New girl who?

The rest of the week went on smoothly without Bentlee's relatives asking any question about where she wanted to move to, and then it was friday again.

Bentlee knew that this weekend would be the most stressful one she would experience in a while.

She had been gathering her things and packing them in boxes. As she was packing her stuff, she realized that she didn't have a lot of things.

She suspended her packing and headed to work so she wouldn't be scolded or possibly fired.

On getting to work, she noticed that all her co-workers were present and she was the last to show up despite being 25 minutes early for work. "What the hell is going on", she thought.

Mr. Richard cleared his throat and walked to the middle of the workspace with a woman. "This is Leilani Mitchell, and she'll be working with us from my assistant", he said

Leilani was a gorgeous pale skinned red head with an obviously wonderful sense of fashion, in her all-dark green Givenchy two piece suit.

"Hello, I'll be working with you from now on, let's get along", she said with a sweet smile that stole the hearts of most people.

As an assistant, her desk would be where the rest of the workers sit, but she would have some extra privileges we commoners wouldn't have. And almost as if Bentlee could guess it, her desk was placed beside hers.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you", she said politely. Instead of replying, Bentlee smiled without her teeth showing. She could sense that this one was nice, but there was something off about her that Bentlee couldn't put her finger on.

Leilani's POV

Mr Richard walked to the middle of the office and announced that I would be his new assistant. After flashing my killer smile to the workers, they fawned after me as expected. Who could resist my beauty.

I remembered how I had to butter up Mr Richard and give him empty promises just to work on the 3rd floor because I didn't want to start from the very bottom. My aim was to work on the top floor by any means necessary especially since I heard of the extremely rich pending business partner the company had which I could meet.

I sat on my desk and greeted the lady whose desk was beside mine. She was beautiful, a brunette with a nice smile, her beauty seemed untapped and raw, unlike mine which was refined and polished. I was every man's dream girl. I knew they liked special-looking girls, so I am grateful to be a redhead.

I worked until 12pm, lunch time! As i walked to the cafeteria, all eyes were on me, which I loved. I saw the lady that sits beside me, Bentlee Daniels, I read it from her employee ID, sitting and talking leisurely with a good-looking man obviously not from the 3rd floor. I wonder what her parents were thinking naming her after a car, anyway that's not my business.

I approached them and immediately, i saw a golden ring on the man's ring finger signifying that he wasn't single. I smiled at them and sat at their table with a brown paper bag in my hand holding my lunch.

Bentlee's POV

At lunch, I laughed with Kevin over different topics and told him about our new co-worker. "What's your judgement of her based on your first impression", he asked well aware of how accurate my judgements of people were.

"Well I think she's nice, but she seems off, like there's something beneath. Her niceness seems genuine, but I think there's something else that's bigger than her being nice", I said while chowing on my bread rolls.

"Is the other thing good or bad?" He asked eating his steak with class.

Where on earth does he get steak from for lunch????! Oh how lucky he is to have top floor privileges.

"I don't know, it seems bad but also not that bad. Like something that shouldn't be surprising", I said eating my last bread roll.

"Hmmm..." Was all he said after.

Immediately after, we talked about clothes and the weirdest outfits we had seen in this company and I laughed my ass off. We talked about when the director wore a shirt with a designer hole on the belly button part during a seminar claiming it was stylish while we all got stuck staring at his big 'outy' bellybutton on his pot belly. At some point, I couldn't breathe and my stomach hurt, so I begged him to stop talking.

A few minutes later, Leilani appeared and sat at our table which I didn't really mind, since girls like her always had a target they chased to the ends of the earth and to her i wasn't an enemy. She sat near Kevin which made him move away a bit because he looked uncomfortable, making me chuckle.

She smiled and started talking. We replied her and conversed to avoid making her feel bad since she hadn't done anything wrong....yet. By 12:40pm, I got up and decided to go back to the 3rd floor to avoid being late, and Leilani decided to come with since we were working together. Kevin hugged me and left for the top floor.

"What floor does he work on?" She asked out of the blue.

I was silent for a minute before replying.

"The top floor", I said simply.

"Wow..." Was all she said. She stayed quiet throughout the trip to the 3rd floor, she seemed to be in deep thought. I decided not to get involved in any matter concerning her unless I absolutely HAD to because she smelt like a lot of trouble.

Work time flew by today, unlike other days. I packed up my stuff and was out of the building by 5:10pm. I rushed home to finish packing my things. By 8pm, I was done and decided to call Mrs. Diane, who told me to come by 9am tomorrow. I also contacted the moving company, who agreed to come by 8am.

I was finally done with everything I had to do, except eating. I decided to chow on snacks tonight just to save myself from answering any questions my relatives may have.

The next morning....

I woke up by 6am and was prepared by 6:30am, I came out of my room to the living room where my relatives sat and said their goodbyes. None of them offered to come with me to help out. They were obviously still bitter about me deciding to move out thereby reducing their income. Whatever.

The moving company came on time and all my stuff fit in the truck, so I didn't have to come back again. We arrived at the new apartment by 8:58am where I saw Mrs. Diane waiting at the door.

I greeted her and she did same. She opened the door, handed me the keys and left once I sent the rent to the building's owner's account.

After 2 hours,the moving company we're done and I paid them. I shut the door and sighed in excitement. I was exhausted from all the stress but I was so happy to be out of that house.

I spent all my time removing things from boxes and placing them where I wanted them. Since I didn't have a lot of stuff, I spent more time decorating than arranging and by the end of the day, I was happy with how it turned out.

Finally, my own space!