The downpour and the dream after

Bentlee's POV

The wind blew from all directions including the centre. It seemed like the wind gods were angry at i don't know, maybe the WHOLE city?

The pervy men around would be so excited with the number of dresses and skirts that were flying upwards.

It seemed the undergarments were protesting against being covered up, and lI definitely picked the right day to wear trousers and a coat.

I was laughing maniacally in my head, watching the girls hold their dresses while walking.

The wind was threatening to blow the Del Loona Experience away, frightening a lot of workers.

While sitting on my desk, i noticed that spoilt princess Tiana wore a sleeveless and mini flay skirt, as if begging to be embarrassed by the wind today.

She sat quietly in her chair, not wanting to move around as it was really cold and windy.

Unluckily for her, Mr Richard had still not forgiven her and decided to use the windy day to his advantage.

"Tiana, go to the first floor, and call the head of security, just outside the office", Mr Richard ordered.

"B-b-but sir, it's cold and windy outside", she complained.

"And that is my business how?" He said not wanting to comment on her outfit since any unnecessary comment could be tagged as "sexual harassment", something that had become very common in the company for the past few weeks.

He gave her a "go on" look, and she squeezed her face, her expression hilarious.

She walked to the elevator just to see that it was full of people in coats. There was no room for her to get in, and as she tried, someone from the inside touched the close button, how rude!

Oh how lucky she was to now be stuck walking down the stairs.

As she walked, the wind blew and caused goosebumps to appear on her skin.

She gritted her teeth and walked like she would die in the next minute.

When she finally arrived at the first floor, her eyes searched for the security guard she was asked to call. When she didn't find him, she decided to ask around.

"Please where can I find the security guard?" She asked.

"He's outside" the lady at the desk replied, wearing a thick coat over her long-sleeved turtleneck.

"Okay, when will he come inside?" Tiana asked again.

"He'll stay there for the rest of the day" the woman said simply and got back to what she was typing, as if dismissing Tiana.

Tiana gave her a dirty look before going outside to search for the man. She found him near the building, but not so close that she didn't feel the wind's mocking jabs at her.

After speaking to him, the man followed her inside ....

"Ugh I swear I'll make that bastard pay for this!" She screamed inwardly.

Meanwhile on the third floor, Mr Richard was briefing the workers on what would be happening in the company in the days to come.

"The collaboration deal with Miller Corporation PLC will have a series of meetings to further break down and pitch more ideas. I trust that you are all sensible and know not to cause a commotion in this organisation. Each floor will be divided into two groups, meaning that you will be working with others from another office, but on the same floor. And each group will be given an idea as a topic. Your job is to research on that idea to able to convince an audience that the idea is splendid and flawless. Only two people from each group will present together before executive committee members of Miller Corporation PLC. Don't disappoint the company and yourselves.

You are to move to the common area on this floor to get divided into groups", he was done speaking.

Bentlee's POV

We all looked dumbfounded....what the fuck! We are to present before an executive committee of another company?

"Mr Richard, why do WE have to present for them? We're mainly not part of anything", Milan asked.

"Well, they insisted because they want to know if the company is made up of incompetent workers and if they are just wasting their time", he said .

"Any more questions?" He asked and without waiting for an answer, he concluded on one himself, "no, now move to the common area and get divided into groups", he continued.

We stood to leave when he said, "oh and until the main presenters are picked, your work is suspended. Focus fully on the task at hand. When the main presenters are picked, work continues for the remnants" he said finally, dismissing us.

Walking to the main area, we saw different people from the third floor, including the bitch that I was trying to be friends with when I newly came here. She's still here, stagnant as always I see.

A man with a silver suit began speaking, "I believe you have all been briefed about the happenings the coming days. To separate you into groups, you'll start counting from one, where the next person counts two and the next starts from one again. After that all the ones will be a group and the twos will be another group.

Since we all understood, the process went on smoothly and we were soon divided into groups. I wasn't in the bitch's group, but I also wasn't in Milan's group since we stood together.

Most people in my group were people I have either never spoken to or hardly ever speak to. Wow

There was already a self-proclaimed leader, Stefani. She was a bit bitchy and she was bossy, but at least she always got the job done, at least from what I had heard about her.

She began immediately, "I don't like wasting time, so we'll all prepare mini presentations on a random similar topic and the top two will represent us." Nobody had any objections as it seemed fair and equal to everyone.

"We'll have two days to prepare it and present it at the beginning of the third day, so we can begin drilling the presenter the same day."

We all agreed, not that she cared if we did or didn't.

Honesty, I was not interested in this presenting thing, and I would not prepare any minor presentation. This is stress. This wasn't even in the job description that we would be taking up the work of the higher-ups. Ugh!

The first meeting went by really fast and we all returned to our offices as it was the end of the working day.

I packed my things and left as soon as possible, I didn't want to attend another mini meeting again.

It was more chilly than it was earlier that day. The clouds that were initially grey had turned indigo. Oh wow, the rain that was coming would be a downpour. I was tired already, so I'd just sleep.

I arrived home just before the rain began falling. Almost immediately, hail stones were falling signifying that it would be a cold, long and noisy night . I made spicy pasta for dinner and cinnamon rolls for dessert.

After eating, I was not tired anymore. I was a bit bored, so I decided to research on the random topic to keep myself occupied. Turns out that the topic was a bit interesting, so I got my notepad and wrote some things down. My eyes became heavy after some hours, so I decided to sleep.

I looked up at the ceiling in my bedroom where z's were painted, so I could fall asleep. I felt a bit drowsy after staring at the letters for a while. "Z", my mind thought. "Zeke", and I slept off.


I was walking in the park, observing my surroundings. Children were running from one place to another. The weather was perfect, not too hot, and the rays of the sun felt warm on my skin. Everyone was having a good time when I suddenly bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry" I said. "No worries" he replied. The man's voice sounded familiar.

He turned around and I saw his black eyes, the same black eyes that made me feel like I was being pulled into something I couldn't understand or control, like a black hole. And weirdly, I didn't mind.

"Hey beautiful" he said and my cheeks, ears, hands, legs, neck turned red.

He smiled at my reaction and I was in awe because I saw the most beautiful dimples ever.

"Are you here alone?" He asked and I nodded, unable to speak.

"Good, I'll be your companion today" he said holding my hand and pulling me as he walked.

We went on a ride I was terrified to go on, but didn't say because he was excited.

My hands trembled and he noticed. "You don't want to? We can go down if you're scared" he said in a worried tone.

"I'm fine, I'm not a baby" I said holding my breath as the ride was about to begin.

There was no way to go down at that moment, so he held my hands gently, caressing them rhythmically, soothing my nerves and distracting me from the ride.

My attention was on him throughout and his on me. The ride slowed down and we were inches away from each other, lost in each other's eyes. He moved closer so that we were just a breath away. My heart was hammering in my chest, and I was scared he could hear it.

As he moved even closer, *brap brap braaaaaap* my alarm sounded, waking me up from my slumber.

My eyes shot open and I realised it was all a dream. Whaaaaat? I'm dreaming of him now? Ughhhhh ...I hate this-ish.....

I didn't have the time to organise my thoughts, so I pushed everything aside and told myself that I would think about it later. Right now, I needed to prepare for work.