Less money, more problems!

Bentlee's POV

That evening, I kept thinking about one thing, how to move out. I was fed up with this environment. Treating me like i was the breadwinner and absolutely HAD to get money for them when their good-for-nothing children stayed at home and did absolutely nothing, except 2.

Darwin and Emma, my cousins, were the only productive children my aunt had. And even they knew not to live in the house, no one wants to be billed. They only sent money for the upkeep of the house once a month and their shameless siblings, Jenny and Tom, keep spending the money everytime.

I've met up with Darwin and Emma a few times and Emma complained about how slim I was starting to look. My ass, hips and boobs didn't reduce in size though just my arms, face and legs. Darwin only asked about work and my well-being. I couldn't wait to meet up with them to complain about the new arrangement my company had made.

I went to bed that night praying that I wouldn't encounter any troubles tomorrow, but when you aren't in a particular rich society, there'll always be problems.

The next week....

I woke up by 5am, after sleeping by 10pm to make sure I had adequate rest. I prepared for work wearing a purple silk button-up shirt and a navy blue short pencil skirt with ballet flats. My hair was styled using a claw clip. The colour of my hair was average, brown compared to the more sophisticated ladies with very BLONDE hair. I put on some lip gloss, mascara and powder to mattify my face from any oil that may draw too much attention or make me get yelled at again. I took my navy blue hand bag and I was out of the door. I decided to stop by a pancake place since I was an hour and 30 minutes early.

Instead of buying a cup of coffee, I decided to start my day properly with actual food. It wouldn't be a normal thing because pancakes weren't exactly as cheap as coffee.

Flat cakes breakfastry sold delicious pancakes for affordable prices and by affordable, I mean cheap enough for poor people to buy without crying. I was done eating and had an hour left to get to work.

I climbed on my own Bentley to get to work and by that I mean the bus I pay coins to get on. After I arrived, I went to my desk not surprised that more than half of my co-workers were already at work.

The day started as usual but there was nothing usual about being worked like a horse. By lunch time, I was so tired and hungry that I basically ran out of the office to the cafeteria to make sure my bread rolls were intact.

Our lunch time of 30 mins was increased to 45 mins because of the tripling of our work, how unfair, I know!

I ate in 25 mins and decided to get some fresh air for the remaining 20 mins.

I checked my watch after and I had just 5 mins left....ARRRGH!!!!! What the hell!

I raced to the elevator but was met by some men in all black suits. I contemplated taking the stairs, but I would get sweaty and still get yelled at for being late.

There was a particular man in a grey suit in the middle with a handsome face and a demanding aura, but right now, I couldn't give two fucks about whoever he was. I struggled with the men which lasted for a minute and 15 secs until they let me inside the elevator suddenly.

I didn't bother with greetings, courtesy or all that bullshit. All i needed right now was to get to my office in the next 3 minutes. I clicked on the button without asking where they were going because all that mattered at that moment was me and where I was going! I couldn't lose this job...no!

Zeke's POV

I arrived at Del Loona Experience with 7 of my men. I walked to the elevator not minding that i didn't have much time before the meeting was supposed to start. After all, they were the ones seeking for me, not the other way round.

I saw a young lady trying to go through my men in front of the elevator, her efforts were futile, so I had mercy on her and gave Kai, one of my men, a signal to let her enter. She ran in and turned around.

I rose my eyebrows at how rude she was to not greet me or even acknowledge my presence.

And without asking me or my men shit, she clicked on a button and the door closed. In like a minute or so, the door opened and she dashed out like her life depended on it.

I sighed and clicked on the button for the top floor and the door closed.