred fresh red chilies if I broke my promise?"

I immediately withdrew my hand from her, staring in horror at Hannah who was just staring at her little finger.

"That's the level of stupidity! What if you end up in the hospital because you ate too many red chilies?!"